The Tiger Tea
Hill Happenings 5/13- 5/17
Principal's Message
Happy Sunday and Happy Mother's Day!
This week students take the last 3 SOL tests for the spring testing cycle. Let's cheer on our 7th and 8th graders taking the Reading SOL and our 8th graders taking Civics and Economics. Remember, students should get a good night's rest and bring their charged Chromebook to school.
Locker collection begins Monday! All students who received a lock should be prepared to clear out their lockers and return the lock to their 1A teacher. We hope to see you Thursday for the Spring Showcase!
PTA Appreciation was a HIT! Thank you to our amazing PTA. Thank you to all the parents who donated time, handwritten notes, food, gift cards, and "all of the things" to show our teachers how much they are valued!
Friday begins our Chromebook Collection. Please have your student to bring in their Chromebook and charger or the replacement cost for the missing asset(s). Flyer below and more information in the AOTH section.
Highlights from last week!
Teacher Appreciation Week!
Nurse's Appreciation Day! We are grateful for Nurse Williams!
Teacher Appreciation
Teacher Appreciation
Teacher Appreciation
Teacher Appreciation
Teacher Appreciation
Teacher Appreciation
Teacher Appreciation
Teacher Appreciation
School Nurse Appreciation
Announcements on the Hill
Chromebook and Charger Collection
We will begin Chromebook and charger collection on Friday, May 17th. If your student has a lost/stolen Chromebook, please send cash or money order to replace the lost/stolen assets.
Chromebook Replacement Cost: $279.00
Charger Replacement Cost: $25.00
Students should turn in their chromebook and charger to their 1A teacher on Friday, May 17th. Teachers will give students a receipt to document the RPS tag number or serial number of the device they submitted. Parents should maintain a copy of this receipt through the next school year.
Immunization Information- Mandatory: Rising 7th Grade Students
Dates to Remember
May 13
Locker Collection
History PBA 4 Window Opens
May 14
Grade 8 Reading SOL
6:00 p.m. Scholar Athletes Recognized at the Flying Squirrels Game
May 15
Grade 7 Reading SOL
May 16
Civics and Economics SOL
6:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Spring Showcase
May 17
7th Grade Crosswinds Trip
Chromebook Collection Begins
May 19
PTA Spirit Night: Hardywood Pizza Kitchen and Tap Room
May 21
History PBA 4 Window Closes
Tiger Turn-Up: SOL Incentive
May 22
May 23
24-25 NJHS Induction
May 24
8th Grade Kings Dominion Trip
May 27
RPS Closed: Memorial Day
May 28
Moving On Ceremony
May 29
8th Grade Dance
May 30
8th Grade Field Day
Students vs. Staff Basketball Game
May 31
8th Grade Movie Day
Last Day of School
PTA Roar
Community News
Blue Sky Fund High School Leadership Institute Recruitment
Blue Sky Fund is currently recruiting rising 9-12th graders for our next Outdoor Leadership Institute (OLI) cohort.
OLI is a yearlong program for up to 24 rising 9-12th graders. It begins with a 5 day wilderness excursion to Virginia's highest peak - Mt. Rogers - in the summer and then continues throughout the school year with monthly service learning and team building opportunities.
We are looking for any students you know who:
Are open to new and challenging experiences
Work well in groups
Show tendencies or interest in leadership and collaboration
Student participants build skills in leadership, personal resilience, collaboration, general outdoor skills, and more. Additionally, the work and time spent with OLI will help any interested students in the pursuit of the Virginia Diploma Seals of Excellence in Civics or Science and the Environment.
Students can apply directly via the attached link.
OLI Flier
Below is our sliding scale of tuition, which covers food, transportation, all necessary gear, and other expenses. It is based upon household income. However, we do not turn away any participant based on their ability or desire to compensate us.
Suggested Fee- Household Income:
$25 - Required Minimum $50,000 and below
$250.00- $51,000 to $79,000
$500.00- $80,000 to $200,000
$1,000 - $200,000 and above
The fees help to cover everything, including gear. All gear, from boots to rain jackets; tents to sleeping bags are covered. Supplying all students with the same gear allows us to control for equity, ensuring that all students arrive in the wilderness on equal footing.
Virginia Credit Union
Virginia Credit Union is offering an opportunity for all Richmond Public School students to jumpstart their savings in 2023-2024. This new initiative, called RPS Saves, is designed to provide families with quality financial literacy programming to prepare all individuals for a brighter financial future. Parents can sign their student(s) up for a Virginia Credit Union Custodial Saving Account using this link. VACU will then cover the $5 membership and deposit $20 in the account to get their savings started!
Tiger Lair
AHMS Mold Report
23-24 Albert Hill Middle School Mold Report
Albert Hill Middle School received a building mold test. The report, with those test results, is attached. A quick reference to key points of the report:
Based on our observations and sampling data, ECS does not see any reason why the school should not be continued to be used based on our experience with similar school buildings across the Richmond area and our findings for this study. In general, our air sample results did not indicate any significantly elevated spore trap air samples in the classrooms above outdoor comparison samples.
Students are encouraged to use the Tigers T.A.L.K. QR code if they need mental health support or if they would like to report instances of bullying or unkind acts anonymously. The QR code is monitored by one of our school counselors.
P: Prepared- I will be in school on time ready to learn.
R: Respectful- I will conduct myself in a way that honors myself, my school, and my community.
I: Integrity- I will do the right thing and make positive choices.
D: Determination- I will not give up in the face of adversity. I am resilient.
E: Exceeding Expectations with Excellence- I will do my personal best everyday.
Every Tiger, Every Day!
Cell Phone Procedures for the 2023-2024 School Year
Core Belief: In order to facilitate an uninterrupted, distraction-free learning environment, all cell phones and electronic devices should be off and away unless teachers expressly permit their use for instruction.
All classrooms will have signage indicating “Red, Yellow, or Green Zone”
All classrooms will have a cell phone locker for students who are using cell phones during unauthorized times.
School Attendance
Every Tiger, Every Day! Every Day Counts! Thank you for helping us reduce our chronic absenteeism rate last year from 25% to 21%! Our goal this year is 15%. WE CAN DO IT!
School attendance is vital to student academic success at all levels.
The Virginia Department of Education defines “chronic absenteeism” as missing ten percent or more of the academic year for any reason (18 days). Truancy is the act of accruing one or more unexcused absences. Though the definition of absenteeism may differ from truancy, the National Center for School Engagement asserts that the outcomes of a student missing class remain constant regardless of how truancy or absenteeism is classified. Several studies suggest that chronic absences frequently lead to notable academic problems.
Parent/guardians are encouraged to call the school on the day of their child’s absence, but MUST send a written note requesting absences be considered excused upon returning to school. All written notes MUST be submitted to the school within five (5) days of the last absence.
Excused absences are typically those that have resulted from conditions beyond the control of the students or parents/guardians. The only excuses for absences that shall be deemed acceptable for consideration are:
Personal illness (if over three days, the school shall require a note from the doctor)
Personal court appearance (student)
Death in the family (mother, father, spouse, son, daughter, sister, brother, grandparent, aunt, uncle, nephew or niece)
Religious holidays regularly observed by the student
Extenuating circumstances as approved by the school administration
Schoolwide Title 1 Program
Albert Hill is a Title 1 School. Our fantastic Title 1 coaches, Ms. Collier (Reading) and Ms. Newkirk (Math) are always available to answer your literacy and mathematics questions. We thank them for sharing information regarding our Title 1 status at Back to School Night Thursday, September 14, 2023.
Title I, Part A provides financial assistance through state educational agencies to school divisions and public schools with high numbers or percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic content and achievement standards.
School divisions target the Title I funds they receive to public schools with the highest percentages of children from low-income families. RPS Title I funded schools are school-wide programs that are designed to upgrade their entire educational programs for all students, particularly the lowest-achieving students.
Please view this schoolwide Title 1 Presentation to learn more! This information can also be found on our school website.
Breakfast and Lunch
All students are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at no charge each day of the school year. No further action is required of you. Your children will be able to participate in these meal programs without having to pay a fee or submit an application.
Food deliveries to students from meal delivery services are not permitted at any time during the school day or at after school activities due to safety and to minimize disruptions. Attempted deliveries will be confiscated and will remain in the main office until dismissal. Parents may bring food to students.
School Communications
If you would like to stay abreast of all of the latest information. Please be sure to sign up to receive Remind messages from our school. You should've already been receiving Remind messages if your student is enrolled. If you are not, you have likely opted out of receiving Remind messages and must change your preferences.
Please also check out the school's website, weekly Tiger Tea (access through school website, social media accounts, or set preferences to receive via email), and follow all school and PTA social media accounts.
-TigerEye ParentLink on Instagram
-Albert Hill Middle PTA private Facebook group
-Albert Hill PTA Facebook account