Leading with Faith
May 21, 2024

The Catholic Schools Department weekly newsletter
Diocesan Track Meet!
The Diocesan Track Meet is being hosted at St. Francis High School this week. Athletes from many of our elementary schools are vying for the top spots. Results and photos will be posted here next week. Good luck and Godspeed, student athletes!
Department News
by Julie Gajewski
Accelerating Academic Success: The Benefits of Taking High School Regents Classes in Middle School
In the upcoming weeks, numerous middle school students will gear up to sit for New York State Regents exams in subjects such as Algebra, Geometry, Living Environment, or Earth Science. We're delighted to announce that 25 out of our 31 Catholic Elementary Schools provide at least one New York State High School Regents course in mathematics or science.
Taking a high school Regents class in middle school in New York means that a middle school student is enrolled in a course that typically counts towards high school graduation requirements and prepares students for a New York State Regents exam. These exams are standardized tests that assess student proficiency in various subjects such as Mathematics and Science.
Here's what it entails:
Advanced Coursework: The student is taking a more challenging curriculum designed for high school students. This can include subjects like Algebra I, Living Environment (Biology), or Earth Science.
Earning High School Credit: Successfully completing the course and passing the corresponding Regents exam allows the student to earn high school credits while still in middle school. This can free up their high school schedule for more advanced or elective courses later on.
Regents Exam Preparation: The course prepares students for the Regents exam associated with the subject. Passing the Regents exam is often required for high school graduation in New York.
Accelerated Learning Pathway: Taking Regents courses in middle school places students on an accelerated academic track, potentially allowing them to take more advanced courses earlier in their high school career.
Overall, it reflects a student's readiness for higher-level coursework and can provide significant academic advantages in their educational journey.
NYS Regents Information
Scoring Sites have been emailed to Principals for Algebra, Living Environment and Earth Science.
If you have questions regarding coordination of scoring please contact Julie Gajewski at jgajewski@buffalodiocese.org or (716) 847-5517.
Scoring Guidance Documents
High School Regents Examinations | New York State Education Department
Ordering test booklets and answer sheets
by Chris Riso
6/1/24 Last day for Parents to Request Special Education Services from Districts
6/14/24 Complete 2024-25 Professional Development Plan (Recommended)
6/16/24 Complete 12 Required Drills; Four must be Lockdown Drills
6/27/24 NYSED Nonpublic Safety Equipment (NPSE) Claims Due
7/1/24 First day 2024-2025 Textbook Orders are allowed
TBD NYSED Elementary School AIS Claims Due
8/1/24 NYSED MST/STEM Grant Submission Deadline
Regents Scoring Workshop Documentation: The ability for you to claim Regents Scoring Workshop Hours on Mandate 4 of your Mandated Services claim is a great financial benefit to your school, reimbursing you for the hours that your teachers spent prior to exam scoring to prepare for the exam scoring as is required by NYSED. Therefore, let me remind you of how you should be verifying that these workshops took place along with the hours your teachers spent in these scoring workshops. Please be sure that you create and save Regents Exam Scoring Workshop agendas and sign-in sheets for each exam your teachers correct. These documents will substantiate any Regents Scoring Workshop hours you claim on your 2023-24 Mandated Services Claim. NYS mandates that scorers receive “task-specific training on the actual administration of the exam[s]” (wording differs for each exam) so be sure to claim these hours spent training to score; this would include collaborative work analyzing the anchor papers provided in the scoring manual. It would not be unreasonable for 1 or 2 hours to be scheduled for this training for each Regents Exam you score so make sure your day-of-scoring agenda shows this training time. Here is an example of a day-of-scoring agenda, with room for teachers to sign in:
Regents Algebra I (Common Core) Exam Scoring Agenda June 4, 2024
8:30am – 10:30am Training Raters to Score Student Responses
10:30am – 3:00pm Scoring Exams (with 1/2 hour lunch)
If you want, you can leave blanks for the start and end times so you can fill them in with the actual times you spent in training. Be sure to also have an area below with lines for teachers to print their names and sign in. Once this form has printed names and signatures, make a copy for your 2023-24 Mandated Services folder. If you (or the school your teacher scored with) did not create these agendas last January and require teachers to sign in to each workshop session, I recommend that you take the time now to recreate those documents and get the teachers involved to sign in (albeit after the fact) so you have forms to verify the hours you are claiming for your 2023-24 claim. I know that these workshops occurred because they are mandated prior to exam scoring – just make sure you have the paperwork to verify that these sessions actually occurred and can show who was in attendance. Please call me if you need further explanation on this.
Vaccination Fraud Alert from NYSED: The NYS Department of Health (NYSDOH) has deleted immunizations reported to the New York State Immunization Information System (NYSIIS) by Sandra Miceli, NP, Surviving Naturally. A press release with full information can be found here: health.ny.gov/press/releases/2024/2024-05-07_vaccine_records.htm. Records of vaccinations purportedly provided by Miceli no longer qualify as valid proof of immunization. Schools that the NYSDOH has identified with affected enrolled students should have received two follow-up emails on 5/9/24. The first alerted the school that it has been identified among those impacted; the second included a list of affected students believed to be enrolled at the school. Schools that are aware of students who have submitted records from Surviving Naturally/Sandra Miceli, NP, must act regardless of whether they receive follow-up emails from the NYSDOH. Please email the NYSDOH for important instructions if you believe that your school has students who have been impacted. If you have questions, you should direct them to stopvaxfraud@health.ny.gov. NYSDOH has deleted immunizations reported to the New York State Immunization Information System (NYSIIS) by Sandra Miceli, NP, Surviving Naturally.
by Laurie Wojtaszczyk
All job postings need to be sent to Laurie to be put up on our website. Please add your school logo to the top if possible replacing the section that says “Job Posting” and all the details beflow up until the date posted.
When adding new students in eSchool, please remember to add their home district. This causes many Level 0 errors that need to be corrected.
STAR testing must be done within the window of May 20 - June 10. No exceptions.
Here is the PowerPoint that was shared with the STAR Champions. We are creating a handbook for Best Practices and will share that at the Principal’s Meeting.
Principals- please remember to send your MSA information to Laurie before May 23rd.
by Nancy DiBerardino
Thank you to all the schools who participated in the Diocesan Track meet! Results will be posted next week.
The Character Virtue for May is Optimism. Please submit your names here by June 7th.
Our calendar for the 2024-2025 year is ready, but is subject to change as the year progresses.
URGENT: If you have not ordered your school supplies for the end of the year, please use this link to notify Nancy of your needs.
Important Dates
5/20-21 - Diocesan Track Meet, St. Francis
5/22 - Principal's Meeting, UB Newman Center
5/28 - Character Awards Celebration, St. Amelia's, 6pm Mass