February 2022
Red Bank Elementary School
Important Dates for February
1 - 4K and 5K Registration Begins
4 - Student Advisory Council7-11 National School Counselors Week
7 - Parent Advisory Council
8 - Strengthening Families Begins 6:00 PM
9 - CPD - Dismissal at 11:20 AM
11 - Relay for Life Hat Day - $1
14 - Happy Valentine's Day!
15 - Title I/SIC Team Meeting 5:30 PM
18 - No School for Staff and Students (Weather Day)
21 - No School for Staff and Students (Presidents' Day)
22 - Relay for Life CFA Biscuits - $3, National School Bus Drivers' Appreciation Day
25 - Theme Day, "Celebrate Your Pet Day" to recognize Love Your Pet Day, Jan 22
28 - March 4 Read Across America Week
A Note from Mrs. Ricard!
We made it!! I believe I mentioned that the month of January would fly by AND it did! While we had a few weeks where we were afraid staffing was “touch and go,” we made it through that as well. I continue to be encouraged that all of this will pass and we will persevere through. I wanted to take a moment to thank you all for being so kind, patient, and supportive as we strive to keep our school operating while also trying to be as safe and possible with our students and staff. Your support has been tremendous and so appreciated!
As we move into the month of February, we want to recognize and celebrate Black History Month. We also want to make sure to remind you all that we will celebrate our wonderful school counselors, Mr. Andrew Merchant and Mrs. Kristin Tarcza for the entire month since it is National School Counseling Month. During the week of February 7 through 11, we will share in some very fun dress-up theme days for that week to celebrate and recognize these helpful individuals who do so much for our students.
4-Year Old and 5-Year Old Kindergarten registration opens on February 1. Please make sure to see the information below to get specific information. We are excited to see how many new faces we will see next year!
Please be reminded that we will have a Collaborative Planning Day on Wednesday, February 9 with early dismissal at 11: 20 a.m. Students and staff will also have a very nice long weekend with Friday, February 18 and the following Monday, February 21 as holidays from school. That will be a great break mid-month and will make the month go quickly! The school year just seems to be flying by for us!
We want to thank everyone for your continued support of our Relay for Life Campaign. Our Chick-Fil-A biscuits were sold by 7:21 a.m. this past week!!! 200 biscuits sold in about 20 minutes is pretty remarkable!! Also, your continued support of our Special Olympics Polar Plunge campaign is also most appreciated!! I do not go a single day without being reminded that the “principals are going to ride Abraham the camel!!” We will be keeping you updated on how close we are coming to our $1500 goal!
As I said before, thank you for everything you all do to support your students, our staff, and our school with everything else you have going on in your busy lives! We know that we all have to give each other grace more than ever and always remember our schoolwide motto to lead, learn, love……pass it on!!
Valentine’s Day Exchange
Dear families,
Please be on the lookout from your child's teacher as to what they have planned for their particular classroom. If you are asked to provide snacks, you may contribute by sending individually wrapped, pre-packaged store-bought foods for those events only. Families should send snacks only. Birthday treats should still be handled through the cafeteria. Thank you for your support.
4K Application Opens February 1st!
The process for acceptance into a state-funded 4-K program can be found here.
The process for acceptance into a tuition-based 4-K program can be found here.
If your child turned four years old on or before September 1, 2021, you can apply for the current school year, 2021-2022, below.
5K and 5K Immersion Registration
Registration for rising 5K students for the 2022–23 school year opens Feb. 1, 2022. To be eligible to enroll, a child must turn age 5 on or before September 1, 2022, and live in the Lexington District One attendance area. If you do not know which school your child is zoned for, click here --> https://bit.ly/school_locator_2022
For more information about 5K, click here --> https://www.lexington1.net/5K
Parents must enroll his or her child for Kindergarten at the school you are zoned for, even if registering for immersion at another school. At the district level, your child's registration documents will be transferred to the school he/she will attend in immersion if enrolled
Immersion 5K registration will begin February 24th at 4:00 pm. See this link: https://sc50000473.schoolwires.net/Page/4612
We will also have parent information sessions for Immersion on:
1/24 from 12-1
1/25 from 6-7 pm
1/26 from 8-9 am
This is the recurring Zoom link:
Friday, February 11th
Tuesday, February 22nd
2021-2022 Yearbook
Capture memories and order your 2021-2022 Yearbook today! All orders are taken online only! It is simple and easy to order! Just click on this link and follow the directions in the flyer!
Family Resource Center
Click here for the Brochure
Checkout Times:
Tuesday: By Appointment 1st Quarter
Wednesday: 11:00-12:00
Thursday: 2:00-3:00
For more information contact Mrs. Lind, Title l Family Liaison at
803.821.4609, elind@lexington1.net or
Check out RBE’s Website and click Family Engagement
LEAD-LEARN-LOVE. . . Pass It On!
Scan the QR Code below to watch the video hear
Mrs. Lind share about the Family Resource Center.
RBES Family Engagement Documents
- 2020-2021 RBES Parent and Family Engagement Policy - Final.pdf
- SP 2020-2021 DO Parent and Family Engagement Policy - Final (2).pdf (Spanish)
- 2020-2021 Parent and Family Engagement Policy Highlights (1).pdf
- 2020-2021 SPANISH_Parent and Family Engagement Policy Highlights.pdf
- 20-21 RBES Family-School Compact (1).pdf
- 20-21 SPANISH_RBES Family-School Compact.pdf
- 20-21 Parents Right to Know Brochure (Elementary) (1).pdf
- 20-21 SPANISH_Parents Right to Know Brochure (Elementary).pdf
- RBES Title One Parent Survey
- RBES Title One Parent Survey (Spanish)
Spirit Item!
Support RBE and grab some great stocking stuffers!
T-shirts are $15 and all proceeds go to support RBE - this t-shirt was designed by RBE student, Savannah McCaskill.
Also, we have Gift sets to include an RBES t-shirt, stadium cup and car decal for $20.
Please come by the office and purchase yours!
Please remember the tardy bell rings at 7:40 a..m. when instruction will begin. Our day will end at 2:20 p.m. when we will begin dismissal. Early Dismissal cut-off is 2:00 p.m.
Thank you for your patience as we strive to keep our students safe!
2021-2022 Car Tags
COVID-19 Positive test results or Close Contact
Beginning September 10, 2021: If your student receives a positive test result for COVID-19 infection or is identified as a close or household contact of someone who tests positive for COVID-19, complete this Google form to notify your school.
Lexington One Food Service and Nutrition
Free breakfast and lunch continues for ALL Lexington County School District One students!
Be sure to visit the Lex One Food Service and Nutrition website. There is plenty of information including menus, meal prices, the LOOLA order form, Meal Benefit Application and more!
Friendly Reminders...
Outside Food: In order to keep our staff and students safe, we are not allowing parents/guardians to deliver lunch or other items during the day. If a student forgets his/her lunch, the parent may drop a lunch box off at the front office and we will deliver it. We CANNOT accept outside food. This includes cupcakes and other items for birthdays. Please call the school and talk to our Cafeteria Manager, Alyse McClarrie, if you would like to purchase school snacks for birthdays. You can also access the order form on our Facebook Page here.
Email: rbes@lexington1.net
Website: www.rbes.lexington.net
Location: 246 Community Drive, Lexington, SC, USA
Phone: 803-821-4600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedBankElementarySchool/
Twitter: @RBESRoadrunners