ASASP Union Times
May 8, 2024, Beginning Of The Month Edition
Negotiations Stuck At the Gate As "House Team" is Unwilling To Compromise!!
We Are Continuously In Preparation.
Salary Enhancements Already Established for 2024-25
July 2024 COLA and Step Increase
Upcoming Salary Enhancements for ASASP Unit 2 and Unit 3 Employees and Negotiations for Compensation, Classification and Language
F. Salary tables for FY 2025 improved as follows: - 4% COLA effective July 1, 2024 applied to the base salary. - One Step increase on July 1, 2024 applied to the base for all eligible employees. Eligible is defined as a Unit member who has served in the Unit for at least one calendar year.
Association of Supervisory and Administrative School Personnel
ASASP Board of Directors as of May 8, 2024
Thank you for your membership, support and dedication to the education of our young people. Feel free to reach out to the board to share concerns, we are here to serve!!
Jeffery J. Parker, Executive Director
Brian Galbraith, President
Your ASASP Board of Directors - Representatives
1300 Caraway Court Suite 204
Largo, Maryland 20774
Mr. Brian Galbraith - President
Mr. Danny Miller - Vice President
Ms. Michelle Towles-Monroe - Secretary
Mr. Danny Miller - Treasurer
Ms. Jennifer Williams - Board Member (Unit 3 Board Member)
Ms. Dana Brown - Board Member (Unit 3 Board Member)
Ms. Dee-Onn Everette - Board Member (Unit 3 Board Member)
Ms. Simone Malloy - Board Member (At Large)
Ms. Nichelle Williams - Assistant Principal (At Large)
Ms. Jewel Preston - Board Member (Elementary Principal)
Currently Vacant - Board Member (Middle School Principal)
Dr. Ronald Hollis – Board Member (High School Principal)
Crystal Bright-Mundell (Wing Coordinator/Elementary AP)
Mr. Thomas Childs - Board Member (Secondary Assistant Principal)
Currently Vacant - Instructional Supervisor (Instructional Supervisor)
A Word from AFSA our National Affiliate
A Word From Your Executive Director
Greetings ASASP, It's Almost Over!
The school year is coming to close fast, as we are already one full week into May and many are gearing up for prom season in our high schools. Graduations and close out celebrations will kick off in May.
I hope all is well with you and your family, friends and loved ones. Take some time to enjoy this wind down period and make plans for your summer weekend excursions and vacations. You deserve it and you need to make every effort to live your best life this summer. Live your life like it's golden, because it's too short, nothing is guaranteed and this summer will come and go so fast, you won't believe, so you better take advantage while you can. Enjoy the links in this newsletter, as I do not own the rights to them. They are purely for education and entertainment.
Have a great week and an a better weekend and Mother's Days.
Jeffery J. Parker, Executive Director
A New Secretary Has Been Elected By The Membership!!
The Ballots Have Been Counted!!
Hey ASASP, the ballots are in and the dues paying members of this union have spoken!
The winner and new secretary of our union is Mrs. Michelle Towles-Monroe.
The results of the election are as follows:
Michelle Towles-Monroe 52
Felecia Colbert 38
Sandy Mason 38
Negasti McCurdie-Wright 26
Congratulations Michelle Towles-Monroe - Secretary Elect
Blueprint Good for Some, but not for Assistant Principals
Assistant Principals Stand Up!!
PGCPS will set the stage for the ILT (Instructional Lead Teacher) position to replace nearly 500 Assistant Principal positions in PGCPS and thousands across the country. Why do they believe this to be such a game changing move? They are really trying us and hoping that they can convince you to just accept it.
Right now PGCPS version of the Maryland Blueprint is changing their rhetoric about TEACHING 20% of your time to PARTICIPATE 20% of your time. DON'T FALL FOR IT!!!! Ask Dr. Murphy-Baldwin and Segun Eubanks how much of their time do they plan to PARTICIPATE. The answer is ZERO!!
Just two days ago Chief of Human Resources, Dr. Kristi Murphy-Baldwin started trying to convince you with a smile that PARICIPATING 20% (teaching) is going to make the difference, was really trying to prepare you for their JULY 1st IMPLEMENTATION of you all going back to the classroom, one small SIP at a time!
Why do the powers that be believe getting rid of Assistant Principals or putting them back in the classroom is going to move instruction? It's probably because the people that are trying to sell you this BULL, have never taught, much less been an administrator on your level. Perhaps more attention needs to be put into hiring staff instead of trying create new teachers out of assistant principals.....
Last Day Of School Memo
Riverdale Elementary School Administrators
Principal Riley and Assistant Principal Moore serving up a hot lunch for Teacher Appreciation today.
Mt. Rainier Elementary School Administrators
Parkdale High School Administrators
Principal Graves gathers her whole team after Nutty Buddy distribution for Teacher Appreciation.
Maryland Blueprint for Education
Blueprint Implementation
Please be sure to check out PGCPS Version of the Maryland Blueprint for education, which has been approved by MSDE.
PGCPS School Board
April 28, 2024 School Board Meeting
The Members of PGCPS Board of Education.
The Board Docs and upcoming events.
The Board of Education Meetings.
If You Don't Know, You Better Ask Somebody. Better Yet Check This Out!
These People Don't Love You, but Your Union Will Stand With You...
Why Should I Join A Union?
Please take a few minutes to educate yourself or refresh your knowledge of the history and current struggles facing unions. The three videos provide and overall basis of union roles and responsibilities, as well as the limitations and obstacles unions face every day.
Let us know if like the information provided in these articles by clicking "LIKE." If you don't like it or see the benefit, let us know that as well. We want to make sure that we are providing what you need to know.
Bold Beautiful Butterfly Mural
In remembrance of:
SS- 5 year old Sky Sosa
SM - 10 year old Shalom Mbah
Riverdale Elementary Pride
Mt. Rainier looking good.....
Work Calendar 2023-24
210 Day Calendar
Pay Attention Members!
Don't Say We Didn't Tell You!! 210 not 211, 212, etc....
August 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024
As an Eleven Month Employee you are scheduled to be paid for 210 Days of Work
There are actually 240 Days between the August 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024, however 24 of those days, Schools and Offices Closed for Staff and Students.
That leaves 216 actual work days that you can schedule your 210 days.
Schools and Offices Closed for Staff and Students during SY24 on:
September 4 and 25th Labor Day/Yom Kippur
November 22, 23, and 24th Thanksgiving Holiday
December 25, 26, 27, 28, 29th Winter/Christmas Holiday
January 1, 2, 15th Winter Break/MLK Holiday
February 19th Presidents Day
March 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29th Spring Break
April 1, 10, 23rd Spring Break/Eid-al-Fitr/Primary Election Day
May 27th Memorial Day
June 19th Juneteenth
As an Eleven Month Employee, you must work 210 Days during the work year or submit leave when need to be absent from work. Your 210 Days should include each day that school is scheduled to be in session for students, as well as those days scheduled for staff professional development. Otherwise, if you need to be off submit your leave.
If you plan or are asked to cover a Weekend Game, Weekend Homecoming Game, Weekend School Detention, Weekend Workshop or any school activity on the weekend, those days should be included in your 210 days even if they are a couple of hours or half day.
Calendar Of Events
What's On The Horizon!
The Next Two Weeks....
Two Week Outlook at ASASP-PGCPS!
6th Monday (Day 177 of 210) – ASASP
7th Tuesday (Day 178 of 210) – ASASP
8th Wednesday (Day 179 of 210) - ASASP
9th Thursday (Day 180/210) – ASASP
10th Friday(Day 181 of 210) – ASASP
13th Monday (Day 182 of 210) – ASASP
14th Tuesday (Election Day/No School) – ASASP
15th Wednesday (Day 183 of 210) – ASASP
16th Thursday (Day 184 of 210) – ASASP
17th Friday (Day 185 of 210) – ASASP
Important Dates and Celebrations!
Upcoming Events and Interests
***(Please Be Advised That Announcements of Events Is Not An ASASP Endorsement. It is simply an announcement that may be of use or interest to some members of our organization.)***
School Health Care Conference
May 18, 2024
Annual MASSP Meeting Coming Soon
October 25-26, 2024
Maryland Food and Nutrition Conference
PGCPS School Calendar 2023-24
Links You Can Use To Navigate Education In Maryland
Visit our ASASP Website for Updates as they come in….
Shout to the many Supervisors and Administrators for providing knowledgeable, program planning and support.
Links You Can Use:
Maryland Association of School Health Nurse Association
Maryland School Nutrition Association
MASSP – Maryland Association of Secondary School Principals
MAESP – Maryland Association of Elementary School Principals
Prince George’s County Board of Education
Maryland Department of Education
United States Department of Education