TPS District Newsletter
Tewksbury Public Schools
August 2024
Message from the Superintendent
Welcome Back, TPS Community,
We hope you are all enjoying this last week of Summer break. Yet, this cool weather certainly tells us that the start of school is right around the corner.
The start of a new school year is always filled with excitement and renewal, and we can’t wait to welcome you all back to our classrooms and to our school community! Our entire Central Office, administrative team, and school and maintenance support teams are actively preparing for the start of this school year, 2024-2025. Please review the pertinent back-to-school details below in this newsletter. Please also join us in THANKING all those Summer Heroes who have worked hard through the heat of the summer to bring our schools and school grounds into shiny back-to-school shape.
As a reminder, all educators start back to school next Monday, August 26th, and our students will be stepping back on to their buses for their first day of school on Wednesday, August 28th. The full 2024-2025 School Calendar can be found on the TPS District webpage: https://www.tewksbury.k12.ma.us/ (Here is the 2024-2025 Calendar Legend for updated school hours and key information.) Please be on the look-out for school-specific communications from your principal as well.
Whether you're a returning student, educator, staff member, or a brand new member to our TPS Team, we are ready to kick off the year with energy, enthusiasm, and a renewed commitment to everyone’s success. So…Get ready for a year of learning, growth, and unforgettable experiences. We can't wait to see your smiles, hear your stories, and start this journey together. See you on the first day of school!
Let’s make it a great year!
Brenda Theriault-Regan, Superintendent
Nancy Milligan, Assistant Superintendent
Classroom Assignments
Classroom assignments are currently available in Aspen.
If you have any questions or concerns about your child's classroom assignment or you are unable to access your child's Aspen account, please reach out to your child's school directly.
Required Start of School Paperwork
We are currently sending out the required start-of-the school-year documents to all parents and guardians via email from Droplet. These documents will include:
- Accident/Illness Form
- Parent/Guardian Consent to Administer OTC Medication
- Allergy Survey (if applicable)
- Student Handbook Sign Off (includes photo consent)
- Technology Acceptable Use Policy
- Medicaid Parent Authorization Form
- Information on Free/Reduced Meals Program (Note: this page provides information on how you can complete the application for free/reduced meals)
Your child's school will automatically receive the required documents upon completion.
Please click on the title bar above to note the updated Calendar Legend on Page 2 of the TPS Calendar. Please note the NEW school start times listed.
The State of MA has approved the free breakfast and lunch opportunity for all students in Massachusetts permanently, regardless of income. Click the button above to learn more.
Even though school meals are free, please access our Free & Reduced meal application if this applies to you. Other school fees may be free and reduced for those who qualify.
While complete breakfast and lunch meals are free, double meals and a la carte menus items are not included and will incur a charge.
We hope you have enjoyed a relaxing summer break and time spent reading as part of our district's Summer Reading Program! Click the button above to review summer reading assignments by school/grade levels, as well as due dates. Thanks for your participation!
All incoming 5th and 9th graders as well as all new students to the district will receive a Chromebook as part of our 1:1 program. Insurance can be purchased to cover all damages ($62).
This cost is waived for all students that qualify for Free and Reduced lunch plans (fill out the application above to see if you qualify.)
Tewksbury Public Schools
Website: https://www.tewksbury.k12.ma.us/
Location: 139 Pleasant Street, Tewksbury, MA, USA
Phone: (978) 640-7800