Principal's Corner
November 26th, 2023

Good Evening Killam!
I hope you're having a great weekend! I cannot believe how quickly this year has gone by and that we only have 14 school days left.
Please continue take some time to review the newsletter to ensure you don't miss out on the fun in the coming weeks.
As a reminder, I have taken over for Mrs. Fulton while she is on leave. If you have any questions or need anything, please reach out to me at talia.hallett@reading.k12.ma.us.
On Friday we will have our school wide field day! Thank you to Mrs. Snow and all of the Killam volunteers making this event possible! Please be sure to send your student with a water bottle and sunscreen. We are looking forward to a fun filled day.
The Killam PTO has open positions for the 2024-2025 school year! The PTO does so many things to build community in our school and makes it possible for all of our enrichment activities. Please consider being part of this amazing group. If you are interested please reach out to the PTO at jwkpresidents@gmail.com.
With gratitude,
Talia Hallett, Assistant Principal
Important Dates/Events
This Week:
- Monday, May 27th- Memorial Day, No School
- Tuesday, May 28th-Incoming kindergarten screening
- Wednesday, May 29th- Unified Sports Day
- Friday, May 31st- School Wide Field Day
Next Week:
- Monday, June 3rd- Grade 5 Move Up Day 1 PM
- Tuesday, June 4th- 4/5 Bike Safety Assembly
- Friday, June 7th- 5th Grade Celebration (afterschool)
School Supply Lists
I know there has been some confusion around school supply lists. Grade level teams will be sending school supply lists home again this year as we have done in the past. We are working with the PTO to hopefully also have the SchoolBox Kits available.
Field Day- Friday, May 31st!
We are super excited to host our K-5 Field Day on Friday, May 31st, with a rain date of Friday, June 7th!
All K-5 students will participate in stations with their class and we need your help to make this happen! Please sign up for a volunteer slot if you are able to help!
Spectators are welcome, but asked to remain on the perimeter of activities & outside of the school when possible.
To register your student for transportation for the 2024-2025 school year, please complete the 2024-2025 School Bus Registration Form by June 1, 2024. In July, a confirmation of ridership, instructions for payment (if your student does not qualify for district-paid transportation), and final routes will be emailed to all parents and/or caregivers who complete this School Bus Registration form.
Please note:
- Students enrolled in grades K-6 who reside more than 2 miles from their neighborhood school qualify for district-paid transportation.
- Students who attend Killam Elementary School, Coolidge Middle School, Parker Middle School, and Reading Memorial High School are offered the option to purchase transportation, based on space availability on existing routes.
- The fee for the bus for the 2024-2025 school year is $475 for one student, $850 for two students, and $1200 for three students. Payment is due on or before August 30, 2024.
- To learn more information about the school transportation program and established bus routes, please refer to the Reading Public School website by clicking here: Reading Public Schools Transportation Information.
Please feel free to contact Olivia Lejeune (olivia.lejeune@reading.k12.ma.us) if you have any questions or would like additional information about transportation for the 2024-2025 school year.
Local Events
TRRFCC Ticket Winners! 🐨
Killam School Building Project
- The next outreach meeting will be on May 20, from 4-5PM, at the Pleasant Street Center. We will host a moderated panel conversation with members of the public interested in the project.
The Special Education Parent Advisory Council works for the understanding of, respect for, and support of, all children with special needs in the community (including ALL children on IEPs or 504 plans and children who may require specialized support). Watch this brief introductory video to learn more!
Follow SEPAC on Facebook or Instagram
The New IEP Presentations:
Reading Public Schools will implement the new IEP in the fall. Please join us for an opportunity to learn what changes to expect and to ask Student Services your questions. The presentation will be held both in person and virtually.
More information about the new IEP can be found here.
If you have a child on an IEP, we recommend that you take a moment to familiarize yourself with what the new IEP form will look like.
Understanding the New IEP Form in Massachusetts: Article Published by Mass General Hospital for Children and Lurie Center
Wednesday, May 8th, 6PM (In Person - Location: Distance Learning Lab at RMHS)
This will be a presentation for families to review DESE's NEW IEP Improvement Project to include the school’s timeline for rollout, what the new forms look like and what to expect for any adjustments to the team meeting process.
Location: Distance Learning Lab at RMHS. This room is on the 4th floor. Parents will take the elevator to the 4th floor and follow signs to the Distance Learning Lab. We will also have people directing until just after 6pm.
Please register for this presentation so we can be prepared with how many families will be attending as we need to be sure to accommodate a large crowd if needed.
Please Click Here to Register for the May 8th In-Person Presentation.
Thursday, May 9th, 12PM (Virtual)
This will be a presentation for families to review DESE's NEW IEP Improvement Project to include the school’s timeline for rollout, what the new forms look like and what to expect for any adjustments to the team meeting process.
Registration required to receive the zoom link.
Please Click Here to Register for the May 9th Virtual Presentation.
SEPAC Family Lunch Meetup:
Tuesday, May 14th, 11-1PM (In-person at Northern Bank’s Community room or join virtually)
Come have lunch with other SEPAC families and some members of the Reading SEPAC Board. SEPAC will provide cheese pizza. Feel free to bring optional potluck sides or your own brown bag lunch, especially if you or your loved one has a special diet. Please bring your own non-alcoholic beverages if you will be joining us.
A picnic blanket will be set up with toys for any kids who want to join and don’t need a chair. Feel free to bring other toys your child wouldn’t mind sharing with others.
This will be an informal monthly gathering on the 2nd Tue of the month just to hang out with other SEPAC families.
Space is limited to 8 adult seats in person and unlimited virtually.
Please Click Here to Register for the May SEPAC Lunch Meetup.
We reviewed the survey results at our last meeting. Thank you to everyone who was able to complete the survey. If you did not get a chance yet, it’s not too late to submit as we will use this as a reference point to plan for next year.
Past Events:
Recorded events that’s available on the Reading SEPAC Website:
Transition Presentation
For parents and caregivers whose child has an IEP and will be transitioning (between schools, grades, levels, or are new to the school district)
Extended School Year (ESY) Presentation Recording
MCAS & Students with Disabilities Presentation
Multi Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Presentation Recording Available on the Reading SEPAC Website
Review tiered system of supports and provide examples
Outline effective communication channels with your team and school
***Should you wish to reach out to Reading SEPAC anonymously, please use this form
Join our Killam Facebook Page!
Lindsey Fulton, Principal
Email: lindsey.fulton@reading.k12.ma.us
Website: https://killam.reading.k12.ma.us/en-US
Location: 333 Charles Street, Reading, MA, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JWKillamSchool
Twitter: @smorenewsletter