Titan Talk

December 13, 2024
Good evening parents and families,
I hope that you all had a great week. This week's letter is all about safety.
Summary of data are in the graphics below. Simply put, metal detectors are the biggest ask with modifications to the entrance of the school as a close second. I am still working with district leaders on this ask, but in the meantime there are other modifications that are going to take place starting in January. So here are the things we are going to do:
1) At entrance there will be a kiosk staffed by an Elkins Pointe Employee at key times to help with tardies, check-outs, and other events. This will limit traffic to the front office during key times.
2) We will start requiring identification for all students, visitors, and staff. Students and staff will wear their school issued badge throughout the day. Parents and volunteers will still use a driver's license or passport to enter. The purpose for student badges:
- Lanyards are colored by grade level which makes it easy to determine the grade of each student with a quick glance.
- Allows for permanent hall passes for band, orchestra, chorus, clubs, yearbook, etc.
- Ensures that staff members and substitutes can call the student by their name.
- Additional safety if an emergency where to happen by knowing who each student is.
- It also prevents other students from other schools entering throughout the day.
3) A new entry system for teachers and staff at the front door is planned to be installed in January 2025. Teachers will be able to use their badge to enter/scan in upon arrival. The new system will be upgraded with new safety features to support our front office staff.
These are the things that will be rolling out in January. The other safety and security procedures are still present: Centegix badges for emergencies, Campus Security (CSA Young), School Police Officer (Officer Hightower), CrisisGo, and other protocols for emergencies.
On a different note, I wanted to let everyone know that Ainara Sorozabal is retiring at the end of December. Please feel free to send her a note, cards, phone calls, gifts, etc. She has been a part of this community for many years. Mrs. Ainara and Mrs. Denise are the face of Elkins Pointe. Her calm voice and kind smile will be missed! Congratulations to Mrs. Ainara Sorozabal on her retirement!
I hope that you all enjoy your weekend!
AJ Smith
Better today than yesterday!
Monday, December 16, 2024
- PBIS Spirit Week - Wear Plaid for the Countdown to Winter Break!
- Basketball Tryouts - Boys from 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
- PBIS Spirit Week - Wear a Holiday Hat for the Countdown to Winter Break!
- Academic Bowl @ 8:20 AM in F-112 (Young)
- Dungeons and Dragons Club in Mrs. McClelland’s room (D117) from 4:15-5:15 p.m.
- Band Holiday Concert 7th & 8th Grade in the Gym @6pm
- PBIS Spirit Week - Wear Wild Winter Socks for the Countdown to Winter Break!
- Yearbook Club @ 8:20 AM in room E115 (Vicente)
- Jr. Beta Meeting @ 8:30 am in Room F-112
- 6th Grade Plating & Presentation Competition
- MAGIC: The Gathering Club from 4:15 to 5:15 in D-104
- PBIS Spirit Week - Wear "Ugly Sweater" for the Countdown to Winter Break!
- FCA in the Media Center @ 8:00 AM
- Yearbook Club @ 8:20 AM in room E115 (Vicente)
- Schoolwide Spelling Bee in the Media Center at 9:00 AM
- Last Day of First Semester
- PBIS Spirit Week - Wear Comfy Warm PJS and Hoodie for the Countdown to Winter Break!
- Reading Bowl Club in F-101 (Carter) on Fridays
- Interact Club for 7th & 8th Grades during Advisement in D-117
- School-wide PBIS Party during Advisement sponsored by PTSA
- Lost & Found Donated at the End of the Day
- Start of Winter Break
DECEMBER 12 & 13
Band, Chorus, and Orchestra small ensembles elementary tours
*On Thursday, December 12, only the morning during 1st period from 8:00 to 9:30 AM,.
and all day on Friday, December 13.
DECEMBER 12 & 16
Boys Basketball Tryouts
*Upload all forms to RankOne
Band Holiday Concert 7th & 8th Grade in the Gym
Schoolwide Spelling Bee in the Media Center at 9:00
*Parents of the contestants are welcome to watch
*Note: the Spelling Bee takes some time for attendance and reading of the rules.
* Sponsored by the PTSA
* FCCLA Club will have treats for sale as a fundraiser. Bring $$$
Last Day of First Semester
Winter Break
(ALL FCS Schools Closed)
PTSA Holiday Treats...Twice in One Week!!
Thanks to the PTSA and business partner Trader Joe's for the Continental Breakfast on Tuesday morning. Please be sure to thank the manager at Trader Joe's! And then on Friday...the PTSA gave out fun socks, soft scarves, warm cocoa, hot coffee, and delicious delicacies! What a fantastic week of treats!
NEW SOCKS FOR THE FRONT OFFICE LADIES! The lovely ladies in the front office, Miss Denise and Miss Ainara, are hosting a NEW Sock Drive for charity! If you are coming into the building and want to put a smile on their faces, bring some socks to place on their Sock Tree! They can be any size, from children's to men's/women's. They can be one pair or a packet! Holiday socks or everyday socks—just some clean, new, warm socks!
Dear Elkins Pointe Families,
The Japanese World Language Program is seeking host Families for Japanese Students! We are looking for seven families to host Japanese high school students for a short cultural exchange visit from Monday, March 17, to Wednesday, March 19, 2025.
We would like host families to:
1) Providing lodging and meals during the student’s stay.
2) Offering transportation
- 3/17 (Mon) 5:30 p.m. pick up your Japanese student at EPMS
- 3/18 (Tu) Japanese student come to EPMS with host student, attend EPMS Japanese class, then go back home with host student
- 3/19 (Wed) Japanese student depart EPMS (time TBA)
No Japanese language skills are required! The students can communicate in simple English.
If your family is interested in this rewarding experience, please fill out the initial interest form here. Afterward, we will send you another form to gather more detailed information about your family.
This is a wonderful opportunity for your student to learn about Japanese culture and language while making lasting memories. We understand everyone’s schedules are busy, but your participation would mean so much and would greatly enrich this exchange experience.
Thank you for considering opening your home and heart to a Japanese student!
Arigatoo & please let me know if you have any questions.
Miyuki Johnson (“Johnson sensei”)
Japanese teacher
Elkins Pointe Middle School
11290 Elkins Rd. Roswell, GA 30076
If you would like to treat a special teacher, administrator or staff member to s holiday surprise, here is a list of our favorite things: https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:3c30df53-aa76-4d74-9fe4-db402c07498a
Basketball season is almost near! Interest forms and tryout information is listed below. Please start working on paperwork and uploading required FCS Athletics documents onto RankOne. Forms required and Rank One account information is located on the Elkins Pointe Middle School website. Paperwork including physical needs to be uploaded onto Rank One before tryouts or your student will not be able to participate.
Basketball Interest form: (All paperwork needs to be uploaded onto RankOne)
Tryout Dates:
- Girls: 12/9, 12/11 from 4:30-5:30P
- Boys: 12/12, 12/16 from 4:30-5:30P
Please see or contact Mr. Pickering, Coach Pruitt, or Coach Wallace with any questions.
- pickeringb@fultonschools.org – Mr. Pickering
- pruittl3@fultonschools.org – Coach Pruitt
- wallaces4@fultonschools.org – Coach Wallace
Thank you,
Mr. Ben Pickering
7th/8th Grade Math & Athletic Director