The Patton Post
Friday, November 15th

- Absences & Tardies (2nd POST!)
- Important notes from the nurse (2nd POST!)
- R2E - Photo Request (2nd POST!)
- Cell Phones & Electronic Devices (2nd POST!)
- Families in Need (2nd POST!)
- Adopt-a-Book (2nd POST!)
- Halloween Candy Donations (Final POST!)
- Homework Club (Ongoing Post)
- 2024-2025 Calendar (Ongoing Post)
- Dates to Know (Updated Post!)
Friday, November 15th
The fifth grade teachers and I could not stop beaming on Wednesday evening at the 5th Grade band concert. They were just amazing at their first concert, and have shown so much growth over the past couple of months! Our band director, Miss Horton, always manages to get the best out of these kiddos and it was fun to see how excited (and nervous) our panthers were going into their first concert. Not surprisingly, they played beautifully.
Wednesday was "World Kindness Day" and we celebrated by having our students write thank you notes to staff. It was also a great opportunity for some of our older students to help our younger students. Any day we are able to spread some extra kindness around is a good day!
We have just one more week until Fall break! This year is certainly flying by. To get us in the mood for the break, our student council have decided that next week should be Spirit Week! Please see the flyer below for the themes for each day.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ellie Chin
We were so lucky to have 12 Veterans and their families join us in honor of Veterans Day on Monday. One of our current parents, Mr. Citron, a Veteran of the US Coast Guard, explained all the various branches of the Armed Forces to our students.
Our Patton Cub Scouts Pack 269 performed a flag ceremony, our 4th graders performed 2 meaningful patriotic songs, and we were introduced to our Veteran guests of honor by their Patton family members.
Our student council organized a plan for all students to dress in red, white and blue and it made a patriotic visual once the children were seated.
It was a wonderful assembly and we were so grateful to be able to honor those in our community who serve and show our appreciation to them.
Looking for something fun to do this weekend with your child? Encourage your child to submit entries for this year’s national PTA Reflections program, with the theme: Accepting Imperfection. It's not too late!
Students can submit their completed works of art in one (or more) of the art categories: dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography and visual arts. Please read through these specific PTA reflections rules for each category submission.
All projects must be submitted to Patton’s main office by the end of school day on November 20th. Please fill out this student entry form to accompany each project. Feel free to reach out to Tina Shah (tinashah1@gmail.com) with any questions!
In the mood for grabbing some Patton swag for the holidays? Well, we have just the sale for you! Just click on the flyer below and get as many items as you can stuff in a stocking!
Please join us for our next PTA Meeting on Wednesday, November 20th at 7:00pm. One of our School Resource Officers, Chris Seebacher, will be hosting a presentation on Digital Citizenship. Parents of students of all ages are welcome to attend. However, the presentation is geared towards parents of 4th and 5th graders as they approach middle school and children having their own cell phones. Parents will be provided with different resources for online safety recommendations, hear about cyberbullying, and listen to some of the issues related to student online behavior that our school resource officers have seen in the 19 different schools where they are working.
Please note, this presentation is for parents, not for students. Each year students learn about digital citizenship and last year our school resource officers taught a lesson in each of our 5th grade classes, sharing information similar to what will be shared with parents in this presentation. Please fill out this googleform if you plan to attend to help us plan adequate seating.
5th GRADE SHOW - KICKOFF EVENT - Thurs. Nov 21st (NEW POST!)
Space is limited for this event so please be sure to only bring immediate family members. Extended family members will get to enjoy the show in May.
Our amazing library team have come up with a fun craft idea for this year! For those of you staying local this Fall break and wishing to avoid the dreaded "I'm so bored!" mantra, have your kiddos do this super fun craft! We can't wait to see some of the creative tissue boxes that come in after break!
With report card time right around the corner, please know that we review attendance each trimester. You may receive a truancy letter regarding your child's attendance. We know that illnesses, appointments, and vacations happen throughout the year; however, days quickly add up without realizing the impact they have on your child's education. Daily attendance is expected and essential to school success. Please work with us to ensure that your child is attending school each day they are healthy. If support is needed in this area, please reach out to us. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Doors open at 8:50 and students begin entering their classrooms at 8:55. Although our doors remain open until 9:00, students entering the building at this time will likely feel rushed getting to their classrooms and unpacking their backpacks to be ready to start the day at 9:05. Any students entering the building at 9:05 are considered tardy and will need to be signed in by a parent. Please help your child start their day off with a smile and feeling calm by arriving on time.
Doctors' Notes Needed
If your student has an injury or illness that requires them to sit out of PE/recess, please obtain a note from the doctor and share it with Mrs. Klancnik, our school nurse. The note should state any restrictions the student has at school and for what length of time. It should also state what date the student may return to normal activities.
If your student has a procedure or surgery scheduled, please let Mrs. Klancnik know as necessary paperwork may be needed for their return to school.
Extra Curricular Activities When Sick
As a reminder - Students absent from classes on the day of an extracurricular event may not be allowed to participate in that day’s activities or events. Prior planning by parents and school helps eliminate any such conflicts. If students are absent due to illness, please refrain from bringing them to school for extracurricular activities including music lessons, rehearsals, clubs, music performances, etc.
Keeping with our school theme this year - Regulate to Elevate - we are looking to fill our bulletin board in the Commons with photos of staff and students being their best, regulated selves. If you haven't already, please send a photo in with your child. They can be turned in to the Office or to classroom teachers. (Photos will not be able to be returned.)
As we approach the holiday season and wish lists and gifts are being discussed, we wanted to share an excerpt from the Parent Handbook for your reference.
If your child receives (or already has) a smart watch or cell phone, please discuss and establish expectations with them prior to sending them to school. All devices should be turned off and left in backpacks during the school day (see AHSD25 Parent Student Handbook, Page 39 also included below).
We have been made aware of students receiving or sending messages during the school day from their watches. Please explain to your child/ren that they should reach out to their teacher, the front office, or Mrs. Klancnik, our school nurse, if they need to reach you during the day. We care about all of our students and will support them as needed while they are here at school. We also hope that any parent or guardian who needs to communicate a message to their child during the school day will call the office. Please know that your message will be passed on to your child.
We know many of our students ride their bikes and/or walk to and from school and we completely understand that having a way to communicate with your child provides you with peace of mind during these times and helps you to connect with them. Please only reach out to your child outside of school hours and please do ensure that they know how to silence or turn their device off during the school day.
Each year, following the holiday season, we have students coming in with new devices uncertain of how to silence them when they ding with alerts, alarms, and other notifications. Thank you for partnering with us on this front - it really does help minimize disruptions and ensures that students stay focused and connected with their teachers and peers throughout the day.
From District 25 Parent Student Handbook (Page 39
The possession and use of cell phones and other electronic devices, including wearables, are subject to the following rules:
• Middle school students are expected to turn off electronics and store devices in their middle school locker during the school day.
• Elementary students are expected to leave electronics in the “off” position and in their backpacks throughout the school day.
• A supervising teacher may grant permission for them to be used or if needed during an emergency.
• They may not be used in any manner that will cause disruption to the educational environment or will otherwise violate student conduct rules.
There are families in our community that can use a little extra help during the holiday season. Please contact our Social Worker, Barb Donahue, if your family is one that would benefit from this assistance. This is meant to be “a hand up, not a hand out”.
The staff is collecting gift cards to various local stores. These gift cards will be distributed amongst the families that reply. Please contact my confidential voicemail or email (see below) by November 30th if you are interested or if you have any questions.
Confidential Email: bdonahue@sd25.org
Confidential Voicemail: 847-506-5927
Celebrate your child's birthday, another special occasion, or someone or something important to you by donating a new book to the LMC in their honor and share the gift of reading!
For more information check out our Adopt-A- Book page on the LMC website
If you have any leftover candy after Halloween or if you just can't face another Tootsie Roll, please consider dropping it off here at Patton. We are collecting donations and will be preparing a care package to be sent out to our troops and other places such as the Wheeling Township, depending on how much we collect.
We will accept any type of candy. Please drop candy off in the front office.
HOMEWORK CLUB: NOVEMBER & DECEMBER - 4th and 5th Graders (Ongoing POST!)
4th and 5th Grade homework club provides a quiet space for students to complete assignments or read in a relaxing setting. Mr. Morkert will be available to answer questions and provide help when needed.
It is important that you note whether you will pick up your child or if they will walk home. Mr. Morkert will bring the kids to the front doors at 4:25pm. Please be there waiting at this time.
Please reach out if you have questions. (tmorkert@sd25.org)
This club will run on Thursdays, 3:35-4:40pm.
If your child is interested, please SIGN UP HERE and be sure to enter your child's name when signing up!
2024-2025 SCHOOL CALENDAR (Ongoing Post!)
Should you want to print this calendar as well, please click HERE.
Wednesday, November 20th - PTA Meeting
Thursday, November 21st - 5th Grade Show Kickoff Event
November 25th - 29th - Fall Break - NO SCHOOL
Friday, December 6th - PTA Sponsored - Patton Spreads Joy Event
Please be sure to click on the Patton PTA website button above for information about other upcoming events
Main Line: (847) 398-4288
Fax #: (847) 394-6681
Absence Procedure
Twitter: @AHSD25Patton