Adult Services News
July 2023
As you visit the new website, please be sure to share any issues or general feedback to Pablo at
Public Library Annual Survey FY23 Training & Support
This session will cover the following topics related to the FY23 RI Public Library Annual Survey:
- Brief review of LibPAS and data entry guidelines;
- Changes to existing data elements (questions);
- Clarifications for reporting data;
- Additions to the survey; review of definitions;
- Brief review of grant-in-aid application process.
There will be time for Q&A, so bring your questions! Register today.
A repeat of this training will be held Tuesday, August 15, 2023, at 10:30am.
Thursday, Jul 20, 2023, 02:00 PM
2023 LORI Certification Training & Support
The program will review the LORI Certification platform in LibPAS. We will walk through the certification process, which is slightly different by library type. Data input guidelines and other helpful resources will also be covered. There will be time for Q&A, so please bring your questions! Register today.
This training will be repeated on August 17, 2023.
Tuesday, Jul 25, 2023, 10:00 AM
Managing Difficult Conversations
You can’t avoid difficult conversations. You have them with students, teachers, administrators, and occasionally parents. Sometimes you can anticipate them. More frequently, one erupts without warning. Your leadership and the relationships necessary for the success of the library program depend on how well you handle these stressful occurrences. In every such situation, power is in play on both sides. Join Hilda Weisburg to learn what these powers are, which ones you have, and the best ones to use when dealing with difficult conversations.
Designing for Diversity in Your Library’s Communications
Sustainability 101
Start here for an overview of our profession’s newest core value, Sustainability, as adopted by the American Library Association in 2019. Identify the four characteristics of a sustainable library and learn how the triple bottom line definition of sustainability can be used to adapt library operations, service and program design, and partnerships in our community, to respond to the impacts of climate change. This webinar will focus on introductory concepts that will set the stage for the other offerings in this series.
Developing a Compelling Teaching Philosophy Statement
In this one-hour webinar, Mark Aaron Polger will help participants reflect on their teaching methods and compose a succinct teaching philosophy statement. This document will articulate your teaching beliefs, values, and assessment activities - and serve as a roadmap that will help navigate your teaching practices.
Bystander Harassment Intervention Webinar
Presented by Right to Be comes Bystander Intervention in the Workplace Demo
The goal of this presentation is to "reduce instances of workplace harassment online and in person by giving employees the tools they need to disrupt those perpetrating the harassment. This demo is a short sneak peak of how we equip employees with the information on how to be an effective bystander in the midst of workplace harassment using our proven 5Ds methodology; 98% of employees leave our training committing to intervene next time they witness disrespect or harassment." Learn more and register at
Can Libraries Legally Stream Music During Public Programs?
From Programming Librarian:
"What are the rules about sharing music from streaming services at public events? And in particular, what are the rules for playing streamed music during events at public libraries, such as storytimes, workshops, celebrations or other group activities?"
Building Social Capital: How Libraries are Helping Communities Connect
"As part of the National Impact of Library Public Programs Assessment (NILPPA), Programming Librarian's Knology sat down with advisors from across the library sector to discuss the impacts libraries aim to have on the communities they serve. During these discussions, we also brainstormed ways to track these impacts across various domains of community life. Two important ideas emerged from our conversations; Impact Domains and Indicators."
Schedule a meeting with me to talk through any ideas, projects, or challenges with your Adult Services work.
Contact me to share questions, comments or ideas for next month's newsletter!
Location: One Capitol Hill Providence RI
Phone: 401-574-9314
Twitter: @olisri