Dear Friends
March 19, 2024
News and highlights
District classified/PSE employees shine!
Congratulations to these district classified/PSE employees who were recognized at the March 13 annual School Board Classified Awards Recognition event! Join us in a huge round of applause for all they do to help every student thrive!
- Melinda Bahner, Cathcart Elementary
- Sue Berry, Glacier Peak High School
- Hilda Camacho, Centennial Middle School
- Kaydee Cox, Dutch Hill Elementary
- Julie Downes, Transportation
- Cassie Fontenot, Career and Technical Education
- Nicole Henle, Riverview Elementary
- Cindy Holtzclaw, ECEAP
- Emily Hoskins, Teaching & Learning Services
- Jenny Jordan, Totem Falls Elementary
- Barbara King, Cascade View Elementary
- Deanna Lee, Little Cedars Elementary
- Amy Mann, Food Service
- Vivianne Maphis, Seattle Hill Elementary
- Ryan McEwen, Maintenance & Operations
- Holli Morton, Snohomish High School
- Diann Rasmussen, Central Emerson Elementary (Central Campus)
- Noor Liza Sani, Custodial Services
- Jennifer Shearer, Human Resource Services
- Shannon Skartved, Machias Elementary
- Susan Smith, Accounting
- Katie Soder, AIM High School
- Michelle Somerville, Central Emerson Elementary (Emerson Campus)
- Kasidee Youngblut, Valley View Middle School
March 11-15 was Education Support Professionals Week! Our district’s classified/PSE employees play vital roles in nearly every aspect of education – maintaining buildings and grounds, assisting in classrooms and on playgrounds, providing administrative and office support, safely transporting thousands of students to/from school, preparing and serving meals, and much, much more. Thank you, team, for the difference you make every day!
JROTC program places 7th
Our district's high school MCJROTC students traveled to Oregon City High School this weekend to compete in the conference championship, which is equivalent to a state championship event.
- Armed Drill placed 3rd, with their team commander senior Isabelle Saunders placing 5th
- Air Rifle Marksmanship Team placed 3rd, with sophomore KerriAnne McGrew placing 1st
- Color Guard Team 1 placed 5th, with their team commander senior Sophia Manwell placing 4th
- Color Guard Team 2 placed 4th, with their team commander sophomore Molly Shackleford placing 2nd
Overall, our MCJROTC placed 7th among nearly 40 other high school JROTC programs from Washington and Oregon. Captain Will Lennon and Master Sergeant Matthew Torres are the district’s JROTC teachers. Congrats on a job well done!
Yearbook students named state champs
Glacier Peak High School student journalists are state champs! The Grizzly Student Media and Publications group was recognized the annual Washington Journalism Education Association (WJEA) conference held at Arlington High School!
- Senior Lillyana Brastad received a Superior rating for Yearbook Layout. (Note: Only one Superior rating is awarded in any contest.)
- Senior Maggie Miller received a Superior rating in Editorial Cartooning for a piece she drew in the on-site competition regarding artificial intelligence (AI) in journalism.
The group also was awarded Honorable Mentions for:
- News Writing - Sophomore Audrey Miller
- Editorial Writing - Junior Tem Forbes
- News Feature - Senior Lily Whitman
- Yearbook Feature Writing - Sophomore Eleanor Schindele
- Photography - Junior Tem Forbes
Teacher Annie Green is the Student Media and Publications advisor.
Winter sports wrap up
Way to go athletes, coaches, and teams! Below is the district winter sports wrap up - top 10 placings have been noted:
State champions
- Glacier Peak High School senior Karianne Baldwin is a three-time state wrestling champion in the 125-pound weight bracket! She ties the Snohomish County record with three championships in her four-year high school career. She also went undefeated this season at 45-0!
- Glacier Peak High School senior Gil Mossburg won his first state wrestling championship in the 150-poundweight bracket!
- Glacier Peak High School junior Connor Aney won his second heavyweight state wrestling championship at 285 pounds!
Glacier Peak High School
- Girls basketball – Qualified for the district tournament; WIAA Distinguished Athletic Award with a team GPA of 3.329.
- Boys basketball – 3rd place in the state tournament (highest finish ever!); 1st place in Wesco league; 2nd place in District 1 tournament; WIAA Distinguished Athletic Award with a team GPA of 3.414.
- Girls wrestling – Placed 3rd in state as a team; Bobbi Jack finished 5th in state; Hannah Hader finished 5th place in state; Marissa Denke finished 3rd place in state; WIAA Outstanding Athletic Award with a team GPA of 3.672.
- Boys wrestling – 10th place at state as a team and 2nd place Wesco league; Colin Edmonds finished 6th in state; WIAA Distinguished Athletic Award with a team GPA of 3.065.
- Boys swim and dive – 2nd place Wesco North; WIAA Distinguished Athletic Award with a team GPA of 3.498.
- Girls gymnastics – Three athletes qualified for state; Claire Butler received 7th place in state on the floor.
Snohomish High School
- Girls basketball – 5th place in the state tournament; District 1 champions; 2nd place Wesco league; WIAA Outstanding Athletic Award with a team GPA of 3.622.
- Boys basketball – Qualified for the district tournament; WIAA Distinguished Athletic Award with a team GPA of 3.225.
- Girls wrestling – 1st place in regionals and 6th place in state as a team; Malia Ottow finished 3rd place in state and 1st place in regionals; Jillian Hradec took 4th place in state and 1st place in regionals; Chloe Cahan received 8th place in state and 1st place in regionals; Elyssa Cotton placed 8th in state; WIAA Distinguished Athletic Award with a team GPA of 3.2.
- Boys wrestling – 3rd place Wesco league; 6th place in regionals; Magnus Schwabenbauer received 8th place in state and 1st place in regionals.
- Boys swim and dive – 10th place as a team in the state tournament; 3rd place Wesco North; Owen Collins school record in 200 individual medley coming in 5th place in state and 3rd place in state in 200 breaststroke; Torsten Hokanson set a district record in 100 freestyle and received 3rd place in state in 200 freestyle and 2nd place in state in 100 freestyle; Connor Colloton broke a 23-year-old school record in the 500-freestyle coming in 5th place in state and 9th place in state in the 100 backstroke; Torsten Hokanson, Owen Collins, Connor Colloton, and Landon Crocker came in 10th in state in the 400-freestyle relay. WIAA Distinguished Athletic Award with a team GPA of 3.167.
- Girls gymnastics – 8th place at districts; three athletes qualified for state.
FCCLA students compete at state
Congratulations to our Snohomish High School FCCLA students who recently competed at the state conference in Spokane! The three students are hopeful they will advance to the national conference in Seattle in July!
- Senior Tiffany Turski, Food Innovations project, silver, national qualifier backup
- Senior Kelsey McIver, Focus on Children project, gold, national qualifier backup
- Senior Hailey Woodard, Career Investigation project, gold
Teacher Linsey Turski is the school's FCCLA advisor.
High school students do well at state speech, debate events
There’s no debating these stellar achievements!
- Glacier Peak High School (GPHS) Speech and Debate Team competed at the Puget Sound National Speech & Debate Association (NSDA) national qualifier on March 1-2. At the end of the competition, junior Grace Lee and freshman Priom Saha qualified for the NSDA National Tournament to be held in June in Des Moines, Iowa!
- GPHS Speech and Debate Team recently competed at the WIAA Washington State Speech Championships. Qualifying students were junior Rawan Alnaseri, sophomore Bella Botchek, freshman Shreya Chandi, sophomore Akshara Govil, freshman Aashrith Hannurkar, freshman Saveri Ivaturi, sophomore Shreenidhi Kulkarni, junior Grace Lee, freshman Joyce Lee, junior Afshan Munawar, junior Miranda Myers, sophomore Melanie Pantoja, freshman Ritvik Saxena, and sophomore Naomi Varghese. By the end of the tournament, junior Afshan Munawar earned 2nd place in the state in Impromptu Speaking!
- Snohomish High School Speech and Debate Team qualified sophomore Ayaan Shariff, sophomore Jocelyn Johns, and sophomore Mugdha Bhatnagar at the recent WIAA Washington State Speech Championships! Sophomore Ayaan Shariff and sophomore Mugdha Bhatnagar also qualified for the WIAA Washington State Debate Championships as well!
Teacher Derek Hanson is the advisor of the Speech and Debate Teams at both high schools.
Middle school bands are superior
Congrats to the Centennial Middle School (CMS) and Valley View Middle School (VVMS) bands who performed at the Mount Pilchuck Music Educator’s Association (MPMEA) Jr. Division Large Group Instrumental Festival on March 6-7. The annual MPMEA event was hosted at VVMS. Our bands received the following ratings for their performances at the event:
- CMS's Cadet Band achieved a Superior + rating.
- VVMS's Cadet Band achieved a Superior + rating.
- CMS's Concert Band achieved a Superior rating.
- VVMS's Concert Band achieved a Superior + rating.
Our middle school band teachers are Nathan Sackman (VVMS) and Lane Wilkinson (CMS). Keep up the amazing work, musicians! We are so impressed!
Updated app launched for district transportation info
This spring, the Ride 360 app our district uses to provide our families with student transportation information will be migrated to a replacement app, My Ride K-12. You will need to download the new app to access updated transportation information for your child(ren).
The new app, My Ride K-12, is available to download now. Links to the new app are available below:
Usernames and passwords from Ride 360 will transition to My Ride K-12. Additionally, existing log-in information can be used to access a web version of My Ride K-12 at myridek12.tylerapp.com. Parents/guardians will need to use their student ID# and current grade level to add their student to the app.
My Ride K-12 will continue to provide secure access to student bus schedule/routing information, which can include the bus stop, route, and bus number. This is accessible on mobile devices and is confidential and secure. All app users will need to download the new app before the Ride 360 app is retired on May 1, 2024.
- My Ride K-12 User Guide Parent/Guardian Flyer (English)
- My Ride K-12 User Guide Parent/Guardian Flyer (Spanish)
If you have a question about your child’s transportation information, transportation assistance is currently available Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. by calling 360-563-3525 or emailing transportation@sno.wednet.edu.
Kindergarten and new student registration
New district students
Do you have a student entering kindergarten and you were unable to register at our annual Spring into Kindergarten event? Have you recently moved to the area? Or, do you have a child who will be new to the Snohomish School District during the 2024–2025 school year? We can’t wait for you to join us! Register today at the Snohomish School District elementary, middle, or high school your child will attend or visit www.sno.wednet.edu/register.
Variances/Choice Transfers
The Snohomish School District is currently reviewing variance/Choice Transfer requests for those families interested in their child(ren) attending a school that is not their neighborhood school for the 2024-2025 school year. If a family wishes for their child(ren) to attend a Snohomish School District school that does not serve the area of his/her residence, parents/guardians must request a variance. Variances are granted for one full school year, or until the end of the current school year. Families wishing to remain at their non-residential school must remember to apply for a variance each year. For more information on variance/Choice Transfer requests, please visit www.sno.wednet.edu/variance.
Transition to Kindergarten
Do you have a preschool-age child who will be eligible for kindergarten after September 2025 (Note: To enter kindergarten, a child must be 5-years-old on or before August 31)? Has it been a challenge for you to access a preschool program for your child? If so, the Snohomish School District’s Transition to Kindergarten pre-K program may be the place for your child to learn and grow! Our Transition to Kindergarten program:
- Serves 4- to 5-year-old students
- Is a state-funded, free Monday through Friday full-day preschool program
- Serves children and families who demonstrate a need through the Transition to Kindergarten pre-K application and screening process
To learn more about Transition to Kindergarten, please fill out the district Preschool Inquiry Form at www.sno.wednet.edu/preschoolform. Upon completion of the form, a district enrollment specialist will be in touch! Screenings and placements typically will occur in March, June, and August. Learn more about all of the district’s early learning programs at www.sno.wednet.edu/pre-k.
ECEAP and Developmental Preschool
In addition to Transition to Kindergarten, we offer other early learning programs including Developmental Preschool and Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP). Developmental Preschool serves 3- to 5-year-old students who meet eligibility requirements for special education services. ECEAP is a state-funded, free preschool for limited-income families.
To learn more about ECEAP and Developmental Preschool, please fill out the district Preschool Inquiry Form at www.sno.wednet.edu/preschoolform. Learn more about all of the district’s early learning programs at www.sno.wednet.edu/earlylearningprograms.
Spring conferences
Conference week (March 25-29) information
This year’s spring teacher conferences will be held the week of March 25. Please watch for school-specific conference details that will be communicated directly by our schools. Tuesday, March 26 through Friday, March 29, are half-day early release for elementary, middle, and high schools. Please note that AIM High School and Parent Partnership Program conference and half-day early release day schedules are different from the schedule noted below and will be communicated directly from each school to families. Click here for information for parents/guardians on conference scheduling through Skyward/Family Access.
March 25 Week Schedule
Monday, March 25
- Elementary, middle, and high schools attend school for the full, regular day.
- No parent/guardian/teacher conferences will be scheduled.
- Regular in-school food service will be provided.
Tuesday, March 26
- Half-day early release for elementary, middle, and high schools.
- Parent/guardian/teacher conferences will be scheduled between noon-3:30 p.m. at all district elementary schools and between 11:15 a.m.-2:30 p.m. at all district middle and high schools.
- Parent/guardian/teacher conferences will also be scheduled between 4:30-7 p.m. at Central Emerson Elementary (Central Campus).
- Elementary, middle, and high school students can grab a lunch to-go at dismissal. Please note that these lunches will be charged against a student’s food service account.
Wednesday, March 27
- Half-day early release for elementary, middle, and high schools.
- Parent/guardian/teacher conferences will be scheduled between noon-3:30 p.m. at all district elementary schools and between 11:15 a.m.-2:30 p.m. at all district middle and high schools.
- Parent/guardian/teacher conferences will also be scheduled between 4:30-7 p.m. at:
- Cathcart Elementary
- Little Cedars Elementary
- Seattle Hill Elementary
- Totem Falls Elementary
- Centennial Middle School
- Snohomish High School
- AIM High School
- Elementary, middle, and high school students can grab a lunch to-go at dismissal. Please note that these lunches will be charged against a student’s food service account.
Thursday, March 28
- Half-day early release for elementary, middle, and high schools.
- Parent/guardian/teacher conferences will be scheduled between noon-3:30 p.m. at all district elementary schools and between 11:15 a.m.-2:30 p.m. at all district middle and high schools.
- Parent/guardian/teacher conferences will also be scheduled between 4:30-7 p.m. at:
- Cascade View Elementary
- Central Emerson Elementary (Emerson Campus)
- Dutch Hill Elementary
- Machias Elementary
- Riverview Elementary
- Valley View Middle School
- Glacier Peak High School
- Elementary, middle, and high school students can grab a lunch to-go at dismissal. Please note that these lunches will be charged against a student’s food service account.
Friday, March 29
- Half-day early release for elementary, middle, and high schools.
- No parent/guardian/teacher conferences will be scheduled.
- Elementary, middle, and high school students can grab a lunch to-go at dismissal. Please note that these lunches will be charged against a student’s food service account.
High school theatre productions
Glacier Peak High School presents Disney Newsies – The Broadway Musical
- Performance dates – April 12, April 13, April 19, April 20, April 25, April 26, and April 27
- Performance location - Glacier Peak High School Performing Arts Center
- Thursday and Friday performances at 7 p.m. and Saturdays at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.
- Tickets go on sale Monday, April 1, at www.showtix4u.com/event-details/82241
Important note: In this production of Disney Newsies – The Broadway Musical, the roles of "Katherine Plumber" and "Medda Larkin" are double-cast. When purchasing times for dates/showtimes:
- The World Cast -Britta Jorgensen (Katherine Plumber) and Shay Russon (Medda Larkin)
- The Sun Cast - Amani Velada (Katherine Plumber) and Kate Webb (Medda Larkin)
Snohomish High School presents Mean Girls Jr.
- Adapted from Tina Fey's 2004 blockbuster film and the Broadway smash hit, the Mean Girls Jr. script is a coming-of-age story filled with laughter that is family and kid-friendly. Cady Heron may have grown up on an African savanna, but nothing prepared her for the wild and vicious ways of her strange new home: suburban Illinois. This naïve newbie navigates the wilds of the American high school and the social ranks by taking on The Plastics, a trio of lionized frenemies led by the charming Queen Bee Regina George.
- Performance dates - May 3, May 4, May 5, May 10, May 11, and May 12
- Performance location - Snohomish High School Performing Arts Center
- Friday performances at 7 p.m., Saturdays at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m.
- Tickets go on sale Saturday, March 30, at www.showtix4u.com/event-details/82803
Upcoming events
Train to save a life
Our Snohomish Aquatic Center's next lifeguard training course is March 23-24 and 29-30. This is a great opportunity for high school students or anyone looking for a flexible part-time job! Gain the skills necessary to save a life and work as a lifeguard at our own Snohomish Aquatic Center! Lifeguarding is a great part-time job for students ages 15+! This training includes water and land rescue techniques and how to deliver critical care such as CPR, use of an AED machine, and perform first aid. Learn more at www.sno.wednet.edu/lifeguardtraining. Register today at www.sno.wednet.edu/aquaticcenterregistration.
Important dates
- Week of March 25 - Spring conference week
- Tuesday, March 26-Friday, March 29 – Half-day early release
- Monday, April 1-Friday, April 5 - Spring Break (no school)
- Monday, May 27 - Memorial Day (no school)
- Monday, June 17 - Tentative last day of school (as of March 19, 2024)
- Wednesday, June 19 - Juneteenth (no school)
- Potential inclement weather make-up days
- Tuesday, June 18
- Thursday, June 20
- Friday, June 21
2024-2025 school year
Below are some important dates for the 2024-2025 school year. Additional dates will be available this summer.
- Wednesday, September 4 - First day of school
- Monday, November 11 - Veterans Day (no school)
- Wednesday, November 27 - Half-day early release
- Thursday, November 28-Friday, November 29 - Thanksgiving Break (no school)
- Friday, December 20 - Half-day early release
- Monday, December 23-Friday, January 3 - Winter Break (no school)
- Monday, January 20 - MLK Jr. Day (no school)
- Monday, April 7-Friday, April 11 - Spring Break (no school)
- Monday, May 26 - Memorial Day (no school)
Sno-Isle TECH open house for 8th grade students - April 30
Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center is holding it's first open house for 8th grade students and their families on Tuesday, April 30. This is an opportunity to see Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center programs first-hand and decide which ones may be of interest to students. Students are able to apply to the program during their sophomore and junior years of high school. At the open house attendees will also learn about summer school opportunities! Join Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center for an open house from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 30. This event is open specifically to 8th grade students who are soon to be incoming freshman. Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center is located at 9001 Airport Road in Everett. Learn more about the open house by clicking here.
Trade Up! Apprenticeship Day - March 21
Juniors and seniors are invited to participate in the annual Trade Up! Apprenticeship Day. This is an opportunity for students to experience several hands-on activities in different trade areas in one space. This event will be held on Thursday, March 21, at the Evergreen State Fairgrounds, hosted by the Snohomish & Island County Labor Department in partnership with several local businesses and apprenticeship programs. Interested students from Glacier Peak High School or Snohomish High School can sign up in their career centers, and AIM High School students can sign up in the counseling office.
Potential participating trades and groups include:
- Plumbing
- Fire fighting
- Transit electric
- Carpentry
- Advanced manufacturing
- Concrete
- Construction
- Sheet metal
- Cement masonry
- Pipe fitters
- Public works
- Washington Laborers Union
- Snohomish County PUD
- Finishing Trades Institute NW
For more information, please contact:
- Glacier Peak High School - Kari Winckler at kari.winckler@sno.wednet.edu
- Snohomish High School - Patty Stapleton at patricia.stapleton@sno.wednet.edu
- AIM High School - Derek DeGroot at derek.degroot@sno.wednet.edu
News for our high school seniors and families
2023-2024 senior & graduation information
- AIM High School - AIM High School graduation ceremony will be held at 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 6, in the Snohomish High School Performing Arts Center. AIM High School seniors and their families should please visit www.sno.wednet.edu/aim/seniors for important dates and other information.
- Glacier Peak High School - Glacier Peak High School graduation ceremony will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, June 10, at Angel of the Winds Arena. Grizzly seniors and their families should please visit www.sno.wednet.edu/gphs/seniors for important dates and other information.
- Snohomish High School - Snohomish High School graduation ceremony will be held at 4 p.m. on Monday, June 10, at Angel of the Winds Arena. Panther seniors and their families should please visit www.sno.wednet.edu/shs/seniors for important dates and other information.
- All three high school graduation ceremonies will also be available on their respective dates/times via livestream on the district's YouTube channel.
- Transition Center - The Snohomish School District Transition Center graduation ceremony will be held at 9 a.m. on Friday, June 7, in the Fireside Room at our Parkway Campus.
Join our team!
Be a bus driver and make a difference
Join the Snohomish School District’s transportation/bus driver team and make a difference in students’ lives!
- Starting pay is $29.49/hour.
- Paid training provided at $20/hour.
- Work while your kids are in school.
- Enjoy the same school breaks and holidays.
- Full benefits for many positions including excellent medical, dental, vision and retirement benefits.
Applicants must have five years’ experience as a licensed driver, successfully pass a drug/alcohol test, and have no more than three speeding tickets in the last five years.
Apply now at www.sno.wednet.edu/jobs/busdriver or call our Transportation Department at 360-563-3525 to learn more!
Fun and flexible part-time jobs available
Spread the word ... our Snohomish Aquatic Center is hiring!
Opportunities at the Snohomish Aquatic Center are great part-time jobs. Must be ages 15+ for most jobs (water fitness instructors must be ages 18+). Experience not required - we will train the right person. Lifeguard applicants must be certified. All are rewarding jobs with flexible hours. Starting wages are:
- Competition systems support (meet management) - $18/hour
- Lifeguards - $17/hour
- Swim instructors - $17/hour
- Guest service reps - $16.50/hour
To be considered for a position at the Snohomish Aquatic Center, please click here to learn more and apply. Or contact Chris Bensen, facility supervisor, at 360-563-1986 or 360-568-8030, with any questions.
Learn more about the Snohomish Aquatic Center at www.snohomishaquatic.com.
District-approved community fliers
This week's fliers
- Snohomish Community Resources
- AIM Textile Drive - March 29-April 7
- Alateen Meetings in Lake Stevens
- Boeing Manufacturing Summer Internships Summer 2024
- Campfire of Snohomish County
- City of Snohomish Youth Council Application - April 2 Deadline
- Climb the Mountain Youth Speech and Debate Program
- Cold Weather Shelter - Volunteers Needed
- CTE Macy's Modeling Fashion Show - March 30 Deadline
- Cub Scout Pack 193 - 2023-2024 Calendar
- Everett Rowing - Spring Season
- Everett Rowing Program for Middle School Students
- Evergreen Recovery Centers - Youth Detox
- Flag Football - Snohomish Panther Junior Football Association Spring Registration for Youth
- Flower Basket Youth Coloring Contest - Historic Downtown Snohomish Association (HDSA)
- Girl Scouts Recruitment and Volunteers
- Girls Lacrosse Spring Registration
- Girls on the Run - Cathcart Elementary
- Girls on the Run - Riverview Elementary
- Girls on the Run - Seattle Hill Elementary
- Girl Scouts of Western Washington
- Grow Food for Yourself and Others - Sno-Isle Libraries
- Heavy Metal Summer Experience
- Holi Community Event - April 6
- Kids Vendor Day 2023 Snohomish Farmers Market
- Let Me Run Registration
- Marine Science Club at the Seattle Aquarium
- Materials Camp at University of Washington - July 8-13
- Miracle League Basketball YMCA
- Newsies - GPHS Theatre
- Reflections School of Dance
- Seattle Children's Chorus Registration
- Seattle University Summer Reading Skills Program
- Sky Club for Kids Soccer Classes
- Sno-Isle Open House (8th Grade) - April 30
- Snohomish County Developmental Disabilities Transition Resource Fair - March 26
- Snohomish Junior Cheer - Youth Spring Break Camp
- Snohomish Sky Soccer Camps
- Snohomish Youth Volleyball - March through May
- Strategic Kids Chess at Cascade View Elementary
- Strategic Kids Chess at Cathcart Elementary
- Strategic Kids Chess at Riverview Elementary
- Strategic Kids Chess at Seattle Hill Elementary
- Strategic Kids Chess and Lego at Totem Falls Elementary
- Taekwondo for Kids - March 2024
- Technovation Summer Day Camp Campfire
- TOPSoccer Community Service Opportunities
- UW Nurse Camp 2024 - July 15-19
- YMCA Overnight Camp - July and August 2024
- Youth in Action Snohomish for Equity SFE Scholarship
Fliers are typically posted on Tuesdays during the months of August through June. For additional flier program details and/or to complete a request for distribution, please click here.
How to reach us
- Snohomish School District
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu
- Phone - 360-563-7300
- AIM High School
- Website – www.sno.wednet.edu/aim
- Phone - 360-563-3400
- Glacier Peak High School
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/gphs
- Phone - 360-563-7500
- Snohomish High School
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/shs
- Phone - 360-563-4000
- Centennial Middle School
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/cms
- Phone - 360-563-4525
- Valley View Middle School
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/vvms
- Phone - 360-563-4225
- Cascade View Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/cascadeview
- Phone - 360-563-7000
- Cathcart Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/cathcart
- Phone - 360-563-7075
- Central Emerson Elementary (Central Campus)
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/centralemerson
- Phone - 360-563-4600
- Central Emerson Elementary (Emerson Campus)
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/centralemerson
- Phone - 360-563-7150
- Dutch Hill Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/dutchhill
- Phone - 360-563-4450
- Little Cedars Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/littlecedars
- Phone - 360-563-2900
- Machias Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/machias
- Phone - 360-563-4825
- Riverview Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/riverview
- Phone - 360-563-4375
- Seattle Hill Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/seattlehill
- Phone - 360-563-4675
- Totem Falls Elementary
- Website - www.sno.wednet.edu/totemfalls
- Phone - 360-563-4750
- Parent Partnership Program
- Website – www.sno.wednet.edu/ppp
- Phone - 360-563-3423
- Website – www.sno.wednet.edu/eceap
- Phone – 360-563-4641
- Snohomish Aquatic Center
- Website - www.snohomishaquatic.com
- Phone - 360-563-8030
Our mission
To create an educational community that ignites a passion for learning where every student is known and empowered.
Email: communications@sno.wednet.edu
Website: www.sno.wednet.edu
Location: 1601 Avenue D, Snohomish, WA 98090
Phone: 360-563-7300
Non-Discrimination Notice
The Snohomish School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights Coordinator, Title IX Coordinator and ADA – Darryl Pernat, 1601 Avenue D, Snohomish, WA 98290, 360-563-7285, darryl.pernat@sno.wednet.edu; Section 504 Coordinator and Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying – Shawn Stevenson, 1601 Avenue D, Snohomish, WA 98290, 360-563-7282, shawn.stevenson@sno.wednet.edu.