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Titans' Times
Week-at-a-Glance (WAAG) for April 15-19, 2024
Legal School is a Christ-centered community committed to nurturing lifelong learners, leaders, and global citizens while instilling virtues in the lives of our students.
Assurance Planning for the 2024-2025 School Year
We are now in the process of working on our school assurance planning for the upcoming school year.
The review of the Division Assurance Survey results was presented to the School Council this week, and feedback will be gathered from parents. Next week, our staff and a focus group of students will provide feedback on the evidence of success, and the next steps can be for our continued focus on the School Learning and Faith Goals.
Faith Goal: Legal School students and staff will make meaningful connections between the Catholic faith and Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing within their community by seeing everyone as wonderfully created by God.
Learning Goal: Legal School staff will provide engaging learning opportunities by continuing to develop and enrich students’ foundational skills in the areas of literacy and numeracy.
Thank you for your continued support!
Have a great week,
Mrs. Kleparchuk & Mrs. Crowston
Week at a glance for April 15-19!
Monday, April 15:
- Great day of learning at Legal School!
Tuesday, April 16:
Titans Block Elementary
Kapow Pops $1
Wednesday, April 17:
Titans Spirit Wear
Kapow Pops $1
Friday, April 19:
PD Day/No School: Staff Faith Retreat
Upcoming Events
April 22- EARTH DAY
April 22- JH Rec Field Trip St. Albert Gymnastics PM
April 23 - Monthly Assembly
April 24 - Div. 2 & 3 Rec Field Trip West Edmonton Mall Waterpark AM
April 29 - Gr. 4-6 Rec Field Trip St. Albert Gymnastics PM
Check out our monthly school calendar on the website.
Parent Information
Starting a Social Media Conversation - PARENT SESSION May 2nd
Thank you to School Council for arranging this important parent session to be held in May!!
The Parent Session bridges the gap between parent understanding and kids’ behaviour, and doing everything they can to start a positive social media conversation in homes. Participants will learn the scope of online activity of kids in grades 4 to 12, highlighting both the positive and negative. They’ll learn better questions to ask, and come away with tools to lean into conversations about social media use.
Tips and guidelines will be provided so parents can make choices that will protect their kids while allowing them to enjoy the positive aspects of social media. Since most kids have exposure to social media, whether through their own use or through the use of those around them, parents will be able to reinforce good choices at home and allow kids to feel more competent, supported, and confident in their social media use.
FOLSS - Friends of Legal School Society Spring Fundraisers
FOLSS is on a mission to raise funds for a fantastic new inclusive playground at our school, and we need your help! A paper package went home in your child's backpack today with more information.
They're hosting a 50/50 Cash Raffle, with the draw happening live during the Family Dance on April 20, 2024 (you do not need to be present to win). They'd love for you to spread the word and share the QR code to make our fundraiser a success!
Attached, you'll discover a poster featuring a convenient QR code, allowing you to carry it and show it to friends and family so they can scan and support! For social media posts, you can kindly visit their Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/friendsoflegalschool), locate the
50/50 post, and share it with your network.
You're also invited to join us at the Family Dance on April 20, 2024 (registration form attached and paper copy sent home this week)! Get ready for awesome music, cool prizes, and a concession stand. In addition to the 50/50 draw, we're holding a Prize Raffle with some seriously cool prizes up for grabs on the night of the dance (must be present to buy tickets for this raffle). They are still collecting donations for the raffle of new items and have sent home a donation letter if you know anyone who can contribute please hand it out to them. Let's make these fundraisers and dance ones to remember!
NEW: Super Cool Summer School
Explore, create, learn and have fun this summer!
Registration is open for super cool summer school! It’s for grade 1-8 students from St. Albert Public Schools and GSACRD students, and there is something for everyone. This year, Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools will host the program, which will operate from Sister Alphonse Academy (1 Joyal Way).
For more information and to register: https://www.summerschool.gsacrd.ab.ca/summer-school-registration-form
Ice Cream FUNDS Positive Playground
Wonder where all the proceeds from ice cream sales goes towards?
Mrs. Moylan has purchased new outdoor positive playground equipment for all of the Grades 1-9 students to enjoy in the lovely spring weather!
The elementary students jumped right in playing outside this afternoon! So much fun enjoying outdoor play!
Thx for your support and thanks Mrs. Moylan for your dedication to this program for our students!
Legal School students enjoying the new playground toys!!
2024-25 School Registration Winner
Congratulations to the school registration winner and proud new owner of a new Chromebook: Arya R., in Grade 6, who was excited to win the ACER Chromebook.
Thank you to all the families who have completed the online registration process. We have 109 students registered, which is 20 more than we had this time last year!!
Healthy Body Image
Having a healthy body image is important, but we may not have learned it growing up. Positive body image is a journey for most people - it is not perfect and there are ups and downs as our bodies change and grow over time.
Unfortunately, negative beliefs about our bodies can be passed onto our children, but we can break the cycle. Children pick up on our language, what we say to ourselves, what we say about our own bodies and how we feel in our skin. Be conscious of how you are talking about your own body around children as they can mirror similar beliefs.
In this week’s guide, Big Life Journal has created a “EveryBODY is Beautiful” poster to help parents and children develop a positive attitude towards their bodies. Hang it up in your home and say these statements out loud, as a reminder that all bodies are beautiful, just the way they are.
Faith News
St. Emile Parish
Sacramental Prep Update – First Eucharist
Last week the First Eucharist students focused on the Liturgy of
the Word and the Offertory Rites. This week, we will look at the
Liturgy of the Eucharist and review our Reconciliation sacrament
for confessions the following week. Please continue to include our
First Eucharist students in your prayers. Thank you.
Community Events and Programs
Legal School
Email: lsinfo@gsacrd.ab.ca
Website: https://www.ls.gsacrd.ab.ca/
Location: 5122 46 Street, Legal, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-961-3791
Facebook: facebook.com/legalschool
Twitter: @LS_GSACRD