Inglewood Primary School
NEWSLETTER No 23- 5 November 2021
Our Mission:
Learning to think, to do, to be
Ako ki te whakaaro, ako ki te mahi, ako kia ora ai te mauri
Our Vision: To provide a teaching and learning environment where of those involved: demonstrate respect, expect the best, achieve through opportunity, communicate actively & feel good and safe
Nau Mai Haere Mai, Talofa, Faʻafeiloaiga, Bula, Talitali fiefia
On 5th November 1881 the Government sent 1500 troops to the village in order to arrest the leaders and to curb the “rebellion” of their followers. The soldiers were greeted by children, who came out skipping and offering food and drink. Hundreds of the Parihaka men, including the two prophets, were arrested and imprisoned without trial. It was several years before they returned and many died as a result of their incarceration. Thus began a five year military occupation of the Pa – which included the destruction of houses and crops and the rape of many women, and outbreak of syphilis, and non-Taranaki Māori were ordered to return to their home districts. The final insult was the confiscation of Parihaka land which effectively left the community without an economic base – a situation that continues into the present day.
In order to commemorate the remarkable achievements of Parihaka, a flax-roots movement is calling for the national recognition of November 5th as Parihaka Day. This idea is gaining momentum throughout the country.
Government Health Order
We are in the process of digesting the new COVID-19 Public Health Response Order which came into effect at 11.59pm on Monday 25 October. Clearly there are implications for school life, and it is going to take some time to appreciate what all of these are.
A school like ours is highly dependent on the support of parents and the community, and this is something that we appreciate a great deal.
The direction that we have received from the Ministry of Education is that everyone who works or volunteers for a school who may have contact with children or students, or will be present at a time when children and students are also present must have had a first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by 15 November and be fully vaccinated by 1 January 2022.
This also applies to
* principals
* teachers
* relief teachers and casual staff
* administration staff
* caretakers and cleaners
* contractors and other tradespeople (if on site when children are around)
* service managers
* caregivers and other staff
The vaccination requirements apply wherever in person schooling occurs, such as on the school site, but also at school camps, swimming pools, museums, or where other education outside the classroom (EOTC) programmes take place.
This means under the Order from Government that we are only allowed to allow people to help at school events with children if they have had at least their first dose by 15 November, and are fully vaccinated by 1 January 2022.
Please note under the current Order from Govt, when school starts next year, we will need evidence of full vaccination by 1 January 2022 for any school helpers (or evidence of exemption). We will ask you to share this with either Debbie or Karen, who are the Privacy Officers for IPS. We will store your information privately in our school server with double password security.
For the remainder of this year and next year the requirements do not apply to people who are just visiting the school, such as for a learning conference/parent-teacher interview or meeting, or a parent, whānau and community evening. Also for the remainder of the year, we have NO events where we are asking for Parent Volunteer to assist.
We realise that there will be plenty of questions, and it is likely that we will not have answers right away.
All schools are in the same boat and working through various situations and scenarios.
Thanks very much for your understanding and support as we have already said, we really do value the support from ALL parents we have had to date.
L2 COVID Restrictions
Prize Givings will be held at IPS through the school day as our numbers are too large to have with parents/caregivers, there will sadly be no parents in attendance - we will video and take pictures. We will advise of dates and times next week.
COVID Detected in Stratford Wastewater
Enrolment Zone Information 2022
Reach Goal Term 4 Week 3-4
REACH Goal: Demonstrate manners and show kindness to others.
Te Reo: Te whakaatu i nga tikanga me te atawhai ki etahi atu
Current IPS School Roll - 404 Students
Happy Birthday
Students of the Week - Term 4 Week 2
The Love Bunch Florist NE-Y2
Hazel Hussey
Great effort with your learning and showing amazing REACH manners.
Drain Master Ltd Y3 - Y4
James Boyd
For always having a positive attitude and reaching high. You are a brilliant role model for others, in all that you do.
RJ Mason Transport Ltd Y5 - Y6
Lucy Williams
For her positive attitude, lovely smile and working hard with her learning.
Jacqui Hemi - Mike Pero Mortgages Y7 - Y8
Vicina Miru
Awesome teamwork in MYOB, great energy to have in the classroom and an overall great REACH attitude.
Students of the Week - Term 4 Week 3
The Love Bunch Florist NE-Y2
Jac Cade
For working hard to complete work independently and make good choices. Keep up the great effort Jac!
Drain Master Ltd Y3 - Y4
Ella-Jayne Delves
For her wonderful growth in confidence and positive attitude towards her learning. You are always trying to be the best that you can be. Ka pai te mahi.
RJ Mason Transport Ltd Y5 - Y6
Annabelle Edwards
For always having a positive attitude and being kind to everyone around her. You are a STAR!
Jacqui Hemi - Mike Pero Mortgages Y7 - Y8
Zayne is a kind, funny and loyal young man, who is often a lighthouse in the storm for those around him. Thank you, Zayne.
Panitahi News
Last week, some very lucky Panitahi students and staff enjoyed an inspirational writing workshop with Diana Neild, the author of the outstanding Piggity-Wiggity picture books.
Diana showed us how important resilience is as she described how she persevered for ten years through numerous rejections before she found a publisher willing to accept her first book.
We listened avidly as she shared a beautifully-illustrated Piggity-Wiggity book with us. We learned new writing strategies, starting our writing by planning characters with unexpected attributes to capture our audience’s attention. Dressed up as our favourite Piggity-Wiggity characters, we imagined ourselves in a wonderful Piggy world of alliteration and rhyme.
Pouakai News
Waiongana iti News
This week in Waiongana iti, we celebrated the senior speech competition winners and the 9 and 10 year cross country winners. Congratulations to these students!
Kids Personalised Artwork
Personalised Artwork Calendars, Cards, Diaries, Mouse Mats & Sketch Pads.
Your child’s artwork is now uploaded and available for ordering. Each child has been given a sheet with their personalised order code which enables families to view, order and pay directly through KidsArtWorks.
All orders will be delivered to the school and sent home with your child as soon as possible following production.
The last day for ordering is 9am Monday 8th November. These make outstanding individual gifts for friends and family and are perfect for posting overseas.
Term 4 Calendar (This may change on a weekly basis)
Tuesday 16 November
Senior Athletics Day Ages 8-13 - TET Stadium Indglewood
Friday 19 November
Year 8 Orientation Day at Inglewood High School for 2022
Wednesday 24 November
Mind Your Own Business Twilight Market - Puke Haupapa (online only)
Taranaki Intermediate Track & Field Champs
Friday 3 December
Dinner Dance - Year 8 Students
Tuesday 14 December
Service Award Assembly - Time to be confirmed
Prizegiving Years 0-4 - Time to be confirmed
Wednesday 15 December
Prizegiving Years 5-8 - Time to be confirmed
Friday 17 December
Last day of Term 4 2021
Community Notices
It's been a tough year for many: we know that as a result of alert level restrictions, many families have had either no work or reduced work and have therefore had a significant drop in income.
If you know any families needing help with putting food or kai on the table or paying an overdue bill, support may be available from the Ministry of Social Development.
Understanding this is an expensive time of year for families, income limits for hardship assistance have been increased from 1 November 2021 until 28 February 2022.
If you know of any families finding things tough financially, Work and Income have an online check what you might get guide, which will have the new limits updated from today Monday 1 November.
You’ll need to answer some simple questions about your situation, then Work and Income will let you know if there are any payments you can get. It only takes about five minutes to check what you might get, and you don’t need to be getting a benefit to be eligible.
Your answers are completely confidential, and they won’t be saved or used in any way. Alternatively, call 0800 559 009.
Karen Patterson
Before and After School Care
IPS Clothing
IPS Zip Front Hoodie
IPS Jacket & Trousers
Trousers $20