January 6, 2025
Love First, Kids First
The Principal's Perspective
January Character Trait: Respect
Ida Elementary's Character Trait for January is Respect. During my years as a teacher my single classroom rule was to show respect. This was expected student to student, adult to student, as well as toward all classroom materials. The way respect plays a role in the overall success of our days are numerous. Once we are able to recognize ways to show respect and act on it, our lives progress more smoothly.
Respect opens the door to others wanting to help you, support you, speak kindly of you, and be there for you in times of dire need. As adults, we understand how these moments of need, both emotionally and physically, come up daily and sometimes when least expected or planned for. We value the relationships built due to showing respect consistently over time; the month of January lets focus on modeling RESPECT for our students.
Our building wide positive behavior intervention support (PBIS): Character Trait and MOTTO
There is a direct connection between what we think and how we respond to situations throughout the day. Every month at Ida Elementary the entire staff focuses on supporting children THINK in a way that promotes positive friendship making and approach to understanding the curriculum being taught. At the end of each month, students demonstrating exceptional ability to show the trait of the month is celebrated with a certificate, name called during lunch, and a book vending machine token.
Please read the attached Mini Streak, or paper version already sent home, for information such as the definition of respect, its benefits, and strategies for teaching and modeling respect.
Please watch for future digital editions of the Ida Elementary School (IES) Mini Streak coming out the first Monday of each month during the school year as well as enjoying the paper version that will still be sent home by your child's teacher.
With Appreciation,
Ms. Maynard
Principal of Ida Elementary School
Please Welcome our New Teachers! Kathryn Anderson and Georgia Keefer
Ida Elementary: A Day in our Life
Peppermint and Rudolph Playing Games
Backyard History with Mr. Potter's Class
Backyard History
Santa Singing with Mrs. Smith's 4th Graders
The Grinch and Cindy Lou Who
Peppermint Exhausted on the Last Day of School
Mrs. Steckmeyer at the Book Vending Machine
Mrs. Funchion Asks...
Check out the cool learning happening outside Mrs. Funchion's doorway.
Ida Public Schools Strategic Plan 2024 - 2029
What to Expect in Future Editions
- Counselor Updates
- MTSS and Building wide PBIS
- Curriculum and Instructional Trends
- Library News
- News from the Office
- Family and Community Updates
- PTA News
When I Sail My Boat
When I sail my boat, a lot of time is spent on adjusting lines to make the boat move with the wind. Just when it seems like everything is tuned, the wind shifts, resulting in a continual fine-tuning. I can’t help but relate this to our system of education. Just as things seem well adjusted, the wind shifts and knocks us off course. But then we adjust our lines and monitor the effect. It takes some time and readjusting, but the result is always rewarding, and the boat keeps moving forward. ~SM