Kennedy Sunday Newsletter

Message from the Principal
Dear Kennedy Parents and Community Members,
First, I am thrilled to invite you to our Kennedy Soapbox Competition on Monday, March 3rd, from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM in MP1. This exciting project-based activity showcases our students' research, public speaking, and advocacy skills. Students have diligently researched topics they are passionate about and crafted persuasive speeches to address pressing issues and propose actionable solutions. This event, echoing the tradition of "soapbox" advocacy, fosters academic growth and cultivates social awareness and civic engagement. The judges, comprised of esteemed community leaders from La Palma and Kennedy High School, will select a winner who will advance to the AUHSD Soapbox Challenge on March 13, 2025, at Loara High School. Please join us in supporting our students as they demonstrate their student voice and advocacy.
Secondly, with the arrival of Ramadan, a sacred month for Muslims, marked by fasting from sunrise to sunset, increased prayer, and acts of charity. For 2025, Ramadan began at sunset on February 28th and concludes at sunset on March 30th. A typical day includes a pre-dawn meal (suhoor) around 5:30 AM, fasting throughout the day, and breaking the fast (iftar) around 7:00–7:30 PM.
We understand the importance of this observance and are pleased to announce that AUHSD Meal Kits will be available for students observing Ramadan. If your student is fasting and you would like to request meal kits, please reach out to our FACES, David Hernandez, via email at hernandez_dav@auhsd.us. He will provide you with the necessary request form. We want to ensure all our students have access to the resources they need during this important time.
This week, we are also excited to host the John F. Kennedy HS Band & Orchestra Festival. This event will feature talented students from across the district, who will be evaluated by a panel of esteemed music educators from the Southern California School Band & Orchestra Association (SCSBOA). Please join us in celebrating the dedication and talent of our young musicians.
Don't miss the continuation of our Civic Engagement Workshop series! Join us on Thursday, March 6th, from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM in Room 901 for "Studying Timely Political Issues." This is a fantastic opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions and learn more about important political topics.
Finally, I want to reaffirm our commitment to continuous school improvement. As you know, the district's Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) provides a framework for district-wide goals. At Kennedy High School, we develop our School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) by analyzing our school's data through the lens of the district's LCAP. We continuously review data throughout the year, including grade distribution trends, student belonging and engagement survey data, graduation and A-G completion rates, and student interviews and other direct feedback (street-level data). We disaggregate this data by student groups, including foster youth, English language learners, low-income students, and students receiving special education services, to ensure equitable support for all. By analyzing this data, we can develop targeted strategies to strengthen student learning, engagement, and success. I encourage you to participate in both the district-level LCAP process and our site-specific SPSA process. Your input is invaluable as we work together to create the best possible educational experience for all students at Kennedy High School.
Please come out and support our scholar athletes this week! Here is a schedule of upcoming games:
Monday, March 3:
AWAY - Varsity Baseball @ Century HS 3:00pm
Tuesday, March 4:
HOME - Varsity Boys' Tennis vs Buena Park HS 3:00pm
AWAY - Varsity Softball @ La Habra HS 3:15pm
AWAY - Varsity Boys' Volleyball @ Tustin HS 4:45pm
Thursday, March 6:
AWAY - Varsity Badminton @ Loara HS 3:00pm
AWAY - Varsity Softball @ Cerritos HS 3:00pm
HOME - Varsity Boys' Volleyball vs Calvary Chapel HS 4:45pm
Friday, March 7:
HOME - Varsity Baseball vs St Paul HS 3:00pm
AWAY - Varsity Boys' Tennis @ Esperanza HS 3:00pm
Thank you for your continued partnership and support. I look forward to seeing you at our many events this week!
Poppy Hill-Bonales
Proud Principal, Kennedy High School
Home of the Fighting Irish
2024-2025 LCAP Schedule
Our next LCAP meeting will be Thursday, March 20th at 6:00 p.m. at the AUHSD District Office. If you did not attend the last meeting, that's okay! Moving forward, meetings will be held with specific focus groups related to each LCAP goal. Please speak with your FACES, David Hernandez, for more information!
LCAP refers to the Local Control and Accountability Plan or AUHSD's plan to ensure student success. Taking the survey and attending the LCAP meetings helps not only Kennedy, but the district to create a plan to support ALL students; especially those who need extra support. Students, staff, and parents all take this survey, which provides us valuable insight on what we can improve on.
LCAP Survey
Have you taken the 2024-2025 LCAP Survey? The district sent out an email with instructions on how to take and complete the survey.
Everyone has a unique link to take the survey. Please do not share your link as it is an exclusive link just for you. We would love to hear your opinion and understand how we can go from good to great!
Student Closet and Pantry
Irish!! Please come to our Family and Community Engagement Center (Room 901) if you are in need of clothes or food. No questions asked and no appointment needed!
CAASPP Testing Reminder
11th graders! We are entering CAASPP testing season. Please bring your Chromebooks fully charged during these tests. This will ensure no interruptions while taking your test. Thank you so much!
Civic Engagement Opportunities
Are you passionate about a specific topic? Do you want more experience in public speaking? Consider checking out our Soapbox Speech competition! Our next competition is on Monday, March 3rd! We hope to see you there!
For any questions, please visit Mrs. Helton in Room 110.
Interested in participating in this AIME opportunity? Scan the QR Code or click on the flyer for more information!
Know Your Rights
With these challenging times, community support is needed more than ever. AUHSD will be having Know Your Rights Forums across the district to educate and prepare families. Please check the dates or scan the QR Code below for more information.
Please join us for another Virtual Informational Session on Tuesday, March 4th on Zoom. There will be Spanish and Korean interpretation provided. These sessions are a great way to stay informed.
Message from the Counselors
Dual Enrollment
Interested in taking Dual Enrollment? Take a look at some of the benefits and the course offerings available! Please email our Dual Enrollment Counselor, Ms. An, an_l@auhsd.us if you have any questions.
Visita a Cypress College
Estimadas familias,
¡Estamos emocionados de ser las primeras escuelas en ofrecer a los padres un recorrido guiado por Cypress College completamente en español! Esta es una gran oportunidad para conocer de cerca las opciones educativas que su hijo(a) tendrá después de la preparatoria.
📍 Lugar: Cypress College (en el Lote 9)-nos vemos frente del teatro
Fecha: 6 de Marzo de 2025
⏰ Hora: 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
🚗 Estacionamiento: Cypress proporcionará permisos, pero les pedimos que los usemos de manera limitada. ¡Les recomendamos compartir auto!
No pierda la oportunidad de explorar este camino hacia el futuro de su hijo(a). ¡Esperamos verlos allí!
Para más información comuniquese con David Hernandez, hernandez_dav@auhsd.us
PTSA Announcements
Want to get more involved in the school and your student's education? The PTSA is looking for board members for the coming year! Nominations are now open for the 2025-2026 School Year. Please scan the QR Code below to access the form!
We are collaborating to bring a financial literacy workshop to the FACE Center on March 11th at 5:30 PM. Please click on the flyer or scan the QR Code to RSVP! Hope to see you there.
Have an adult on campus you'd like to recognize for their efforts, kindness, and dedication to service? Nominations for the Honorary Service Award (HSA) are now open! Please scan the QR code or visit https://bit.ly/kptsahsa2025 to submit your nomination! Nominations are due by Sunday, March 16th!
The PTSA Scholarship is now open! Please look at the guidelines and requirements to apply below! Remember: You must already have a PTSA membership in order to apply for the scholarship. Thank you and good luck!
AUHSD Volunteer Registration
Attendance Policy
Please call the Attendance Office if you need to report an absence or send an email to sign out a student. Please refer to the email and phone numbers below with the first letter of your last name.
714-220-4131 (A-L)
714-220-4132 (M-Z)
If planning on signing out a student, please send an email to kenattendance@auhsd.us with sufficient time in advance to prepare. If a sibling or extended family member is picking the student up, make sure to specify that in the email. This will not only facilitate the process for parents and students much quicker, but also minimize classroom disruptions. Thank you.
Student Parking Permit
Parking permits are to be displayed at all times when parked in the Kennedy Student parking lot. For reference, here is last year's permit. Please see Mrs. Alvarez in the Student window if you are in need of a parking pass. You can find the application and fees HERE.
Once you complete the form, please bring a photo copy of Drivers License, Auto Insurance, and the current Vehicle Registration with $20 cash or check to complete the process
Contact Us
Main Office:
Attendance Office:
714-220-4131 (A-L)
714-220-4132 (M-Z)
Counseling Office:
Health Office:
Records Office:
Registration Office:
Please subscribe to Kennedy’s YouTube channel at https://bit.ly/khighyoutube