Hallsville West Elementary
"Saddle Up For Success"
September 2023
Dear West Elementary Families,
We have had an amazing start to this school year! Your students have been learning our routines, procedures and expectations along with their curriculum! We have appreciated your support as we had to change a few arrival and dismissal procedures for you as well!
One new change this year is our PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) R.O.A.R. Guidelines for Student Success. It is attached below if you would like to review it at home. Another learning moment has been our West Leader Pledge. We recite it daily at the end of our morning announcements. It's a great affirmation to practice with your West Bobcat Leader! I would encourage you to look at our character trait of the week as well and ask your student about that trait. We are teaching them what is looks like to be adaptable, brave, compassionate, etc. at school and at home in our daily morning meetings!
As always, thank you for your continued support!
Jennifer Hoskins
West Elementary School Principal
Family and Community Fair
Backpack Club Donations Needed!
Interested in Helping Make Campus Decisions This Year?
If you are interested and would like us to contact you with more information, please fill out the form HERE
Homecoming Week September 11th-15th
Attendance and Hours
It is important for students to be at school every day and on time. Students are considered tardy after 7:45 am and will need an adult to sign him/her into school. Please park out front in the small parking lot and walk your student into the front office. If your child is sick, remember to send a doctor’s note or parent note when he/she returns. We appreciate your help with your
child’s academic success.
Begins 7:15am
Begins 3:30pm
Please watch the video linked below for car line traffic flow information.
In the mornings, we utilize a SINGLE file line closest to the building and work hard to open 10 car doors at a time. If your student is able to open the door and get out unassisted, they may do so AFTER all traffic has come to a complete stop.
We split into 2 lanes for afternoon dismissal.
- Kindergarten, 1st grade, and sibling groups are assigned to the A lane, closer to the building.
- 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade are assigned to use B lane (they must cross the driveway for pickup).
- You will go to the same lane EVERY DAY. We will not switch back and forth due to how Car Rider Pro is set up (even when someone is absent). Stay in your assigned lane everyday.
We will be utilizing Car Rider Pro at West this year. You can expect to receive your car tag at Meet the Teacher. If your tag is not in your child's classroom on Meet the Teacher, please plan to visit the Car Rider Pro table to pick up your tag. If you attended West last year, you will continue using the tag you used last year. If you need additional or replacement tags, the cost this year is $7 due to the cost of the tags increasing.
- You must have your Car Rider Pro tag hanging for it to scan on the reader. DO NOT block the reader.
- We will open the gate for the car line at 2pm. You may NOT line up prior to that time.
Shuttle System Info
If you have an elementary student that attends West and you have older siblings that attend Intermediate, Junior High or High School, you can choose to drop your older siblings off at West and they can board a shuttle bus to go to their campuses.
You may begin dropping off at 7am and the shuttle bus leaves promptly at 7:15am. You will need to arrive by 7:10am to ensure your student gets loaded onto the shuttle bus by the time it leaves. If you arrive after the bus leaves, you would only be able to drop off your elementary student and would need to drive your other students to school.
The afternoon shuttle will return to campus between 4 - 4:15pm. You need not arrive at the West Elementary campus prior to 4pm to pick up your students.
There is a separate, smaller driveway for our shuttle service. It is indicated in green on our traffic flow map.
Should these times not work for you, we encourage you to allow your students to catch the bus from your home.
Questions regarding the shuttle system can be emailed to Andrea Brandon at abrandon@hisd.com or Joshua Stewart at jstewart2@hisd.com. Thank you!
Character Trait Lessons
September 4th - C is for Compassionate
September 11th - D is for Determined
September 18th - E is for Empathy
September 25th - F is for Forgiving
Food Service Updates for 2023-24
- To setup or maintain your student's Lunch Money Now! account. please visit http://www.lunchmoneynow.com/lmnhal/.
- To begin the application process for free and reduced price meals at Hallsville ISD please visit http://www.mealappnow.com/manhal.
Breakfast $1.50 Lunch $3.00
The Reduced meal price for all of the students for all the schools in the district:
Breakfast $0.30 Lunch $0.40
Free students are at no cost
West Elementary is a nut free campus. Please choose other healthy options when sending food in your student's lunch. Thanks!
Lunch Visitors Begin September 25th
- Bring your ID to front office and get a visitor tag
- Wait outside the cafeteria for your student's class to enter
- Sit at the tables closest to the doors of the cafeteria with your student only
- You may only bring food for your student only
Head Lice Guidelines
Important Upcoming Dates
- September 1st - August Book Vending Machine Reward
- September 4th - Labor Day - No School
- September 8th - Big Kahuna Fundraiser Kickoff!
- September 11th - PTO Meeting 4:15pm
- September 12th - Family and Community Fair @ HHS 5:30 - 6:30pm
- September 15th - Homecoming
- September 18th - School Board Meeting 6:30pm
- September 18th - 28th - Vision and Hearing Screenings
- September 22nd - Kona Ice
- September 25th - Lunch visitors begin
- September 25th - YEARBOOK PICTURES
- September 26th - Big Kahuna Brochure Sales End (Online Sales Continue)
- September 29th - September Book Vending Machine Reward
About Us
Phone: 903-668-5993