Communication Newsletter🌷
Southern Ohio Educational Service Center
May 2022
A message from Mrs. Justice
"The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team." --Phil Jackson. I begin with this quote because as most of you know I believe there is no stronger organization than one that respects and honors each team member. Does this mean we always agree? Does this mean we always have the same ideas? Does this mean that we all need to do our work exactly the same way? NO! It means that we have a common goal and we work to meet that goal. When we worked to develop our vision and mission for our organization we began by brainstorming. No two people had the very same ideas. However, the ideas all led to the same goal. Our vision, "Leading with Innovative Solutions for Student and Community Success" uses a very unique but overused word-INNOVATIVE. What does it even mean and Why do we want it to be a part of our vision? The following are the definitions of the word innovative according to the Oxford Languages:
(of a product, idea, etc.) featuring new methods; advanced and original.
"innovative designs"
(of a person) introducing new ideas; original and creative in thinking.
"an innovative thinker"
Why do I bring this up? It is simple. In order for us to be leaders and fulfill our vision, it is important to always remember that each of us is going to be different in our approaches. Yogi Berra once said, "When you come to a fork in the road, take it!" Yogi's point was don't be afraid of making the wrong choice. Trust your gut, but get advice when you can...Decide and don't look back..."
Nothing innovative ever happened because we did something the same way because we always did it that way. You are all unique and bring a different perspective to the organization. I encourage you to try new ways, ask for advice and always be respectful.
The past few years have been tough but you haven't given up. You have forged ahead to accomplish our mission.
Ensuring Excellence in Performance by:
Pioneering high quality services and learning through collaborative partnerships,
Inspiring continuous learning through shared expertise,
Fostering student, family, and community success by addressing tomorrow's challenges today.
You are valued and are a huge part of the success of this organization regardless of your position. I hope you will take some time as we close this year to celebrate your successes, rejuvenate and spend time with your loved ones and come back stronger than ever in August. Best wishes and take care!
Currently Within Our Organization
4 county board celebration 2022 ✨
The 4 County Board Celebration held by Southern Ohio Educational Service Center (SOESC) took place on May 5, 2022. After this event was unable to happen the last two years, SOESC was pleased to hold this event to celebrate the accomplishments made by the 12 Districts served and all team members.
A few notes captured from Jim Mahoney's Keynote during the 4 County Boards Celebration
The mind cannot absorb more than the behind can endure.
Have you ever seen a turtle on a fence post? If you did -- it didn't get there on its own.
What do you want to be known for? -- because you will be.
Live and lead the way that you want to be remembered -- because you will be.
Consider: Resume Virtues vs. Eulogy Virtues
Four Bases:
1. Context (Parking Lot Story -- Parking in front of the dumpster in the morning.)
2. Communication (Do not expect from others what you are not willing to give.)
3. Collaboration (If you want to go fast - go alone. If you want to go far - go together.)
4. Culture (Culture is about behavior.)
Do heart surgeons get better with practice? Not necessarily. They get better when working with the same team.
exceptional achievement awards 🌟
Region 14 Hopewell Center celebrated the 39th year of the Exceptional Achievement Awards!
We congratulate all award winners and we would like to say thank you to all of those who work to make this happen each year!
Happy Retirement, Ellen Ryan 💕
Ellen Ryan is celebrating 26 years of service as a Physical Therapist serving students in the Region 14 Hopewell Center Region! Congratulations, Ellen! We thank you for your service!
2022 Franklin B. Walter Awards
To honor former State Superintendent Dr. Franklin B. Walter, the Ohio Educational Service Center Association established the Franklin B. Walter All-Scholastic Awards to promote student achievement and recognize academic accomplishment. Myla Toole attended the statewide event at the Lewis Center representing Southern Ohio ESC on May 3, 2022. Below are pictured, Myla Toole and her parents, as well as, Mr. Curt Bradshaw.
The Franklin B.Walter All-Scholastic Award was established in 1989 by Ohio’s Country ESC Superintendents to recognize outstanding student achievement. One senior from each of Ohio's eighty-eight counties is eligible to receive this annual honor. The 84 recipients we recognized on May 3, 2022, are some of the best and brightest students in the class of 2021.
The Franklin B Walter award is named after Dr. Franklin B. Walter who served as the superintendent from 1977 to 1991. During his tenure, Dr. Walter worked with three governors and significantly improved public education in Ohio. He received numerous honors and earned the respect and admiration of educated shirts nationwide. His integrity, leadership, optimism, and commitment serves as an example for all. Dr. Walter passed away on September 15, 2010, at the age of 80.
Kamp Dovetail 🧩️
KAMP Dovetail is the week of June 20th thru the 24th.
Setup and registration will be on June 20th.
All SOESC/R14 team members:
are encouraged to volunteer on June 20th.
Southern Ohio ESC - Region 14 Hopewell Center is looking for individuals to join our team in the following roles
- Early Childhood Itinerant Teacher
- Educational Interpreter
- Intervention Specialist
- Itinerant Teacher of Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Share with others these employment opportunities to join #TeamSOESC
Professional Development & Events
Ohio Principal Evaluation System
Online Training
June 8, 2022
In-Person at Region 14 Hopewell Center
8:30-11:30 AM
Ohio Teacher Evaluation System
Online Training
June 6, 2022
In-Person at Region 14 Hopewell Center
8:30 AM-3:30 PM
Adams/Highland BAC
Region 14 Hopewell Center
12:00-1:30 PM
Legal Landscape & Best Practices for Supoorting LGBTQIA+ Students
SOESC Wilmington Office
8:00 AM-12:30 PM
Southern Ohio ESC Region 14 Hopewell Center EOY Meeting
End of the Year Meeting
May 20, 2022
Region 14 Hopewell Center
8:30-10:30 AM
Summer Learning Academy
June 9, 2022
Fairfield Local High School
Leesburg, Ohio
Curriculum Rountable
June 10, 2022
SOESC Wilmington Office
9:00-11:00 AM
Human Capital: Aligning Your System
June 13, 2022
9:00-11:30 AM
Batelle for Kids & ODE
at SOESC Wilmington Office
Session 2
June 13, 2022
12:45-3:00 PM
Batelle for Kids & ODE
at SOESC Wilmington Office
Leadership Cabinet Meeting
8:30 AM-2:00 PM
SOESC Wilmington Office
Upcoming Board Meetings
Upcoming LPDC Meeting
🔹May 24, 2022 at 3:30 pm
Proper exit is expected for any team members leaving the organization who go through the LPDC with LPDC Chairperson, Curt Bradshaw
Summer procedures
Juneteenth is now an established Federal Holiday. It will be a recognized day of observance by all Region 14/SOESC employees with extended summer month calendars.
Beginning the 22-23 school year on all employee Calendars, this day will be acknowledged as a paid holiday. Again, this pertains to those who have extended summer month calendars.
This current year, the day of observance will be June 19th.
Effective: July 1, 2022
Personal Leave & Sick Days
The board recognizes its statutory duty to pay employees of this District in full for days when they are absent from work for reasons of personal disability or pregnancy, and illness, injury, or death in the employee's family or kinfolk.
A message from Paul Oborne, SOESC Tech Director:
I'd like the laptops/iPads brought in to me by the end of June so I can do updates. They can either leave them on my desk with their credentials on a post-it inside the lid or get with me to plan a time to update them, which should only take a couple of hours at the most. This will help decrease the time it will take to do updates when we start up again in August.
If they have a hotspot and won't need it I'd like it returned for the summer.
Please periodically check emails from time to time for any updates that may come out as I prepare the organization for our Duo security over the summer. This will help with starting more smoothly next year.
If you have any app/hardware/software requests please get them into me so I can get them in place for the coming year.
As always, feel free to reach me at HelpDesk@southernohioesc.org
Reminders 💡
Southern Ohio ESC - Region 14 Hopewell Center Team Members
- Please ensure all licenses and fingerprints are up to date for the 22-23 academic year
- Team members who are required to adhere to preschool guidance, your folders with requirements must be updated by start date of the 2022-2023 academic year, for questions you may reach out to Megan Trowbridge
- By August 1st there will be an email sent out with the specifics regarding our Opening Day 2022 event
- All team members who relocate must notify Amanda Ely and Taylor Reed
- Those team members leaving the organization are reminded to follow proper checkout procedures including the completion of the Exit Survey
- Departing or considering departing team members, please seek your Supervisor for advisement in regards to Records Retention
Save the date- opening day 2022
If there are specific topics you wish discussed in the next SOESC Newsletter please email, treed@southernohioesc.org
Southern Ohio Educational Service Center (SOESC)
Email: treed@southernohioesc.org
Website: https://www.southernohioesc.org/
Location: 3321 Airborne Road, Wilmington, OH, USA
Phone: 937-382-6921
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SouthernOhioESC
Twitter: @SouthernOhioESC
"Leading With Innovative Solutions For Student And Community Success"