Principal's Weekly Update
Western Montgomery Career and Technology Center
May 10, 2024
Principal's Update
There are a few short weeks until the end of the school year. See the timeline below for your student's last day at WMCTC.
Our Senior Recognition Ceremony is a few weeks away on May 22 at Spring-Ford High School. Tickets are required for guests. Please see the information below or check our website.
We currently have an opening for an Attendance Administrative Assistant/Receptionist. In addition, we are looking for substitute teachers. We have a great work environment and substitute teachers can be flexible with your hours. Please contact us for more details at 610-489-7272 X 200 or check our website,, for more details.
Have a great weekend!
Mr. Robinson
Keystone Testing and WMCTC
Pottsgrove students are testing May 13 through May 20. The high school will follow a 3-hour delay schedule. WMCTC students who are not testing will attend WMCTC for their normal sessions. The exception is PM students who will arrive later at 12:30.
Spring-Ford students are testing May 13 through May 21. Students are to follow a normal schedule and attend WMCTC at their regular time. Only those students who are testing will not be required to attend WMCTC's morning session.
Upper Perk:
Upper Perk students are testing May 13 through May 20. Students are to follow a normal schedule and attend WMCTC at their regular time. Only those students who are testing will not be required to attend WMCTC's morning session.
NOTE: Monday and Tuesday (May 13 & 14):
AM students report to WMCTC in the afternoon: arrival time is 11:30AM
PM students report to WMCTC in the morning: arrival time is 8:00AM
WMCTC Last Days per School
WMCTC Student of the Quarter - 4th Quarter
The following students have been named Student of the Quarter for the 4th quarter at WMCTC. These students enjoyed a special breakfast or lunch at their celebration.
Javier Zamora-Medina
Patrick Hartzel
Joseph Carlin III
Cyrus Mackey
Charlotte Pierson
John Hughes
Jarel Christman, Jr.
Caylee Phin
Alec Crist
Lily Bommarito
Kaiden Schaefer
Emilee Barnes
David Phin
Samirah Jettel
Charles Dutill
Eibhleann McKeown
Logan Strickland
Ava Fabian
Payton Rigby
Abigail Wentz
Kylie Graves
Noah Bergey
Kayleigh Thompson
Yarialis Machado
Kaelyn Chona
Anthony Romero
Tyler Kulp
Hunter Henry
Arianna Haas
Dayrin Barrios-Gonzalez (in spanish)
Benjamin Larck
Indy Weniger
Genesis Ochoa-Alcantara
Ryan Lutz
Lauren Gaul
Dean Huston
Jazmine Williams
Mason Yeanish
Tristan Spaar
Zackary Uba
Sean Nielsen
Brianna Maglio
Ava Marchese
Logan Albright
SAVE THE DATE - Senior Recognition and Awards Ceremony
The Senior Ceremony will be held on Wednesday, May 22 at Spring-Ford high school. The ceremony starts at 7:00 PM.
Click this link for more information or visit our website
If more tickets are needed, names can be placed on a waitlist. Please contact Ms. Sigourney at or 610-489-7272 x 200
If any Senior does not plan to use their tickets, please return them to Ms. Sigourney.
Cooperative Education
Average Pay of Co-Op students- $15.38
Total Gross Wages- $364,975.39
Total Hours Worked- 22,304
Most earned by one student: $31,346.00!!
Here is what you need to know: (from the Student Handbook p.15)
Juniors (in the Spring) and Seniors are eligible for the Cooperative Education Program based on their grades, attendance, task grid completion, NOCTI pre-test score, and technical instructor and principal recommendations. A student who has five (5) or more unexcused absences from school or more than ten (10) days excused absences from school may not be eligible for the Cooperative Education Program.
WMCTC PE/Health Schedule - May 2024
Below is the May calendar for PE Days at WMCTC. PE days are announced daily stating the current day cycle and the next day's cycle. THERE ARE NO FORMAL PE DAYS IN JUNE.
Through the year, cycle days may not be in numeric order.
****If a student misses their PE class, they must check Mr. English's Google Classroom for their assignment. It is the responsibility of the student to complete work that has been missed.****
by Caia Englert
No Spotlight this week
Cosmetology Salon
Welding Students Visit Philadelphia Shipyard
Culinary Arts and Dental Occupations
Cross-Curricular Activity between our Dental and Culinary Classes.
Dental students showcased their knowledge of teeth by making delicious pizza models of the parts of a tooth while our culinary students helped advise on knife safety and sanitation.
Sophomore students Nathan Childs, Michael Ravello and Jose Montero taking their hands-on final. Students had to prepare a composed salad that challenged their knife skills and vinaigrett technique.
From the Attendance office
Email or call 610-489-7272 extension 209 regarding any attendance-related concerns (excuse notes, early dismissals, attendance letters, etc.).
Parents/guardians have access to view their student's attendance, assignments, grades and discipline using WMCTC's Skyward system. WMCTC's Skyward is not the same as the high school's Skyward.
Parent/guardian sign-in follows this format:
username: parentfirstname.lastname (all lower case) (Example: joe.smith)
password: If you have forgotten your password for WMCTC's Skyward, please contact Mrs. Anne Marie Yusko at or 610-489-7272 x 208.
From the Principal's Office
Parents, remember, you can sign on to WMCTC’s Skyward to see your student’s grades, attendance, assignments, discipline, and other important information. Go to, click For Parents & Students at the bottom of the page, then choose Skyward Family/Student Access.
Forgot your username or password? Contact Mrs. Yusko at
Be sure to send your new address information to Student Services at
Please note that the high school does not forward change-of-address information to WMCTC.
Lost and Found
If an item has been lost or misplaced, it might be in Lost and Found in the Student Services office. These items may have been left on the bus, in our cafeteria or a classroom. Stop by to see if anything belongs to you.
If you've lost something, check it out!
From the Nurse's Office
If a student tests positive for COVID the CDC, as well as WMCTC, recommends staying home for 5 days after your symptom start date. Your symptom start date is considered day zero. If symptoms improve by day 5 and you are fever free for 24 hours with no fever reducing medications you may return to school on day 6 (ex: symptoms start on 9/1, isolate from, 9/1 through 9/6, may return to school on 9/7 if above criteria are met).
Please let the WMCTC nurse ( as well as WMCTC attendance ( know the student is positive and will be out.
If a household family member tests positive for COVID but the student is completely symptom free, the student may come to school.
When a student isn't feeling well, he/she needs to visit the nurse for consultation. If a student contacts their parents without seeing the nurse, the student will still need to see Ms. Davison before dismissal.
SOAR Credit Opportunity
Seniors need to have 3 things in place to be awarded SOAR credits.
-Score overall Competent or Advanced on NOCTI testing
-Have a final cumulative GPA of 2.75 in your technical area
-Have a completed task list with all tasks marked at proficiency level
(SOAR does not include Cosmetology and Sports Medicine programs).
Students meeting these requirements will be mailed home all paperwork needed for SOAR credits. These credits are good for 16 months after graduation. Students refer to for participating schools.
What if I do not qualify for SOAR or my school is not connected to SOAR?
Take anything you have completed/earned from WMCTC (Certifications/NOCTI results/task list) to your school of interest. See if they will award any advance credit or allow you to test out of class. BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE.
WMCTC 2023-2024 Calendar
Western Montgomery Career & Technology Center Mission Statement
Notice of Nondiscrimination
Contact Us
Location: 77 Graterford Road, Royersford, PA, USA
Phone: (610) 489-7272