Superintendent Newsletter
April 2023

Happy April
Dear Eatonville Parents and Community,
What makes us feel good? Sunshine, color, flowers, spring, art, music??? Right now I am wrapping my head around the 5th grade choir that made me smile at the WES Work Study on March 8th . WES also hosted an impressive art show this month!! Then I am hearing that this same music teacher (Chantelle Whately) is starting an after school choir at EHS. We are so in need of this option for our students. The next Work Study will be at CCA.
What do we have to brag about? March contained a week that honored our Classified Employees. The people who clean the buildings, assist the teachers and students, watch over the playground, fix the things that are broken, drive the buses and cook/serve the food are our friends. They deserve the biggest thank you ever for the jobs they do every day. Please notice and acknowledge these individuals when you see them do what they do to make a difference in the lives of our children.
As I started this letter at the beginning of March I did not realize that tragedy would hit our school district in a really big way. We lost a ninth grader to suicide and an elementary student to a health issue. These experiences rock the educational and community world. Then in the midst of it all the “Crisis Team” for our school district comes to life to wrap their arms around a district that is in mourning. The care and compassion of everyone was amazing. We reached out to the Bethel School District for extra trained support and put our and their counselors, social workers, and mental health professionals in place to help our students and staff through this difficult time. Then follows the food and coffee for staff, the donations to families and the “what can we do to help?” from everywhere.
From the Board Meeting: approval to purchase two new 10 passenger vans with delivery in August and approval to add boys’ soccer and baseball at EMS. Reporting out at the meeting were updates on League change for middle school. Watch for our increased student participation and some changes that the new league has made in seasons you may have thought were traditionally offered in the fall and spring. We continue to attack the many repairs on our list. Most recently, the lane markers in the pool had to be replaced, life preservers provided for our littlest swimmers and portable repairs at CCA and WES. The roof at EMS is now in much better condition. We are writing grants and hoping to get help with some big ticket items as well.
We have more students out for spring sports than ever! The tennis team doubled their participation and the track team is at 80 so more uniforms had to be purchased. Our Daffodil Princess, Hannah Kralik will represent us well. Thanks to those who have stepped up to work on the float.
What would help us at Eatonville School District? First, we are desperate for individuals who love kids and have driving skills to become trained bus drivers. Second, we need a community wide “kids do not VAPE” campaign. We are so worried about their health as the long term results are not known but we do know the long term results of smoking.
Community Day is just around the corner. If there is a club or activity that wants to be a vendor, please contact Shannon Hirska at the high school as it must be approved by ASB. Speaking of other fundraisers, the Eatonville Lions Club held a dessert auction, then matched that amount and chose to support student lunch debt. This is a very kind gesture!
The search for your new superintendent is in full swing. Applications are being carefully reviewed and the first round of interviews will be held. You have been notified of the Community Forum so that you may come, ask questions and share your thoughts about the candidates. Dates for that are April 3 and 4. Your opinion counts!!!!
Happy April!
Lucy Fountain
Around the District
Spring Concert 2023! Wind Ensemble under the direction of Susie Danielson
Tyson (senior) warming up for the Spring Concert
The Pierce County Conservation District educator, Chris Towe, joined CCA for a great day of learning about salmon and how to preserve salmon habitats. Through simulation games and lessons, students were engaged all day.
School Board Work Study, WES
On March 8, the Eatonville School Board had a work study meeting at Weyerhaeuser Elementary School. Leadership students, Hank, Tj, Van, Lily and Shepard made a presentation about the activities they have been involved with this year. Some of those activities included the campaign process of getting elected as a school leader, their commitments to missing recess to hold meetings and doing the school announcements at the school’s Morning Meeting. They also shared how they organized a clean up of the school grounds, planned school spirit activities, and planned a food drive for the Eatonville Community Center.
These students are great examples of what it means to be student leaders!
Next in Weyerhaeuser’s presentation was a performance by the 5th grade choir under the direction of Ms. Chantell Whatley. The choir is an elective class that meets every 4th day in the specialist rotation . The performance included the song Obwisana by Mary Donnelly.
Fifth graders involved in the choir are:
Peyton, Shelby, Isabelle, September, Layla, Kali, Reagan, Kaylyn, Ellie, Carsen, Hank, Blake, Mitchel, Jaci, Lily, Kaitlyn, Sophia, Mariana.
Principal Linn Ames presented the School Improvement Plan for 2022-2023. Mrs. Ames shared WES data and systems supporting the SIP along with goals for the rest of the year. One data point highlighted was that WES 3rd-5th graders who met standard on the state Smarter Balanced Math Assessment exceeded the state average last year. The rest of the presentation highlighted the positive accomplishments of staff and students and included a focus on PBIS and UDL strategies.
Principal Ames thanked the School Board, Interim Superintendent Lucy Fountain and district office staff for continued support seeking solutions for the transportation issues facing WES families and for helping solve security issues.
Student Board Rep, Dylan
WES Choir Performance
WES Student Leadership Presented
EHS Drill Team
Cruise Control is Number One!
Big shout out to the Eatonville High School Dance Team, Cruise Control who are the WIAA 1A Academic State Champions. Congratulations to Natalie Accarino, Araya Vonderhorst, Taylor James, Kadence Watkins, Savannah Campbell, Savanna Barker, Michelle Noll and Coach Melanie Rodewald.
AP Psychology Students Visit Cooperative Preschool
Eatonville High School's AP Psychology class visited Eatonville Cooperative Preschool on Friday, March 17th for some "in the field" work with kids ages 3 to 5 years old. The High School students were studying Jean Piaget's Cognitive Development theories and were doing concrete operational conservation experiments with the young ones.
It was a great learning experience and a lot of fun for both pre-school and high school students alike. Thank you to ECNS teacher Ms. Katie for letting our students interact with the kids. It was a huge success!
Inspiring Future Graduates
EHS counselors presented to sophomore classrooms.
Topics discussed:
- In June, Sophomores should be 1/2 done with their quest for a high school diploma.
- "What will you wear with your cap and gown?
- "Where do you want to land in 2 years?"
- 4-year college? Trade School? Community college? Apprenticeship? Military?
- "How will you earn your remaining credits?"
- "How will you pass the State Testing Standards? (Graduation Pathway?)"
- "What is the importance of doing community service now?"
Sophomores learned a great deal of information and also reviewed their own Credit Evaluation by adding in their newly earned semester 1 credits.
Daffodil Princess Hannah
Spring Break April 10-14
Early Dismissal, End of Quarter 3
Wednesday, April 19th is the last day of Quarter Three. There is a half day for all students to allow teachers to work on report cards.
There will NOT be a one hour late start.
Buses will drop off students three hours earlier than their normal time in the afternoon on early dismissal days.
Secretary Appreciation Day, April 26
Eatonville Needs Bus Drivers! Recruitment Incentive!
We are pleased to announce we are offering a new incentive for new bus drivers:
- New applicants who come to the District already holding a CDL with all required school bus endorsements who are recommended for a bus driver position are eligible for a one-time $3,000 salary bonus, once their hire is approved by the school board.
- The $3,000 salary bonus will apply only to drivers who would not need to go through a driver training program in Eatonville.
- New applicants who come to the District, complete the District’s CDL training program, and are recommended for a bus driver position, are eligible for a one-time $2,500 salary bonus, once their hire is approved by the school board.
Middle School Athletic Offerings 23-24
Eatonville School District is pleased to announce that we will be adding Baseball and Boys Soccer for our Middle School students beginning next school year. Our Middle Schools will be joining the Plateau Middle School League next school year. The Plateau Middle School League includes Middle Schools from Enumclaw, Fife, Franklin Pierce, Orting, White River, and Sumner-Bonney Lake School Districts.
23-24 Preschool Enrollment
Will your child be 3 years old by August 31st, 2023? If so, please register for Preschool to secure your child's placement as space is limited. Once we reach our capacity registration will close for next school year.
April Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Kindergarten Enrollment Open
Upcoming Late Starts
5 tips for parents to keep your kids safer online from KOMO
"Number 1: talk to them," Jordan said. "Talk to them earlier than you might think. More candidly than you might think. It's not going to be comfortable, but it could potentially save their life."
She added, "Second tip is don't freak out. It's not a matter of if, but when they're going to encounter something that you were not prepared for, and if you freak out, that's the best way to ensure they never come to you with anything ever again."
Third tip is to protect the tech.
"Whatever internet is coming into your home, whatever devices and apps and gaming consoles you give them, there are parental controls out there that can help you make it safer," Jordan said.
Jordan said to filter the content, limit the time and do your own research.
"Number 4, play where they play, just like you wouldn't drop them off at the mall or the airport without ever having stepped foot in it," she said. "Don't let them download an app that you haven't used yourself."
Finally, the fifth tip? Don't go at it alone.
"Parenting in a tech world is very hard and it's very new in terms of like humanity over the course of the time humans have lived on the planet," Jordan said.
-by Holly Menino, KOMO News Anchor
Changes to Board Meeting Live Stream
Due to recent quality issues with the live stream, we have decided to record our board meetings in hopes that this will provide our listeners and audience a better experience.
We plan to have them published by 9am on the morning after any board meeting. All are welcome to come in-person to each public Board Meeting.
Non-Discrimination Statement
Eatonville School District #404 will provide equal educational opportunity and treatment for all students in all aspects of the academic and activities program without discrimination based on race, religion, creed, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged, veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, marital status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability.
The district will provide equal access to school facilities to the Boy Scouts of America and all other designated youth groups listed in Title 36 of the United States Code as a patriotic society. District programs shall be free from sexual harassment. Auxiliary aids and services will be provided upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Address: 200 Lynch St. W., Eatonville, WA 98328; Telephone: 360-879-1000
Title IX Coordinator, Section 504/ADA Coordinator & Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator: Cristin Blaskowitz, Executive Student Services. Email: c.blaskowitz@eatonvilleschools.org
Click the button below if you have concerns regarding your child's development.
Girls Basketball Achievements
Basketball All League Awards
Girls Basketball recognized for great grades!
Orting FFA competed fiercely at Districts in Yelm, walking away with a State Bound Creed Speaker, Annika Howard, and the next WAFFADII President, Alexie Kennedy!
Annika Howard second from left, 9th grader from EHS, competes with this team.
Important Information
Superintendent: Mrs. Lucy Fountain
Executive Assistant: Mrs. Ashley Farrens
District Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Interim Superintendent, Lucy Fountain
Email: communications@eatonvilleschools.org
Website: https://www.eatonville.wednet.edu
Location: 200 Lynch Street West, Eatonville, WA, USA
Phone: 360-879-1000
Facebook: facebook.com/eatonville.school.district
Twitter: @EatonvilleSD