The Weekly Update #12
October 27th, 2024
From the Principal
Cougar Families,
We are now beginning the 3 week of the 2nd 9 week grading period. With that, we are speeding directly into the holiday season, time change, temperature change, etc...With all of those changes, one thing remains the same, our expectations as a school. We continue to set high expectations for our students in academic excellence and behavior. The only way that we can continue to grow as a school is if we work together as a team in order to accomplish this.
Last Friday, we celebrated over 200 students who made either all A's or A/B Honor Roll. We were also able to celebrate and reward 20 students who had Perfect Attendance for the 1st 9 week grading period. As principal, I would like to see more students added to those lists of names that I called during the celebration. When students are present at school, we are able to close educational gaps. When they are not here, it becomes more difficult to get our students where they need to be. So, we are asking that you try to ensure that your scholar is at school everyday. We do understand that there are ongoing bus issues, and we are continuing to work with the transportation department to fix this.
Parents, please make sure that you are checking your child's grades on a weekly basis. This will ensure that you are aware of where your child is lacking. If you are unable to log into Parent Access (the link is included in the newsletter), please contact your child's grade-level counselor to obtain assistance with this.
This week, we will be continuing our celebration of Red Ribbon Week and Breast Cancer Awareness Month. On Monday, October 28, students will be able to wear a red top with their uniform bottoms. On Wednesday, October 30, we will have a Pink Out for $1 in observance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Students will be able to wear a pink top with their uniform bottoms.
We want to thank all of our carpool parents who continue to improve upon pick-up. It has gotten MUCH better, and we appreciate it. Remember, students MUST be picked up before 2:45 PM. This is for safety and security reasons.
Again, i want to reiterate the dress code policy as we are inching closer to "cooler" weather. Students are allowed to wear whatever outer wear deemed necessary while they are at the bus stops. However, once they enter the building, only Southeast Middle outer wear is acceptable per the dress code policy. Not only this, but blankets are not allowed on the bus or in the classrooms. So, please ensure that your student leaves his/her blanket at home.
Also, please note that students are considered tardy after 7:10 AM. If students are on a late bus, it will be documented in JCAMPUS by the front office. After 7:30 AM, students being dropped off by a parent MUST BE SIGNED IN BY AN ADULT! If the adult does not come in and sign the student in, the student will be placed in TOR until a parent/guardian can do so. This is for the safety and security of not just your child, but for the school.
Lastly, parents, please understand that we can not allow someone who is not on your child's demographic or emergency card to check him/her out. Our office staff checks this to ensure that your child is safe AT ALL TIMES. Please know that this is not to make life difficult, but to ensure the safety of our students.
Thank you!
Regina M. Bennett, Esq.
Principal, Southeast Middle School
Our girls' basketball team held tryouts on Friday, October 25. Look out for the list of ladies who will be representing us this year!
We are the South District Champs!!!
Our team is UNDEFEATED! We will go agains CSAL for the District Championship on Tuesday, October 29 at Broadmoor High. The game is scheduled for 6:00 PM.
Game Ticket QR Code
Please use this QR Code to purchase your tickets early to support our football team in the District Championship Game against CSAL.
Magnet Application Period
Please keep these dates in mind if your child is interested in applying for a magnet program within the district for the 25-26 School Year.
We are a Box Tops School
Please scan the QR code of all qualified purchases in order to support our school
Perfect Attendance
These Cougars have set the bar high with school attendance. They had perfect attendance for the 1st 9 week grading period!
Honor Roll Celebration
Over 200! This was awesome and the students were able to enjoy a donut breakfast with their parents!