Lebanon High School

December 1, 2024
A Note From the Principal
Dear Lebanon Parents and Guardians,
In thinking about what to share with you this month, I am reminded of how short, jam-packed, and flat out crazy the second quarter of the school year sometimes is. In eight short weeks, we have the end of fall sports, playoff games, sports banquets, election day, multiple field trips, the NHS induction ceremony, sophomore explore day at WCCC, EOC makeups, EOC tests in Biology & American Government, the start of the winter sports season, multiple holiday concerts, and final semester exams. It’s exhausting just thinking about it.
In the midst of all this activity, I would encourage you to do two things. The first is to stay connected with your student, especially in terms of their academics. As the days get shorter and life becomes more hectic, it is not uncommon for students to see a drop off in their grades. I encourage you to keep track of your student’s marks through ProgressBook, and then talk to them and/or their teachers if you see them heading in the wrong direction. There are three weeks left of the quarter and it is not too late to turn around and get them back to where they need to be.
Secondly, the holidays are often a hard time emotionally for young and old alike, and can take a toll on even the strongest person’s health and well-being. It is my hope that this winter break will be a time for you and your family to rest, relax, and have some fun. Speaking as the father of three grown children, they don’t stay teenagers forever and you can’t get these days back. So my holiday wish for you and your family is that this is a holiday season to remember, by the time you spend together and the care and love you show for one another.
In closing, I will share with you a Celtic blessing for this time of year:
May the blessing of light be on you, light without and light within.
May the sunlight shine upon you and warm your heart till it glows,
May the light shine out of the eyes of you, like a candle set in the windows of a house,
And may the Lord bless you, and bless you kindly.”
Happy Holidays, everyone!
Bob Reynolds, Principal
Lebanon High School
LHS Remembers Coach James VanDeGrift (1939-2024)
We join with the entire Lebanon community in remembering the life of Jim VanDeGrift. It is impossible to measure the impact he made on the lives of everyone who knew him. Here is what was shared about Coach VanDeGrift when he was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2011:
Jim was born on March 31, 1939. He was hired as the Head Football Coach and a biology teacher for the 1967-68 school year. His prior teaching and coaching stops include Marysville HS for 2 years and Chillicothe Unioto HS for 4 years. He later served as a guidance counselor and then as the athletic director at LHS for 12 years. He is a member of 7 different Hall of Fames and our current football stadium was named James VanDeGrift Stadium in the fall of 1997. Vandy retired as an educator from Lebanon schools in 1994. He officiated high school and college basketball for 34 years and also officiated high school track for over 30 years.
During his spare time he still enjoys playing golf and is a Township Trustee in Warren County. He and his wife Rosie have been married over 60 years, having three children; Ty, Jamie, and Dana, who have given them 10 grandchildren. During his time at LHS, he achieved the following:
LHS Head Football Coach 1967-1981 (15 years as longest tenure of Football)
5 League Championships
1980 OHSAA Division II State Runner-up
5 League Coach of the Year Awards
Southwest District Coach of the Year Award 1980
Career Record 109-36-8(75%)
LHS School Record for Most Wins (109)
LHS Head Men’s Track Coach 1969-73, 1981-92 (15 years)
3 League Championships
12 League Coach of the Year Awards
Cross Country
LHS Head Men’s & Women’s Cross Country Coach 1983-90 (8 years)
To honor the memory of Coach VanDeGrift, the LHS Social Committee is collecting staff donations to purchase and plant a Mighty Oak tree at the Stadium. This memorial has been approved by the district and the Stadium Development Team.
Exam Schedule & Reminders
First Semester exams will be December 18th thru 20th. Here are some important reminders regarding exams and exam week procedures:
No exams will be given prior to Wednesday, December 18th. No exceptions.
The exam is 20% of the semester grade. If a student fails an exam and at least one quarter, the student will fail for the semester and receive no credit.
Quarter grades determine athletic eligibility for all students.
For winter sports, their eligibility is determined by their 2nd quarter grades.
For spring sports, eligibility is determined by their 3rd quarter grades.
For fall sports, eligibility is determined by their 4th quarter grades of the previous year and their 1st quarter grades of the new school year.
Students missing an exam with an excused absence may make them up by January 10th. Students who miss exams with an excused absence and who do not make them up by January 10th will be given an F for the final exam. Students may also arrange to make up an exam in the afternoon of exam week.
Please make sure your students arrive on time for their exams. Students arriving late will not be admitted to the exam, unless excused by the office. Unexcused absences will result in an "F" for the exam, with no make-up allowed.
After their last exams, students must remain at school in study hall unless their parents gave permission for them to leave in the Open Exam/Standardized Testing portion of the online Back to School Forms completed in August. Once students leave the building, they are not permitted to ride the bus or re-enter the building until the following exam day.
Parents picking up students immediately following an exam should use the bus lane and pickup behind LHS in the bus parking lot. On exam days, there is normally a 20-minute wait to exit the school lot so please be patient in the parking lot. End of the day student pick up will follow the usual procedures.
Buses will run on regular schedules during exams.
LHS Student Highlights
Lebanon’s Governor’s Merit Scholarship award winners announced
Last year, the Ohio Department of High Education announced the Governor’s Merit Scholarship Program (GMS). This program provides up to $5,000.00 per year in financial assistance to high school seniors who are identified as graduating in the top 5% of their class. I am proud to announce that the following 23 seniors have been selected to each receive one of these scholarships. These students were chosen for the scholarship because at the end of the 11th grade year, their GPA placed them in the top 5% of the Class of 2025. They are:
LHS Music Department
Marching Band’s season concluded on a high note
The Lebanon Marching Band completed a remarkable season with competitions at West Clermont and Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis. Congratulations to Michelle Crockett, David Iannelli, Wes Michael, Stephanie Brown and all our students for their hard work and resiliency. You make us Warrior Proud!
Football completed another great season with a home playoff run
Warrior Football concluded another winning season. After completing a 6-4 record during the regular season, Lebanon hosted two playoff games. They scored a convincing victory over Northmont 42-21 before falling to Dublin Coffman in the second round. Congratulations Coach Faler to you and your players for an outstanding season! We look forward to more great things to come.
LHS celebrated state cross country qualifiers
LHS celebrated our OHSAA state cross country qualifiers, senior Hannah Glassmeyer and junior Kendall Hoeffel on Friday, November 1st with a Walk of Champions! On Saturday, November 2nd at the state meet, Hannah and Kendall placed 91st and 92nd respectively out of 165 runners. Congratulations to both these fine athletes on a tremendous season!
Congratulations Girls Soccer, District Champions
Congratulations to our Girls Soccer Team for winning the District Championship! They defeated Lakota West and Centerville to earn the title! They ended their season with a record of 14-4-1. Thank you for your hard work and achievements this season! You make us proud!
Fall Signing Day 2024
This month, sixteen Warriors from the class of 2025 endorsed their commitments to continuing their careers at the next level. They were:
Kiley Bruce (Soccer) - Ohio University
Hannah Glassmeyer (Distance) - Western Kentucky University
Grant Keffaber (Baseball) - Kent State University
Peyton Lawley (Golf) - University of Detroit Mercy
Mazie Monroe (Soccer) - High Point University
Ella Teubner (Softball) - University of Iowa
Joselyn Hensley (Swimming) - Ashland University
Tracie Leopold (Acro/Tumbling) - Montevallo College
Josh Beavon (Baseball) - Muskingum University
Rosie Brinkman (Volleyball) - Mount St. Joseph University
Cameron Coleman (Baseball) - Marietta College
Jordan Mueller (Basketball) - University of Northwestern Ohio
McKinley Tillison (Golf) - Ohio Christian University
Lydia Watson (Volleyball) - Ohio Christian University
Hayden Masenheimer (Baseball) - Hocking College
Austin Mullikin (Baseball) - Hocking College
We look forward to seeing you represent our community at the next level! Well done, Warriors!
The Harlem Wizards came to play at LHS
This past Monday, 22 of our Lebanon City School employees laced up their sneakers and took on the Harlem Wizards in an exciting and entertaining matchup! The event was a tremendous success, thanks to the hard work of Coach Chasteen and our girls basketball team. Not only did it provide great entertainment, but it also helped support our girls basketball program in a big way. Thank you to everyone who participated, volunteered, and came out to cheer us on!
Senior Dress Up Day 2024
Senior Dress Up Day was a major success! Thanks to all who participated and made the day fun! It was truly a Happy Halloween at LHS!
Click the guidance flyer to access the document and links.
Friends of Academics (FOA) acknowledges student academic accomplishments via awards, luncheons, and scholarships. To contribute to these achievement recognitions, kindly consider making a donation to FOA through their Venmo account @lhs-foa. Over the summer, approximately 100 senior students creatively decorated their parking spaces to show support for FOA. Be sure to visit the Friends of Academic link to champion LHS academics! friendsofacademics@lebanonschools.org Please don't hesitate to reach out with any inquiries.
The Ohio Department of Health requires two doses of the Meningococcal (MCV4) vaccine before entry into 12th grade.Your student may have already received one dose of this vaccine, but a second dose must be administered on or after the 16th birthday. This immunization can be obtained from your family physician, the Warren County Health Department, or area clinics and pharmacies. Proof of immunization or immunization exemption* must be provided to the nursing office by the first day of senior year or by Ohio law, your student will be excluded from school. Proof of immunization/exemption may be emailed to cain.elizabeth@lebanonschools.org, faxed to 513-933-2150, or dropped off in the nurse’s office.
For more information contact Beth Cain BSN RN cain.elizabeth@lebanonschools.org or 513-934-5115. or Laura Fabik BSN RN fabik.laura@lebanonschools.org , 513-228-4015.
* Per Ohio Revised Code and school board policy, a student may be exempted from immunization if a parent or guardian objects for good cause, including religious conviction, or if there is a medical condition that prohibits immunization.
Exemptions for medical or religious reasons are allowed per Ohio Revised Code and school board policy.
After Prom Committee will choose the winning design. Submit by email (afterpromlhs@gmail) or a scannable copy to the Main Office. Winner will be announced by January 31st.
After Prom will use the design in many ways including as a logo for online and printed material as well as on t-shirts given at After Prom.
*The After Prom Committee reserves the right to alter the design as necessary for usage*
Check our Facebook and Instagram pages for examples of previous logos.
We need lots of volunteers!
Next After Prom meeting is December 4th at 7PM in the LHS Main Conference room. We hope to see you there.
Gifted Education Resources
This month's resources for families of gifted students explore how to discuss giftedness with your child and highlight the value of enrichment opportunities.
If you have any questions, please contact Beth Deuer at deuer.elizabeth@lebanonschools.org.
Athletic Department Highlights
AD Dept News
Congratulations to our Miami Valley All-District Soccer Athletes and Coach(es)!
Max Walker - 1st Team, Boys Soccer
Nolan Leverage - 2nd Team, Boys Soccer
Gavin Morris - 3rd Team, Boys Soccer
Ryan Moore - 3rd Team, Boys Soccer
Ivan Ehlers - 3rd Team, Boys Soccer
Mazie Monroe - 1st Team, Girls Soccer
Sophia Leonard - 1st Team, Girls Soccer
Paige Martin - 2nd Team, Girls Soccer
Aubrey Fitzgerald - 2nd Team, Girls Soccer
Maddie Wagers - 3rd Team, Girls Soccer
Allie Kerns - 3rd Team, Girls Soccer
Will Peppard - Assistant Coach of the Year, Girls Soccer
Congratulations to our All-State Athletes & Coach(es)!
Max Walker - Boys Soccer
Mazie Monroe - Girls Soccer
Congratulations to our Ohio All-Southwest Football
Regan Bonny - 2nd Team, Defense
Luke Faler - Honorable Mention
Cam Williams - Honorable Mention
Noah Juliussen - Honorable Mention
Hunter Davis - Honorable Mention
Like last year, if school is delayed or canceled, we will send a text message to all parents/students/staff members who have provided their cell phone number to us through Final Forms. If you prefer not to receive a text message or do not have cell phone access, you should use any of the other forms of communication that are used on these days, including our website, Facebook, Twitter, radio, and TV. All major radio and TV stations in the Cincinnati and Dayton area are contacted.
General Notes
SCHOOL DAY: School begins each day at 7:25 and ends at 2:25.
DOORS OPEN: Doors to the building open at 6:55.
PARKING PASSES : Passes are available for students with a valid driver’s license. Purchase at the front desk with check or cash.