Boyden Weekly Update
September 20, 2024
Dear Boyden Families,
In recognition of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, we are asking all students and staff to wear gold/yellow on Friday, September 27, 2024. This day will allow us to support the fight against all childhood cancer and most importantly honor our friend Emmanuel Urrea (age 7) who lost his courageous battle with cancer this past summer.
In addition to wearing gold/yellow on September 27th, our School Store will open its door for the first time this year with all the proceeds donated to the Urrea Family.
If your child does not want anything from the School Store but still wants to donate...no problem! Next week a yellow envelope will be sent home with all students and we will have a container in the front lobby for students to donate.
Boyden Curriculum Night/Open House
We are looking forward to welcoming parents and guardians to Boyden's Open House on Wednesday, September 25, 2024. Teachers will be sharing curriculum expectations along with information specific to the classroom. Parents and guardians will also have time to ask general questions. Any questions specific to a child should be reserved for a more confidential setting.
Also, during these times our specialists and other service providers will be available for parents/guardians to meet and hear about the work they do with students. The Open Houses at all of the Walpole Elementary Schools are for Parents and Guardians only. Students, other family members, and guests should not attend.
6:00 PM - 6:30 PM Families with Last Name Beginning with M--Z*
6:45 PM - 7:15 PM Families with Last Name Beginning with A-L*
*If you have more than one child, please email the teacher for an exception to the assigned times.*
After School Martial Arts (Grade K-2)
Liam Gutmacher, owner of LG Martial Arts in Norwood MA, is excited to offer a Martial Arts after-school program for the students of Boyden Elementary School. His years of experience teaching Taekwondo and working with after-school students in Norwood, Westwood, and Dover, he is thrilled to bring this opportunity to the Boyden students.
Here are the details:
Where: Boyden
When: Wednesday, October 2nd, October 9th, October 16th, and October 23rd.
Time: 3:25 - 4:15 (pick up at the front of the school)
Cost: $25 per student (please make checks out to Walpole Public Schools and send them in with your child)
What is Title 1?
Title I is a federal program that provides financial aid to school districts to help ensure that all students meet academic standards, especially those from low-income families. Title I is part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), and is authorized by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.
The program provides supplementary instruction in the areas of Language Arts and Math. Title I is a regular education program and is not part of Walpole’s special education program. It has proven to be extremely beneficial, providing students with extra academic support, which assists them to succeed in the daily classroom setting. In some cases, students work in small groups outside of the classroom with the Title I Instructor in addition to the instruction provided by the classroom teacher.
We are fortunate this year to have four excellent Title 1 Teachers at Boyden;
Mrs. Doucette, Mrs. Adair, Mrs. Federico, and Mrs. Berry.
Washington Street Closure
Please be advised that Washington Street, between Common and South Street will be closed beginning on Wednesday, September 18th. The town anticiaptes this will last at least two weeks. For families dropping off and picking up by car please plan accordingly. Also, we anticiapte the buses to be delayed as well. Thank you in advance for your flexiblity due to this unexpected road closure.
Math Update
The 2024-25 school year is off to a great start around math! We’ve had an amazing launch to ST Math with all students in grades 1-5 starting their journey and we know our kindergarten friends will join very soon! Students have been excited to get back to Number Corner to try and figure out the patterns and structure of their first Calendar Grid of the year. Now that students are coming into a new grade with two years of the Bridges Curriculum, teachers are noticing they are making more connections, they have increased number sense and are ready to tackle the rigor of the next grade.
We are excited to share that the district has purchased subscriptions to Math Fact Lab for this school year for grades 1-5. Some teachers piloted the program last year and we are excited to see the positive impact it will have on fact fluency for our students. Math Fact Lab is a program that builds fact knowledge, not just on rote memorization, but by providing the students with visual tools to develop their conceptual understanding while increasing their fluency. It is endorsed by Jo Boaler (renowned educator in the mathematical field) who, when reviewing the site, stated, “A really great use of visuals and important mathematical strategies.” Teachers will begin the program when developmentally appropriate for their classes. We do ask that while the platform is available for students to log into at home, please do not have your students utilize it at home until they have begun in their classroom. It is an adaptive program that adjusts practice to a student’s level, so the original placement assessment needs to be done at school. Thank you for your understanding.
We also wanted to take this opportunity to remind our returning families and share with our new families the link for our Family Math Website which is full of great resources and information to help build your child’s math disposition, conceptual knowledge and basic skills through at home activities. There are so many activities students can do at home to build their math skills from reading books to playing board and card games to even going on a grocery shopping trip and talking about all the different ways they see and use numbers at the store. We are looking forward to a great year!
Walpole 300th Anniversary Parade
The Walpole's 300th Anniversary Parade is a few short week's away. The Parade will kick off on October 5th at 11am from the Norfolk County Agricultural High School and proceed up Main Street to the Town Common and then turn and proceed up Common Street to Walpole High School which will allow for 2 miles of viewing. Downtown we will have food trucks around the common. Join us as we watch bands and performance groups from around the region celebrate our hometown.
The 300th Committee is also looking for additional floats from Community Groups, as well as antique autos which would like to participate in the parade. Check out Walpole300.com for more information
SEPAC Meeting on October 8, 2024
PAC News
Direct Donations
PAC fundraising supports activities that benefit Boyden students, teachers, and staff throughout the year. Information on how to make a gift can be found here or on the direct donation flyer sent home with students.
Volunteers Opportunity - Docent
Docents are volunteers (parents/guardians, grandparents) who go into classrooms to help teach students about different art and artists. No prior knowledge is needed; the docent program provides all training. New volunteers are welcome in all grades, but especially needed in 1st grade classrooms and Mrs. Folan's 3rd grade class. Email boydendocent@gmail.com if interested.
Sign Up for PAC Events
Boo Bags
Boyden PAC is excited to announce our NEW Halloween event this year.. BOO BAGS!! Visit the link below to register and learn more about it! Please note there is no Trunk or Treat this year
First School Store - Friday September 27th
Any volunteers please reach out to Lisa Conroy at lconroy736@gmail.com. Help is needed from 10am - 2:30pm to assist with set-up, cashier, help students and clean-up. For younger students please place money in a ziplock bag with their name!
Packets went home this week but here is more information
Important Dates
September 20th - Early Release (12:25 Dismissal)
September 25th - Boyden Curriculum Night/Open House (more details to follow)
Ocotober 9th -Boyden School Council (3:30 PM) Boyden PAC Meeting (7:00 PM)
October 11th - Early Release (12:25 Dismissal)
October 14th - No School
October 16th - Picture Day
Click Here for the Walpole Public Schools School Year Calendar
About Us
Email: bdearborn@walpole.k12.ma.us
Website: http://walpolebs.ss5.sharpschool.com/
Location: 1852 Washington Street, South Walpole, MA, USA
Phone: 508-660-7216
Instagram: @BoydenBuzz