6th GRADE Enrollment Guide
6th Grade Required Courses
- All students will take math, language arts, science, and geography.
- Students may select an advanced course in math and/or language arts. Students will participate in one elective each day. Please select a first choice and second choice option.
- Please keep in mind this is a request. Some request may not be met due to unavailability due to enrollment numbers, teacher availability, etc.
Please review the following information regarding course information and complete the online Course Request form by March 14th, 2025.
You may also view the following video which will provide information on selecting courses.
Course Selection Video Guide
Course selection form will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
CORE Courses
Language Arts: Choose ONE
The purpose of this course is to develop successful readers and writers. Students will interact with both fiction and non-fiction text. Students will develop communication skills through instruction in oral and written communication, grammar and mechanics, vocabulary, and reading.
The purpose of this course is to develop successful readers and writers. Students will interact with both fiction and non-fiction text. Students will develop communication skills through instruction in oral and written communication, grammar and mechanics, vocabulary, and reading. Students should be reading at or above grade level and will be expected to work independently with material at home and school.
Math: Choose ONE
The purpose of this course is to help students learn the value of mathematics in everyday life, become confident in their own ability, and become mathematical problem solvers. Areas of study include but are not limited to: whole numbers, decimals, fractions, ratio, percent, measurement, geometry, integers, probability, and an introduction to algebra.
Advanced Math
The sixth grade advanced math course is composed of students who have mastered the basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The purpose of this course is to continue developing problem solving and critical thinking skill as well as prepare students to enroll in Pre-Algebra as they enter seventh grade. Areas of study include but are not limited to: integers, fractions, decimals, percent, proportion, measurement, geometry and algebraic skills.
* perquisite: 5th grade qualifying test
This will not be an option on the course request form. Students who meet requirement and qualifications will automatically be enrolled.
In order to qualify for Pre-Algebra in the sixth grade, a student must pass the fifth grade qualifying test for Pre-Algebra and must master the basic math concepts along with master of fractional operations. This course is two years advanced for sixth grade level and covers the required objectives for both seventh grade and Pre-Algebra. The purpose of the course is to provide the foundation in algebra, geometry and problem solving so that students will be prepared to enroll in Algebra I as they enter seventh grade. Areas of study include: variables, expressions, integers, solving equations, inequalities, exponents, and probability, percents and linear functions.
On the course request form you will be prompted to select a first and second option.
Orchestra (Full Year)
This is a beginning strings class for those students with no experience playing a stringed instrument. A method book and an instument-violin, viola, cello, or bass- are the only mandatory materials used in this course. The student will be provided technical training to prepare for two concerts given during the year. This training will provide a solid foundation from which the students will be able to continue playing in the orchestra in high school.
Band (Full Year)
Art (Full Year)
This course will cover the fundamentals of color, perspective, composition, and technique through various painting and print-making media. Students will be rated on work completed and turned in, participation, following instructions, and craftsmanship.
Choir (Full Year)
This course is specifically designed for students who have an interest in exploring performance arts. Students will spend a semester in choir and a semester in drama. Students will have the opportunity to develop vocal skills, read music, and learn about all facets of theatrical performance.
Exploratory Wheel (Full Year)
This course provides students an opportunity to explore multiple areas of interest. Students will explore PE, Drama and STEM. Introduction to STEM will provide students with an opportunity to learn about the STEM pathways of Engineering, computer/science and bio med. This exploration of courses will be hands-on/project based learning.
Counselor Contact Information
Please feel free to email or contact one of our counselors:
Megan Parenteau; parenteau.megan@unionps.org
Lisa Stuckey; stuckey.aelica@unionps.org
Kathryn Taylor; taylor.kathryn@unionps.org
In-person Course Selection Assistance
Our Community Schools Coordinator will be available on Tuesday, March 11th, to answer questions and assist with online enrollment. Computers and Translators will be available as well.
Please feel free to drop by the Union 6th Grade Center from 10:00-2:00 p.m.
Please reach out to Community School Coordinator Matt McAfee mcafee.matt@unionps.org
A Day in the Life of a 6th Grader Video
View video below to learn more about what your 6th graders school day will look like.