Woodland Park School District News
Oct. 4, 2024
Welcome to the Woodland Park School District e-Newsletter, which is sent out weekly when school is in session. It serves as a glimpse of some of the wonderful things going on in our schools, as well as a point of reference for upcoming events.
Your Partner in Education,
Michele R. Pillari, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools
CO Heroes
Charles Olbon held its first CO Heroes assembly on Monday. These students were recognized for exhibiting the CO rules (be a leader, be a worker, be a friend) as well as adhering to the character education program the Six Pillars of Character. Started at Memorial School in 2016, the program outlines expectations of students while in school, on a school bus, and at school activities in and out of the district. The Six Pillars are caring, trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, and citizenship. The program has expanded to all buildings this school year.
i-Ready Math Kick-Off
This week, we had our i-Ready kick-off assemblies at Charles Olbon School and Beatrice Gilmore School. Mrs. Reilly and Mrs. Tomback discussed the goal for the students, which is to complete and pass two i-Ready My Path Lessons per week. We had a very special guest, Snargg from i-Ready, join us in the kick-off. This goal for our students aligns with our District math goal for the year and we are excited for our students and ready to celebrate their accomplishments!
Fun STEAM Challenge
The students in Ms. Mohamed and Mrs. Reisman's fourth grade class at Beatrice Gilmore School were busy last Friday trying to complete their STEAM paper chain challenge. Students brainstormed ways to create the longest paper chain only using a few materials. After students brainstormed they got to work creating the longest paper chains. Students had a blast learning about engineering skills and completing the challenge!
Hunting For Books
Students in Mrs. Wilson’s fourth grade class at Beatrice Gilmore School finished up their fiction vs. non-fiction genre study with a scavenger hunt. Students worked together with their reading partners to hunt for books from each genre based on clues given. Students developed stronger partnerships, worked on accountable talk, applied learning to real books available in their classroom library, and had a little bit of fun too!
Getting To Know You
At the Early Childhood Center, Ms. Lambert invited our pre-school social worker, Mr. Ridgway, to talk about himself and what he does for us within Woodland Park Public Schools. Students generated questions for him and Mr. Ridgway answered with details. Our pre-school students are always happy to learn about the wonderful staff here at Woodland Park Public Schools!
Lab Safety
Students in Mrs. Behnken’s science class at Memorial Middle School worked on a lab in order to understand safety when working with equipment. The “scientists” realized the importance of collaborating together to understand the importance of following directions and reading the instructions. We are so proud of the team's effort in making sure everyone had a turn and completed the activity.
Breaking The Ice
Students in Mrs. Behnken’s class at Memorial Middle School participated in an icebreaker activity. Students had to write a unique fact about themselves on a slip of paper and then find the person who matched the fact on the slip. Building relationships, community, and a respectful learning environment in Room 107 continues to be an important goal for the class.
Reaching Their Goals
In Ms. Gutierrez's third grade class at Beatrice Gilmore School, students made reading goals and practiced reading as partners in reader's workshop to work towards their goals.
Reading Routines
Miss Webb's first grade students at Charles Olbon School have been working on the routines for Reader's Workshop during their launch unit. They have been practicing treating books like gold, book shopping in the classroom library, and reading with a partner.
Keeping Cool
Students in Mrs. Tobia and Ms. A's PreK-4 class at School 1 worked on rainbow breathing, a calm down technique, during social-emotional learning time.
Sweets With The Superintendent
All Beatrice Gilmore School parents are invited to our next Sweets With the Superintendent on Monday, Oct. 7 at 6 p.m. at Beatrice Gilmore School. This event is for Beatrice Gilmore School parents only. There will be future events for parents with children at other schools (Nov. 4 for topics relative to Memorial Middle School, Dec. 2 for topics relative to Charles Olbon School, and TBD for topics relative to Pre-K).
WP Special Education Parent Advisory Group
The WP Special Education Parent Advisory Group, or SEPAG (sea-pag), is a district-level, parent-driven group charged with providing input to the local school district on system-level challenges in special education and related services. All parents and community members are welcome to join the WP SEPAG, in an effort to enhance programming and experiences for students with disabilities. Sign up by clicking here. More information regarding monthly meetings will be forthcoming.
Free Nights of Fun
The Woodland Park Education Association is hosting several free events for families this year. The first two events in October will be focused on this year's theme: STEM. Both of these events will feature Rizzo's Wildlife World. Snacks and drinks will provided. There will be live animals that include insects, frogs, turtles, lizards, baby alligators, and Burmese pythons. Please see the schedule below for all events. As space is limited, registrationis required. Register for the Oct. 10 and Oct. 16 events here.
- Thursday, Oct. 10: Tiny Explorers: Discover the Wild World of Animals at Charles Olbon School from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
- Wednesday, Oct. 16: Eco-Adventures: Understanding Wildlife and Habitats at Memorial Middle School from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
- Thursday, Nov. 14: Math Game Night: Fun with Numbers and Strategy! at Beatrice Gilmore School from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
- Wednesday, April 9: Engineering Explorers: Build and Learn with a Special Film at Memorial Middle School from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
Book Exploration
Students in Mrs. Tobia and Ms. A's PreK-4 class at School 1 recently explored different books. Shown are two students drawing photos of their favorite part of the story.
Name Tracing
Mrs. Tobia and Ms. A's PreK-4 class at School 1 worked on drawing their name in shaving cream.
Coming up at the Woodland Park Library at Berkeley College
The Alfred Baumann Library, 44 Rifle Camp Rd., will host the following programs. Visit the Library's website here or Facebook page here. Its phone is 973-345-8120. Email is library@abwplibrary.org.
Saturday, Oct. 5, 11 a.m. - Pokemon Club for all ages. New and experienced trainers are welcome. Time Warp Comics will be in attendance to give advice on building a deck and playing the game. Register here.
Monday, Oct. 7, 10:30 a.m. - Bouncing Babies for 0 to 18 months. Enjoy songs, rhymes, stories, and free play. Register here.
Monday, Oct. 7, 11 a.m. - Yoga & Meditation. Let your problems go for a while and relax. Register here.
Monday, Oct. 7, 4 p.m. - Domino Adventures for grades 1-4. Build and complete fun domino challenges. Expand your problem-solving and balancing skills in a fun, creative environment! Register here.
Monday, Oct. 7, 6:30 p.m. - Dancersize. Join certified instructor, Karen, as she leads the class doing low-impact dancing. It's a great way to get your exercise in while having fun. Don't forget to bring your water to stay hydrated. Register here.
Monday, Oct. 7, 7 p.m. - Baumann Book Club meeting. Join in for a lively discussion of the selected title for the month. Copies can be picked up at the Library or downloaded on Libby or Hoopla. Register here.
Tuesday, Oct. 8, 1 p.m. - History of Hinchcliffe Stadium. Join Author Jennifer Ranu as she takes us back in time to describe her experience at the stadium up to the present time. Register here.
Tuesday, Oct. 8, 6:30 p.m. - Bat Story Time for PreK-2. Join in for a spooky bat-themed story time and craft. Register here.
Wednesday, Oct. 9, 4 p.m. - Snails & Tales story time for ages 3 and up. Join for a new theme each week, with stories, songs, rhymes, and a craft. Register here.
Wednesday, Oct. 9, 6:30 p.m. - Unwind With Pat. Join Pat to unwind with the craft of your choice. Register here.
Wednesday, Oct. 9, 6:30 p.m. - Library Advisory Board for grades 5-9. Learn how to brainstorm, plan, and execute your own program ideas as well as aiding in collection development. Snacks will be available. Register here.
Thursday, Oct. 10, 11 a.m. - Unwind With Pat. Join Pat to unwind with the craft of your choice. Register here.
Thursday, Oct. 10, 12 p.m. - Sit & Fit. Have fun exercising from the comfort of your chair. Join this lively exercise group and have some fun! Register here.
Thursday, Oct. 10, 6:30 p.m. - Found Art with author Cathy Carr for grades 3-8. Join Cathy Carr, author of "365 Days to Alaska" for a fun and engaging event about American found art. Learn about her latest book "Lost Kites and Other Treasures" and complete a craft! Register here.
Thursday, Oct. 10, 6:30 p.m. - Found Art with Author Cathy Carr for grades 3-8. Join Cathy Carr, author of "365 Days to Alaska" for a fun and engaging event about American found art. Learn about her latest book "Lost Kites and Other Treasures" and and complete a craft. Register here.
Friday, Oct. 11, 10:30 a.m. - Little Movers story time for ages 18-36 months. Join in for new adventures weekly including stories, rhymes, songs, and play time. Register here.
Saturday, Oct. 12, 11 a.m. - Arts & Crafts for grades PreK-4. Make a spooky spider-themed craft for Halloween. Register here.
Monday, Oct. 14 - The Library is closed in observance of Columbus Day.
Tuesday, Oct. 15, 6:30 p.m. - Craft Crew for grades 4-9. Meet monthly to make cool, creative, crafts! This month, we are painting Spooky Snoopy! Register here.
Thursday, Oct. 17, 4:30 p.m. - Family Movie for all ages. Enjoy snacks and a showing of "A Nightmare Before Christmas." Register here.