November 4, 2024

November 4, 2024
Millennium Families,
It is really hard to believe we are already in November wrapping up our fall athletics and activities. I am thankful the weather has made a turn and it finally feels like our typical Arizona fall/winter. It was a beautiful Friday evening for all our homecoming festivities and celebrating all our seniors from football, band, cheer, pom, swim and dive, cross country, and sport medicine trainers.
Freshman Families - I am happy to share our Freshman class will participate in a Career Expo on Friday, November 15th during RTI time. This is an event specifically scheduled for our students due to them missing out on the district career expo we missed duriing our campus shutdown in September.
I wanted to highlight our FAFSA event happening this Tuesday. This is a virtual event.
FAFSA Overview Event - Virtual
5:30-6:30pm: FSA ID & FAFSA Overview Event (Google Meets)
Tuesday, November 12 · 5:30 – 6:30pmGoogle Meet link: https://meet.google.com/rcf-jekm-vcq
*Seniors & Families- Join to learn & make the FAFSA application process a simple process.
*There will be Dutch Gift Card Give-Aways. Don't miss out!
This week tryouts will begin for our winter programs. Please be sure to check out the schedules below.
Upcoming: NO SCHOOL - Monday, November 11th - Veteran's Day Holiday
NO SCHOOL - November 25 - 29 - Thanksgiving Break
Have a great week Tigers!
Nichole Bundy
Millennium High School
Millennium HS is a member of the Agua Fria High School District family of schools
Millennium High School Campus Master Plan
I wanted to share some of the work that has been done the past six months in developing our campus master plan. We recently shared the plan with our Governing Board and community at the October board meeting earlier this month. This plan addresses immediate needs on campus with the A, B & C buildings - affectionately known as "the dungeon". 😄 We have a good chunk of money earmarked for these upgrades from the previous bond; however, the outcome of the upcoming bond will have a direct impact on how quickly we can start the project as well as at what level. Our hope is to be able to complete the rebuild of buildings A, B & C all at once.
AIA State Championships Information
Winter Sports Tryout Information
Student Athletic Passes/Family Passes
Game days are right around the corner! Avoid the long lines by purchasing a student or family pass! Both passes will be digital this year. Student passes can be purchased in the bookstore or online through our webstore and family passes can only be purchased online through GoFan.
Student Pass: bit.ly/MHSBookstore
Family Pass: bit.ly/MHSFamilyPass
West-MEC Applications Now Open
West-MEC applications are due to the counseling office by Friday 12/20/24 @ 2:15 PM.
Students are encouraged to attend an open house before applying. Applications are NOT first come first serve, as long as you return your Application Verification Form to the counseling office by Friday 12/20/24.
Please explore links below and attachments to learn about West-MEC applications, programs, locations, requirements, and costs.
WM Website
How to Apply
West-MEC Program Fees
West-MEC Open House Info
West-MEC Career Academy Info and Open Houses
List of WM Programs
Central Program Reference Guide
Senior Superlatives
Hey Seniors don't forget to vote for Senior Superlatives now from Novermber 4 to Novermber 24. If you have any questions you can contact Lwallace@aguafria.org.
NHS Fundraiser
Come put the "fun" in "fundraiser" at the annual NHS fundraiser, where we are selling tickets to the upcoming Emirates NBA Cup in December. The game will occur between 12/10/24 and 12/16/24, and you can purchase a discounted ticket from any NHS student to attend the game! As the game nears, we will know more information about the date, but you can still purchase your tickets, which go directly towards the yearly NHS Chapter Scholarships for graduating senior members. Speak to any NHS student for details!
Care Coalition Community Training
Our School Based Services Provider, Touchstone, is providing a community event on the impacts of youth and social meeting November 8. Please use the QR code to register for this event.
FAFSA Overview Event - Virtual
5:30-6:30pm: FSA ID & FAFSA Overview Event (Google Meets)
Tuesday, November 12 · 5:30 – 6:30pm
Google Meet link: https://meet.google.com/rcf-jekm-vcq
*Seniors & Families- Join to learn & make the FAFSA application process a simple process.
*There will be Dutch Gift Card Give-Aways. Don't miss out!
Yearbook - Senior Ads
SENIOR ADS are on sale for the yearbook! Purchases must be made in the bookstore. Prices will increase after November 30th and a form must be submitted with payment. For questions please email lwallace@aguafria.org.
Seniors ~ Order Your Cap and Gown with Jostens
It's never too early to start thinking about graduation. Jostens has opened up ordering for the Class of 2025 Graduation products to be ordered. Please note that the only item required to be ordered through Jostens is the cap and gown unit to ensure it's the right color purple. Please visit the link below in order to purchase your graduation items. Sibling caps and gowns from previous years may also be used. In this case, you would only need to order the tassel. If your previous senior was class of 2024 and they decorated their cap, you would need to call Jostens at their store to place the order at 602-765-7337.
Their extended deadline is Thursday, October 31st. This is the third of many deadlines that they will send out throughout the year. Caps and gowns are delivered to the school for our on-campus distribution event in March. We do encourage you to get your order in by the December deadline to ensure your cap and gown arrives in time for our spring distribution.
Upcoming Deadlines
November 15th – Missed Deadline
November 30th – Last Chance Deadline
December 15th – FINAL Deadline
Millennium High School Jostens Link
Tiger Tutoring
Students at Millennium can get a free 30-minute tutoring session with members of the Millennium chapter of National Honor Society. This "Tiger Tutoring" is a volunteer service that is offered only to MHS students. If your student might need some assistance in their classes, please have them complete the below-linked Google Form.
Tiger Tutoring Form - bit.ly/mhstigertutoring
Millennium School Counselors
Melissa Mangahas - Counselor A-Co mmangahas@aguafria.org
Jennifer Grumbling - Counselor Cr-G jgrumbling@aguafria.org
Erika Fierros - Counselor H-K/ELL efierros@aguafria.org
Marwin Lee - Counselor L-Ne mlee@aguafria.org
Jill Thomas - Counselor Ng-Se jthomas@aguafria.org
Eric Oliphant - Counselor Sh-Z eoliphant@aguafria.org
Maria Rivera - College & Career Specialist mrivera@aguafria.org
Unofficial and Official Transcript Requests
ALL transcript requests whether unofficial or official must be requested through Parchment.com.
Ordering your high school transcript on Parchment.com is fast, easy, and secure. You may track the entire process on your account from the website. Parchment offers a user guide and a tutorial videos that explains how to order high school transcripts at: Support.Parchment.com.
Follow us on social media:
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/millenniumhsaz
Millennium Administrators
Nichole Bundy, Principal | nbundy@aguafria.org
Michael Butts, Assistant Principal | mbutts@aguafria.org
Amie Gilbert | Assistant Principal | agilbert@aguafria.org
Remigio Gordillo, Assistant Principal/AD | rgordillo@aguafria.org
Carissa Harvey, Assistant Principal | charvey@aguafria.org