Hilltop Elementary School
October 25th
Halloween Parade and Day Information
- Student should wear their costumes to school
- Parade begins at 10:00am
- After the parade, students can wear their costume all day, or bring a change of clothes/wear something underneath their costume.
- It will be a normal school day following the parade. Students will work on Halloween crafts in their classrooms
- Please make sure to notify the school if your child will be absent OR leaving early.
Announcements and Updates
- Reminder that Parent-Teacher conferences are November 4th, 5th, and 6th. Each day will be an early dismissal (12:45pm)
- Lunch IS NOT served during an early dismissal. Please provide your child with a snack.
- Hilltop school is a fragrance-free school. Please sure that any personal care products/deodorizers that your child uses are fragrance-free
Math Information Night Grade 2-3-4
Mendham Borough School District Chain of Command
The purpose of the Mendham Borough School District Chain of Command is to clarify and simplify the process for contacting the school about a specific concern or matter. Please use the chart below as a guide for determining who should be the primary contact based on the nature of the matter/concerns. One should always start with the individual or office responsible for the area at Level 1 before proceeding up the chain of command as it becomes necessary.
Hilltop Highlights
Check out some highlights from this week!
Literacy Corner
We are very excited to host Hilltop's 2nd Annual Literacy Night! Please fill out the following form so we can prepare for the fun and excitement of the evening
Hilltop will be participating in One Book, One School!
Fall 2024 Library News
HSA Happenings
Thank you for a great Walk and Roll Season!
It was a record breaking year for Walk and Roll. We had more walkers than ever, with an average of a third of the school walking each week!
Winners by Grade Level:
1 - 3rd Grade - an average of 43% of the class walked each week
2 - 1st grade - an average of 37% of the class walked each week
3 - Kindergarten - An average of 33% of the class walked each week
Winners by Homeroom:
1- Ascione - an average of 63% of their class walked each week
2 - Johnson - an average of 50% of their class walked each week
3 - Svede - an average of 47% of their class walked each week
Around Mendham
Feathers for Food
Follow Us!
Mark Your Calendars
10/30- Math Parent Night Grades 2-3-4 6PM
10/31- Halloween Parade 10:00am
10/31- End of First Marking Period
11/4-11/6- Parent/Teacher Conferences Early Dismissal
11/111- Report Card Release