Scott Family Newsletter
August 29th, 2024
Hola Scotties!
Welcome to the 24/25 school year! I am delighted to share that we have had a fantastic start to the new school year at Scott! The first week has been full of excitement, new beginnings, and a renewed sense of enthusiasm from both our students and staff. It’s wonderful to see our hallways bustling with energy and our classrooms filled with curiosity and learning. We look forward to officially welcoming all of our kindergarteners on Tuesday, September 3rd.
Please be sure to read the entire newsletter for information about upcoming drills, new Scott swag, early release days, staffing updates and more!
Tiana Ahmann, Principal
Scott Swag Fridays
Show your Scott School pride and wear your Scott Swag on Fridays. All 1st-5th grade students received new t-shirts this week. If your student did not yet receive a new shirt, they can ask their teacher to let me know or stop by the office and we will get them one. Kindergarteners will receive their new swag the week of September 3rd.
Staffing Update
Meet our new counselor, Mr. Candor Wallace.
He will be at Scott on Thursdays and Fridays, joining Mr. H. He also serves as a counselor at Richmond Elementary. His email is Please join me in welcoming him to our community!
September Drills
Fire Drill
Thursday, Sep 5, 2024, 09:15 AM
Move students and staff from one
location to another
Leave stuff behind
Form a single line
Move quickly and safely to the directed location
Grab roster, emergency forms and emergency supplies
Close classroom door
Lead students to the evacuation location
Take attendance, account for students
Lockdown Drill
Friday, Sep 27, 2024, 08:45 AM
Locks, Lights, Out of Sight
Lockdown is activated when there is a
threat inside the school building. Creates a
time barrier.
Immediately move away from the threat
Get to a safe area-classroom or away from the school
Stay out of sight
Maintain silence
Immediately bring students into the classroom or safe
location if able.
Lock the classroom door and barricade.
Cover interior windows, lights out
Move away from sight
Maintain silence
Wait for First Responders to open the door
Take attendance, account for students
Think of your options and maintain
situational awareness
A note to families from PPS on Emergency Preparedness
Parents should talk with their kids about safety and emergency preparedness at home. We encourage families to practice fire drills and earthquake drills at home. Families should develop an emergency communication and reunification plan that includes a contact close to your students' schools and an out of state contact. For age appropriate resources to share with your children, or to find a family plan, please visit our resources page. We have family plans translated in English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Somali, and Russian.
Arrival and Dismissal Reminders
Arrival 7:45-8:00
- Each morning, kindergarten and first graders will go directly to the cafeteria for breakfast and sit at their assigned tables. They will enter through the door under the small undercover area.
- Second and third grade will line up under the large undercover area near 66th ave. This door will close at 8:00. If students arrive between 8:00-8:10, they will need to enter through the door at the lower undercover area.
- Fourth and fifth graders will line up in the gym.
New this year! All students will be asked to enter from the back of the building. Our front door, at the top of the ramp, will remain locked. Students who arrive after 8:10 are marked tardy and must enter through the front door and check in at the front office to receive a tardy slip before heading to class.
Dismissal 2:30
- Kinder and first grade students will be dismissed from their teachers under the small undercover area and the black top.
- Second and third graders will be dismissed under the large undercover area.
- Fourth and fifth grade students are dismissed on the blacktop, closer to the annex building.
Students who are not picked up by 2:37pm will be taken to the office and will need to be signed out there. Adults are not allowed on campus prior to 2:30 without checking in at the office. We ask that if you arrive early for dismissal, that you kindly wait on the nearest sidewalk. This helps us to keep our campus secure and our students and staff safe.
Fall Picture Day
School Name: Scott Elementary School
Picture Day Date: Thursday, October 3
Picture Day ID: EVTHQV2J8
More details coming soon!!!
September Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Breakfast and lunch are free to all students at Scott. There is no paperwork required to access free meals.
Early Release Wednesdays
We will have early release on each of the following dates for teacher professional learning. Students will be dismissed at 11:50. All students will be served lunch prior to early release.
- September 25
- October 23
- November 20
- December 18
- February 26
- March 19
- April 23
- May 21