Hamilton Happenings
November 24, 2024
Happy Thanksgiving!
Students return to school, Monday, December 2nd!
Our Character Strong core character value for November is, Gratitude!
Students have been learning about gratitude this month during morning meeting and the experience of honoring our veterans on Veterans Day. I too want to express gratitude for the Hamilton school community. Time and again, I see the character of our community reflected in our actions. The contributions of everyone to ensure our students, families, and staff are cared for. I am grateful that we recognize the value of every individual and work to provide opportunities and a future for our children so they can continue to dream big dreams, embrace challenges, and believe they can make a difference!
Hamilton's Student Citizens, October: Responsibility
Hamilton's Learning Lab with Ms. Rachel
Thank you Ms. Rachel for welcoming classrooms, K-2, into the learning lab to experience hands-on learning. Students have opportunities to build, think, and share ideas to bring learning to life. It's called immersive learning and students are loving it!!
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November at a Glance
December Character Trait: Empathy
December 10 - Grade 5 DARE graduation
December 13 - Report Cards on ParentVue
December 18 - CRHS Boys/Girls Basketball Assembly
December 20-January 1 - No School/Winter Break
January 2 - School resumes
Hamilton Elementary - 763-506-2700
Hamilton Attendance Line - 763-506-2706
Hamilton Health Office - 763-506-2704
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