Endeavor Update
August 9th, 2024
Focusing Our Commitment to Unlimited Success!
Standard Response Protocol
It is the mission of the Channelview Independent School District to enhance the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical growth of all students in order to prepare them to become productive, responsible, and successful members of our society. While we strive each day to serve our students, we also realize that our top priority must be the safety of these students, as well as our staff. In fact, our campus engages in activities on a regular basis to prepare students and teachers to react to emergency situations. Below are two informative posters that detail some key terms relating to safety procedures in place at Endeavor High School. Our staff and students have trained annually on these procedures, and drills are practiced monthly and semi-annually depending on the type of drill. Hold, Lockdown, Secure, Evacuate, and Shelter are examples of procedures that are taught and practiced by students and staff throughout each year. In this way, we strive to ensure all students and staff members are educated and prepared to react to situations such as fires, weather emergencies, and even active shooters on campus. In the event of an emergency, the actions and appropriate directions listed below will be called on the PA system. Please take a moment to review these actions with your child to reinforce these directions. We sincerely hope this information helps to provide a better understanding of the safety procedures in place at Endeavor High School.
Activity Period!
The Endeavor activity period allows an opportunity for students to make connections, have special programs, student discussions, or to share essential information. Today, our students reviewed Standard Response Prototocol, heard vital information concerning scheduling and dress code.
Lunch Info
For the protection of our students, food deliveries and visitors who are not on a student's emergency contact list are not allowed during lunch. Along with students having an option for a free lunch, there are microwave ovens available in the cafeteria for students to use. Milk and fruit are available to students who bring their own lunch at no charge.
Smartphone Use During School Hours
Please remind your student that personal calls and messaging should be conducted before school, after school, or during lunch. Some students have told teachers that they "have to answer a call" from a relative or their job.
We understand that there are emergencies from time to time. If you ever have any kind of emergency in which you must contact your child and so that your privacy is protected, please inform the Endeavor front office that you need to speak to them. We will immediately escort your child to a private area to conduct their phone call with you. Phone calls that are made in the hallway or bathroom can cause disruption to the campus. Yes, we have heard loud conversations from the bathroom in the hallway!
Some calls have kept students out of class for more than 10 minutes. You will be texted by your child's teacher if he or she is out of class longer than is appropriate for the reason they gave. If ever a student has a need for medical attention, we have a school nurse for the Endeavor students.
All non-emergency communication should be made at the times mentioned earlier. Our teachers already have the challenge of keeping some students on task and not texting friends during class. Thank you for your understanding and support in this matter.
Student Parking
The following is needed for a student to drive to Endeavor:
- A valid Texas driver's license
- Proof of liability on your vehicle
- A parking permit issued from Endeavor
Students who drive to school without a license run the risk of receiving a citation from our campus Constable and will not be allowed to drive off of the campus with their vehicle. See Mrs. Barrientos in the front office for a permit.
Students will be issued Chromebooks soon. Until then, if a student wants to bring their own laptop or tablet to do their online work, they may do so. Students are currently allowed to do class work on their smartphones until they receive their Chromebook. Students will not be academically penalized for not having an electronic device to do their work.
Important Dates
September 2: District Holiday (Labor Day)
September 27: Student Holiday (Professional Learning Day)