The Bulldog Bulletin
January 20, 2025

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MVHS Schedule & Upcoming Events
See Bell Schedules here.
Monday, Jan. 20, No School in observance of Martin Luther King Jr.
Tuesday, Jan. 21, Green Day, Finals period 1 & 3
Wednesday, Jan. 22, White Day, Finals 5 & 7
Thursday, Jan. 23, Green Day, Finals 2 & 4
Friday, Jan. 24, White Day, Finals 6 & 8
For sporting events please click link https://mvhsbulldogs.com/events
NHS will host a Cocoa & Cram final exam prep time with Bulldog Edge in the library from 2:30-4:00 pm on 1/21, 1/22, and 1/23. There is a 4pm bus available for those that need a ride home.
There will be TREATS and tutors to help students with final reviews and notecard creation.
There is no school on Monday, January 27- it is the end of 1st semester.
From The Desk Of Assistant Principals And Dean Of Students:
Dear 9th Grade Families and Caregivers,
The end of the semester is rapidly approaching, with finals just two weeks away and the semester closing on January 24. This is a critical time for our 9th graders, and we are committed to helping them succeed. With only three weeks left, we need your partnership to ensure all students pass their courses and earn the credits necessary to stay on track.
To support our students, we are providing after-school intervention sessions to help them make assignments, receive tutoring, and improve their grades. These sessions are open to all 9th graders, but they are especially crucial for students who are currently not passing their courses.
Family Communication and Support
Families of students failing 1-3 courses will receive an email with their current grades and the schedule for optional after-school tutoring sessions. Family support is essential to encourage and ensure attendance. We will offer the sessions to students. Families will receive a REMIND message every Friday for the following week, as well as a reminder the day before each session. If your student is scheduled to attend but prefers to opt out, please email Ms. Kelley Kirkpatrick at kkirkpatrick@mvsd320.org.
We urge you to sit down with your student, emphasize the importance of earning high school credits, and work together to complete missing assignments.
Intervention Program Details
Here is the schedule for after-school support:
Subjects: English Language Arts (ELA), Social Studies (SS), and World Languages (WL)
Location: Library
Time: 2:35 PM – 3:05 PM
Subjects: Digital Literacy, Computer Science, and CTE Courses
Location: N220 (Digital Literacy)
Time: 2:35 PM – 3:05 PM
Subjects: PE
Location: Weight Room
Time: 2:35 PM – 3:05 PM (Except on early release days)
Subjects: Science and Math
Location: Library (Science) and Math Classrooms
Time: 2:35 PM – 3:05 PM
Students will be picked up from their 4th/8th-period classes at 1:10 PM and guided to the appropriate locations (staying is optional). We are optimistic that with your help, we can ensure that every 9th grader finishes strong. Let’s make these next three weeks count!
Wishing you a joyful and prosperous start to 2025!
With appreciation,
Dr. Giovanna San Martin
Yearbook Order Deadline is Fast Approaching!
The deadline to purchase your yearbook is fast approaching! Be sure to place your order with the ASB office by January 31, 2025. Prices are $55 for free/reduced lunch students and $65 for full-pay students. If ordering through Skyward, please ensure the transaction is completed and paid in full for your order to be processed. Don't miss out—secure your yearbook today!
Winter Ball
The Class of 2025 Senate is excited to announce that this year's Winter Ball will be held on Feb 8th from 7-10pm in the MVHS cafeteria. Tickets can be purchased for $15 pre-sale at the ASB and $20 at the door. The tickets are free for students who qualify for free and reduced lunch.
MV Mariachi and MV Folklorico Fundraiser
Do you like pancakes? If you do, join the MV Mariachi and MV Folklorico on Saturday, February 22 for our Pancake Breakfast at Applebee’s in Burlington! Tickets are only $12, including pancakes, eggs, bacon, and juice or coffee.
Get your tickets today at the ASB Office, Tri Dee Arts, or see Mr. Rivera at rrivera@mvsd30.org in AB113. Don’t miss out on the fun and deliciousness!
Winter Conditioning for Spring Sports
If you are interested in winter conditioning to get you ready for track and field this Spring, meet at the track on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 3-4:30pm (On Early Release days we will meet from 1-2:30pm.). Hope you can join us!
Bulldog Edge
Bulldog E.D.G.E. is Mount Vernon High Schools after school homework program. This program focuses on aiding students with homework, projects, studying and any other school related work.
When: Mon-Thur, 2:30-4:00 and 12:30-2:00 on early release
Where: MVHS Library
Who: ALL MVHS students are welcome
No sign up needed and tutors will be provided. As well as late bus passes.
Please encourage your students to take advantage of this opportunity.
Thank you!
Sasha Sosa
Do you want to be in the yearbook more this year?
Go to your grade level Google Classroom and fill out one or all of the surveys that apply to your grade level. Many surveys ask for a photo. Please make sure to include that as well! If you have trouble finding the link, click on the classwork tab and look under the topic “Yearbook”.
Senior Block
Graduation!! Whoop whoop!!
Thursday, June 12, at 7pm. Venue: Angel of the Winds Arena, 2000 Hewitt Ave., Everett, WA.
Seniors: College Thursday continues…Join the College and Career Center each Thursday during lunch to get assistance with your plans!
Senior Yearbook Baby Ads are due February 7th. ¼ page ads are $60 and ½ page ads are $120. Visit http://mountvernonhigh.mountvernonschools.org/node/2181 to place your order.
Sophomore Block
Missing Assignments Monday is scheduled for February 3.
I am thrilled to announce our first Missing Assignment Monday of the year, scheduled for February 3. Missing Assignment Monday is dedicated to sophomores, providing them with a valuable opportunity to complete missing assignments and receive extra support from their Early High School Academic Advisor (that’s me!).
During this time, students will also work on a resume template, and we'll be treating them to Dari Delite! Please note that we have limited spots available—only 20 students per lunch period—so it will be first come, first served.
Thank you,
Ms. Solis
CSF Early High School Academic Advisor
360.428.6100 Ext. 41416
Freshmen Block
Missing Assignments Monday NEW DATE is scheduled for February 3.
The focus will be for students to assess their GPA and reflect on how their first semester has impacted their transcripts, as well as to identify academic requirements. We will be catering Dairy Delite for this event!
There will be 20 spots total available for both first and second lunch in the 9 & 10 CCC room. This event is combined with the sophomore class (10th grade).
Get involved and stay involved!
Teen Ambassador Program
Deception Pass Park Foundation invites you to join our team in promoting Conservation and Environmental Stewardship of our Parks. We are looking for motivated Teens who are interested in conservation, restoration, non-profit organization operation, and building up their professional skills in an active community of Naturalists, Rangers and Interpreters.
Deception Pass Park Foundation has a strong legacy of supporting conservation efforts and community engagement within Deception Pass State Park. Through fundraising, promoting Park events and establishing education programs, we are committed to preserving and protecting the natural beauty and historic value of Washington's most popular State Park. We invite the next generation of stewards to add their perspective and engagement to help support the natural spaces we love and cherish.
Learn more here: Teen Ambassador Program - Deception Pass Park Foundation (deceptionpassfoundation.org)
● Attending High School
● 14-18 years old
● Interested in the outdoors and conservation
● Attend monthly Board meetings
● Represent Youth Voice to Our Board
● Develop and Complete Capstone Project
● Minimum 1-year term (Typically begins mid June)
● Fill out online Application between January 1st and March 31st [Application]
● A phone or in-person interview may be conducted
● Selection of 2 teen members will be complete mid-May
● Questions email dppfedcommittee@gmail.com
*SEE MRS. WRIGHT IN OM107 for more information or if you have any questions!
ASL Club- Where? PB5A 1st and 3rd Tuesdays after school. Come learn some new signs. All welcome.
Robotics Team 4173 MVHS Robotics Team has begun their competition season! We are looking for students who want to become a part of a competitive team. Each year we build a 120+ pound industrial robot. Students interested in electronics, wiring, fabrication, CAD, programming, cnc, business marketing, fundraising, communications and photography are encouraged to join. We are one of over 3700 international teams! This is a free program for students. Meetings during build season are M/T/F 5-8pm and Sat 9-2:30, all in AG1. For more information contact Mrs. Slater at mslater@mvsd320.org
Stop by one session and check us out!
Gaming Club- Gaming club meets every White Day Thursday from 2:45 to 4:00 in NM120 (across from the bulldog store). Come hang out and play video games with other gamers! All are welcome.
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America: meets every Monday in CTE-1 from 2:40 to 3:15. Our next meeting will be Monday, February 3rd. Come help us spread kindness and we prepare for Random Acts of Kindness week. Good Luck with Finals!!
See Mrs. McColl with questions. amccoll@mvsd320.org
Fellowship of Christian Athletes We meet every Wednesday at 7:15 AM in OM 108. Come join us for fun, food, and Bible study. See Mr. Young for more details.
Migrantes Unidos MV Club We meet every Tuesday at 2:45 pm at the West Foyer. Come in and be part of our “Familia,” If you have questions, contact Mrs. Paula at pdesjarlais@mvsd320.org or stop by her office, N103C!
MVHS Honeybee Project- We are lucky to have two honey bee hives on campus! They are located on the 3rd floor of New Main and students are welcome to help inspect the hives and participate in their regular maintenance every Thursday after school as long as the weather is cooperative. We have five full bee suits! A permission slip is available by the hives and should be dropped off with Mr. Engman in New Main 304. This is a good time to remind everyone that our school nurse needs to know about any life threatening allergy that students might have. These bees have been on campus for over a decade and do not tend to sting, but it is better to be safe than sorry.
Bulldogs, are you interested in volunteering? Do you already volunteer? Need something to do in your free time but don't know what? Look no further than Varsity in Volunteering! Learn how to earn a varsity letter for volunteering 100 hours! See Mrs. Wright in OM107 for the google code to apply and to get a log to track your hours!
K-pop Club meetings have officially started, and we would like to invite you to join us on Mondays after school in OM 308. If you have any questions please come talk to Ms.Flores in person (OM310) or Email gflores@mvsd320.org.
Science and Earth Club! Did you know that MVHS now has a Science Olympiad Team?! We are currently accepting new members and signing up for the events for the competition this spring. If you are interested or curious in science, engineering, or inquiry, please come to the Science and Earth Club meetings on Tuesdays after school in NM305 or talk with Ms. Krueger or Ms. Mortimer in the science department. Some of the many events include: disease detectives, entomology, astronomy, dynamic planet, fossils, air trajectory, wind power, chemistry lab, forensics, electric vehicle, helicopter, robot tour, tower, codebusters, hovercraft, botany, agricultural science, protein modeling, and more! We would love for you to join us!
Skilled Trades club
SkillsUSA is the number 1 workforce development organization for students. We empower students to become skilled professionals, career-ready leaders, and responsible community members.
Any MVHS student involved in classes or pathways of any of the skilled trades is welcome and encouraged to attend a meeting.
Meets every Green Monday @ 2:45- 4pm in CTE-6
Mr Erickson: Advisor
Google Classroom code: prp2u23
Email: serickson@mvsd320.org
College and Career Center
The College and Career Center website is a great way to stay informed about all things related to college and career services at MVHS!
- The College and Career Center offers numerous field trips! View our Field Trips on our website! Don’t miss these great opportunities.
- The College and Career Center offers Career Guest Speaker Series (Pizza with a Pro). Visit our website to learn more.
Seniors: College Thursday continues…Join us each Thursday during lunch to get assistance with your future plans!
College Application Information is available with step by step direction on our website.
Financial Aid Information is available on the College and Career Center Website>Paying for College.
Internships, Apprenticeships, and Job Opportunities
Interested in earning high school credit for working your job? Contact Mrs. Mustappa smustappa@mvsd320.og or your counselor to see if worksite learning is a good fit for you!
Art Contest
Anacortes is hosting an art contest. If interested, please see the Main Office for more details.
This event/activity is NOT being sponsored by the Mount Vernon School District, and the District assumes no responsibility for the conduct or safety of the event/activity. In consideration for the privilege to distribute these materials, the Mount Vernon School District shall be held harmless from any cause of action, claim or petition filed in any court or administrative tribunal arising out of the distribution of these materials, including all costs, attorney’s fees and judgments or awards.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion January 2025 Calendar
January is a month to celebrate the diverse ways in which we communicate and connect. From recognizing the importance of Braille for the visually impaired to honoring cultural and religious celebrations, this month is about understanding and appreciating the various forms of expression that enrich our world.
January 4 – UN: World Braille Day
Celebrates the importance of Braille for the visually impaired.
January 7 – Coptic & Eastern Orthodox Christian: Christmas
Marks the birth of Jesus Christ according to the Julian calendar.
January 14 – Buddhist: Mahayana New Year
Celebrates the Buddhist New Year in Mahayana traditions.
January 20 – Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Honors the civil rights leader and his contributions to equality.
January 27 – International Day of Commemoration in Memory of Victims of the Holocaust
Remembers the victims of the Holocaust and promotes Holocaust education.
Important Phone Numbers
Athletic Office: 360-428-6191
Attendance Office: 360-428-6153
College & Career Center: 360-428-6256
Counseling Office: 360-428-6156
MVSD Student Health Services, 360-428-6151
Transportation: 360-428-6147
Please click here to download the app to see your student's bus route.
Useful Links
The Mount Vernon School District does not discriminate in employment, programs, or activities on the basis of age, race, color, national origin, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, honorably discharged veteran or military status, or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability or use of a trained guide dog or service animal by a person with a disability and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the District's Title IX/Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator, Jon Ronngren, Director, 124 E. Lawrence Street, Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360)428-6110; Section 504/ADA Coordinator, Clint Carlton, Executive Director/Student Support Services, 920 S. Second Street, Mount Vernon, WA 98273, (360)428-6141.