College and Career Readiness

🌊 Mill Creek Career Current - October 2024
💭 CCR Updates
Over the past two years there have been a lot of changes in the realm of preparing students for life after graduation. We've taken steps to make sure that Mill Creek Community Schools are on the right track. We were able to get a head start on the changes from the state by being one of seven districts that received a 3E (Explore, Engage, Experience) Grant from the Indiana State Department of Education. We were able to re-envision what our Portrait of a Graduate would look like with the new expectations, create a new Master Plan three years out to continue in our pursuit to become more career and community connected, and begin that "Year One" implementation during the 2024-25 school year. We're continuing to build and look forward to preparing students to be successful the Monday following graduation.
Matt Miller
MCCSC Director of College and Career Readiness
🗺 MCCSC | Roadmap
This graphic shows that we've moved into the implementation state of our 3-5 year journey. Explore, Envision, and Plan happened over the past two years.
📰 Portrait of a Graduate
Mission : The vision of MCCSC is to develop confident, independent citizens who productively impact society.
Vision : Our graduates will show excellence in their attitudes, actions, and achievements in pursuit of their passion.
🖼 MCCSC | CCR Big Picture
🏫 School CCR Updates
Mill Creek West Elementary
- At Mill Creek West, we have had a couple of dynamic Focused Field Experiences already in Quarter 1 to help our elementary students explore careers in real-world hands-on ways outside of the classroom. Our 1st graders went to the Farm to Pizza experience and one of our 5th grade classrooms visited the Indianapolis International Airport. Both experiences were not only educational, but also fun and memorable for students.
In addition to these FFEs, we celebrated College and Career week in September with dress-up days, videos and activities during community meetings, and lessons taught by Mrs. Gullion during Specials time. - Jenni Gullion, CCR Liaison, MCW School Counselor
Mill Creek East Elementary
- Mill Creek East students enjoyed a fun College and Career Week in September filled with dress up days and lessons in the STEM room from Mrs. Alspaugh and Pilot. Students learned about a range of topics such as shoes workers wear, tools workers use, how our skills and interests can help us find a career, pathways for life after high school, and exploring careers on the web. Students will continue to use our college and career platform, Xello, this year to keep exploring career options for their futures. - Lauren Alspaugh, CCR Liaison, MCE School Counselor
Cascade Middle School
- At Cascade Middle School, students are exploring nonprofits. They are being exposed to the basic information regarding a nonprofit. Specifically, each SLC class chose a specific nonprofit in our community and created a poster for display. - Amy Brower, CCR Liaison, 7th Grade Social Studies Teacher.
Cascade High School
- CHS marketing students have been doing a lot of great work preparing and starting the all new Cascade Cache merchandise shop. We have partnered with 317 Graphics and Apparel, out of Plainfield. Students are learning how inventory management works as well as strategic product placement. This has been a fantastic start to their real world experiences in business and marketing. - J.R. Dugan, CCR Liaison, Business Education and Computer Science Teacher
🛠 Partnership Job Board
In need of a high school worker?
If you'd like to post a job opening to the Partner Job Board, please email mmiller@mccsc.k12.in.us
🎯 Foundational Focus
As we continue forward, we will be forming a Steering Committee and a Pathway Advisory Board. Our Portrait of a Graduate (the students) will be the center of our focus. We appreciate all of the internal and external stakeholders that will join us.
🏫 Student Learning Communities
- Within our MCCSC model, a student learning community joins students, educators, and business partners established by shared interests. Our SLC Teacher Teams focus their work on building a supportive and collective environment that engages every student.
- SLC period (the 25-minute “Period” between 3rd and 4th periods at CMS and CHS.) will be a college, career, and employability skills focused period based on their respective career-based SLC: Freshman SLC, Human Services SLC, or T.E.A.M SLC.
🌎 CMS World Changers
Speaking of SLCs, Cascade MS is starting the CMS World Changers Non-Profit Partnership Program. If you're interested, please check out the flyer below or visit HERE.
🗺 3E Day - (Employ, Enroll, Enlist Day)
- The Cascade 3E Day: Employ, Enroll, Enlist (formerly Cascade Career and College App Day) is designed for students to explore any organization. Several Indiana colleges, employers, and military representatives, non-profits, and service organizations informed Cascade High School seniors and juniors who are seeking placement after graduation. 8th graders explored the event through a scavenger hunt.
💬 Mock Interview Day
- In September, 16 internal and external individuals helped to facilitate career-based future discussions by mock interviewing 333 of our Juniors, Seniors, and random other classes throughout the day.
The CHS Gymnasium was set up all day for the mock interviews.
Keith Parker of C2IT Consulting engages with two students during Mock Interview Day.
Deputy Chief Dixon of Plainfield Fire Territory asks questions to students during Mock Interview Day.
🔨 Construction Trades & Masonry Pathway
- With a growing need to include more hands-on pathways for students, together with the Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local 4 we created a Construction Trades and Masonry Pathway. We appreciate Mr. Johnson's and Mr. Martin's (newly inducted into the Cascade HS Hall of Fame) help and guidance in getting this program off the ground.
- The students in the course recently built the set pieces for the Drama Club's production of Steel Magnolias.
💡Students Visit The Electrical Training Institute
Those CHS Students that were interested in learning more about the electrical union were able to visit the Electrical Training Institute on the west side of Indianapolis. Thanks to IBEW Local 481 and Built to Succeed : Indiana Careers in Construction for the partnership.
🚛 Save A Life and FedEx Road Team visit CHS
Big thanks to Indiana Motor Truck Association, FedEx Road Team Captains, and the Save A Life Tour for visiting and showing students the dangers of distracted driving. Also, thanks to ‘97 CHS grad Jennifer Piatt for setting it all up and giving back. :) Thank you so much!!!
💲 Economic Metrics by Education Level
This chart shows the different in unemployment rates, Indiana Labor Participation Rate, Median Wages, and Average New Worth based education level. It's just another data point to help students along their career journey.
🖇 Partnerships
If you're interested in partnering with us, please fill out the form HERE.
Thank you so much for your involvement and help in getting students experiences to prepare them for life after high school.
Hungry (for Passions)
Habits (developing POG traits)
Humble (give back)
Matt Miller
Matt Miller
Director of College and Career Readiness
Mill Creek Community School Corporation
Cascade HS/MS, Mill Creek East/West Elem.
O - 317-539-9224 x224 at Mill Creek
M - 317-753-7104