Erickson Express
Back to School Edition
August 21, 2024
Dear Erickson Families,
Can't wait to see families at Meet the Teacher today! Stop in anytime between 2:30-3:30. Plan ahead...the parking lot may be full, families may need to park in the Park District lots.
Tomorrow is the first day of school for 1st-5th Grade! (Monday, August 26th is the first day of school for Preschool & Kindergarten). We will be looking out for your Eagle whether they are a bus rider, getting dropped off, or using our Kids Place daycare service. We will make sure they get to where they need to be! On Thursday, August 22 & Friday, August 23 from 8:25-8:40, all teachers will be outside greeting students and families during the first few days of school. Grades K, 4, & 5 will gather in the front of the school and grades 1, 2 & 3 will gather in the back of the building. Please look for your teacher on those days.
Reminder that there is no parking in the front lot. The front lot is for buses only.
Please expect buses to run a little late for the first few weeks of school as drivers are learning students' names and bus stop locations. We are lucky to have 5 out of 8 returning bus drivers back at Erickson. It is recommended to be at the bus stop 10 minutes before the expected arrival time. If you have any questions about the bus, please fill out the form below. Please use The First Student Bus App to track the bus (information below).
Please take the time to review the Elementary Family Handbook. Next week, each class will meet with Mrs. Frattinger and myself to discuss school rules and procedures.
Registration Fees have been posted. See information below.
Important beginning of the year dates:
- August 21 - 2:30-3:30 : MEET THE TEACHER/SCHOOL SUPPLY DROP OFF (ALL GRADES: Preschool-5th Grade). Bring your school supplies to drop off and meet your new teacher!
- August 22: FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL -1st-5th Grade (8:40-3:30)
- August 22-23: Kindergarten Assessment - Kindergarten Assessment Sign-Up: SIgn up for an hour slot of time on August 22 or 23 for your child to be assessed on early literacy/math skills. A parent(s) should also plan on attending this session to meet with a kindergarten staff member to go over kindergarten related information.
- August 26: FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL -Preschool & Kindergarten
- Preschool (AM-8:50-11:20 or PM-12:50-3:20)
- Kindergarten (AM-8:40-11:30) or (PM-12:40-3:30)
- August 30: FRIDAY - PTO Back to School Bash event from 5:30-7:00, all families are invited!
School Supply Lists for 2024-2025
2024-2025 School Year Calendar
If you need to report an absence, please call the school 630-529-2223 or email the teacher and the attendance line: erattendance@sd13.org
Have a wonderful day!
Stacy Johnston
My School Bucks Registration Fees
Integration between Alma and My School Bucks has been completed. Please sign into My School Bucks and create an account and attach your student(s).
*Click on the Person Icon in the upper right hand corner
*In the drop down that appears select "My Students"
*On the My Students page click the blue "Add Student" button
Once the fees are posted to your student(s) account(s), you will receive an email notification from My School Bucks. If you have not received an email, this means the fees were probably posted prior to you creating an account.
The payment deadline has been extended to October 1, 2024.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
On Thursday, August 22 & Friday, August 23 from 8:25-8:40, all teachers will be outside greeting students and families during the first few days of school. Grades K, 4, & 5 will gather in the front of the school and grades 1, 2 & 3 will gather in the back of the building. Please look for your teacher on those days.
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures - Click to learn about arrival and dismissal procedures for the 2024-2025 school year.
-Families should utilize the parent parking lot (on the side of the building) for pick-up and drop-off.
-The front parking lot is designated for buses.
-Kindergarten - 5th grade morning arrival is between 8:25am-8:40am.
- 8:25-8:30 ALL students will gather in the front of the building.
- 8:30-8:40 ALL students will enter through the front of the building and go directly to their classrooms.
-School starts at 8:40.
Bus Transportation / Bus APP
BUS TRANSPORTATION for the 2024-2025 School Year: Families are automatically routed on a bus if you live 1.5 miles or further from the school . If you would like to DECLINE BUS TRANSPORTATION, please click on this BUS REQUEST: DECLINE BUS / SAFETY CONCERN FORM so your child(ren) are not routed on the bus for the 24-25 school year (you would then be dropping them off/picking them up daily).
If you have a safety concern regarding your bus stop, you may fill out this form: BUS REQUEST: DECLINE BUS / SAFETY CONCERN FORM After reviewing your request, you will be notified by September 3rd if a change will be made.
Please review your bus stop location. Please be on time for the bus. Please know that the first first weeks of school the bus may not be on time as the drivers are learning the routes and students are riding the bus for the first time. Please be patient.
The district will continue using the First View Bus App for tracking bus routes. See the below flyer about the First View Bus App.
From the Nurse
Message from Nurse Kassy
Required Health Forms:
2nd Grade: Dental
Student Needs:
Please inform the nurse of any allergies or sensitivities to foods, medications, and environmental allergens. If there are any pertinent details of your students' health that you feel the nurse needs to know, please reach out and discuss this with us. This information will allow staff to better support your student throughout the day.
About Your Student’s Medication:
The district's medication administration policy mandates that all medication to be administered at school requires an MD order, including over-the-counter medications. Students may NOT keep over-the-counter meds in their backpacks or in their lockers--including cough drops, eye drops, Advil, etc. This is an important safety concern! Please review the policy included in the registration process.
If your student requires an inhaler, Epi-Pen, or any oral medication, please obtain the medication form and appropriate health care plan from your physician when your child has their exam. Forms may also be obtained on the district website.
Excused Physical Education Class:
Please note that all PE excuses need to be sent to the Nurse's Office. A parent may excuse a student from PE for up to 3 days (consecutively). Thereafter, a Doctor's note is required.
Calls home from the Nurse:
Phone calls home are warranted in the event of a head injury, minor or major
All in school sickness including fever of 100.4 (oral) or greater, vomiting and/or diarrhea
Please prepare to keep your child home until:
Fever-free for a full 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication.
Vomiting and diarrhea has ceased for a full 24 hours
Please refer to the General Health Guidelines which can be found on the district website
Nurse's Office Contact Information:
Kasandra Lethert - KassandraLethert@sd13.org
24-25 After School Clubs
NEW CLUB Girls on the Run - Grades 3-5
School Hours / Lunch Hours
School Hours:
Grades 1st-5th: 8:40-3:30
Kindergarten AM: 8:40-11:30
Kindergarten PM: 12:40-3:30
Preschool AM: 8:50-11:20
Preschool PM: 12:50-3:20
Student Arrival:
Kindergarten-5 grade students can begin arriving at 8:25. Students should gather in the front of the building. Doors open at 8:30. Students should arrive by 8:40
Lunch Hours:
1st, 2nd & 3rd Grade Lunch: 12:00-12:25
4th-5th Grade Lunch: 12:25-12:50
Dropping off lunches from restaurants (ie- McDonald's, Wendy's, Panera, etc.) as well as using food delivery services to drop off food (ie -GrubHub, Door Dash) is not allowed. Students should bring their lunch in the morning to school each day. Safety is our number one priority and we would like to limit visitors.
Erickson Elementary School
Email: sjohnston@sd13.org
Website: sd13.org
Location: 277 Springfield Drive, Bloomingdale, IL, USA
Phone: 630-529-2223
Fax: 630-893-9849