Colts Chronicle
A Cimarron Middle School community communication
Attention 8th grade Parents
Winter Clothes Needed
Blow the dust off that bin in the garage labeled “snow gear.” Grab those last-season (or 10 seasons ago) jackets, pants, and boots and get them ready for their next adventure!
PE classes at Cimarron want to use our outdoor spaces more consistently and incorporate outdoor winter activities into our curriculum. We need to gather a class set of warm clothes and boots of various sizes that we can loan out to students that are not properly dressed for these outdoor activities. If you have some lightly used winter gear that you would like to donate, please drop them at the front office.
Spring Concerts
Thursday, March 2nd: Orchestra Concert @ Cimarron 6:30 pm
Tuesday, March 7th: Band Concert @ Cimarron 6:30 pm
Wednesday, March 8th: Choir Concerts
Book Donations
You may have already seen our book donation bin located to the right as you enter the school parking lot. Please bring in books to drop off instead of throwing them in the trash.
Attention Families with a current 5th grader
Colts Corral is now open for the 2023 summer registration. This program is designed to ensure a positive and smooth transition by providing strategies for student success in middle school. Students will become familiar with Cimarron and meet new friends and staff members to ease the transition to middle school.
Session 1: July 10-12, 8:00-11:30
Session 2: July 10-12, 12:30-4:00
Session 3: July 17-19, 8:00-11:30
Use this link for registration.
Time again to show a little love to our teachers and staff! Please click on this link to sign up to provide snacks and breakfast on the upcoming conference night and teacher work day.
Selecting New Electives for Next Year
Students will receive their elective forms next week
7th grade on February 13
6th grade on February 16
Please look over the elective form (linked down below) with your student and help them request their electives for next year.
Choose carefully as there are NO schedule changes
It is unlikely you will get all your first choices, so choose alternates carefully and in order of priority
Requesting both semester Choir classes in your top choices could give you a year of choir. If you only want choir for one semester, only choose one choir class as a top choice
Form MUST be filled out completely and have at least 8 separate electives listed, in order of priority (1-8). If the required number of choices is not provided, students may be scheduled in ANY available class
Prior experience is required to sign up for Band, Orchestra and Spanish 1B & II
Students in Dimensions of Literacy will be automatically assigned, if the class is required, and will take the place of one elective period
E-Media & Yearbook require an application and will only be assigned if the student is selected for the class. Please make sure you complete and turn in the separate application to be considered for these classes. Forms are available in the Counseling Office.
Please visit Important Forms & Links for the 23-24 Course Guides.
ALL elective forms are due back to your student’s Social Studies teacher by Thursday, February 23.
We are delighted to serve this community of students!
To let you know a little glimpse of what we have been up to:
In addition to all of the students who were able to walk in to see a counselor immediately, counselors have met the requests of 628 students to see a counselor so far.
136 students served through specific groups
Our student Ambassadors are trained
Helped with many students in crisis
Our BIONIC Team is running
Presented and help start student’s ICAP (Individual Career and Academic Plan) for all 8th grade students
Next year’s class registration for all grades is underway
Ran a pilot program for student Circles
Athletics Update
Registration for 7th Grade Boys Basketball is now open in MySchoolBucks First day of practice is Monday, February 27th. A current sports physical is required to participate (including for tryouts on 2/27 & 2/28).
Please drop off all donations at the front office. We appreciate you!
If you are able, please donate $5 gift cards to support our Be Red card Friday Drawings. Students love Fika, Starbucks, Chick-fil-A, Berry Blendz, Swirls, Target gift cards.
6th grade is also looking for various small item donations (fidget toys, play dough, other dollar store fun items, silly objects, etc.) for our Friday red card drawing prize bin. Please mention "The 6th grade prize bin," when you drop off.