Liberty Newsletter
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
School News
Thanksgiving Message
As the saying goes, “It’s not joy that makes us grateful but gratitude that makes us joyful.” At Liberty Elementary, we have a lot to be grateful for and we would like to wish you all a safe and happy holiday. At this time of year, we are especially thankful that you are part of the Liberty Elementary family. We will see everyone back here on Monday, December 2nd. Have a joyful holiday!
Important Dates
November 27 - 29 Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL
December 2 - Reflections Art Contest Deadline
December 23 - January 3 - Winter Break - NO SCHOOL
January 6 - Kindergarten enrollment opens for 2025-2026
January 9 - PTA Meeting - 6:30 pm
January 20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL
PTA News
Summer Day Camps
Some summer day camp registrations are already open, and many more are opening soon. Find out about central Ohio day camps from ColumbusDayCamps.com, a not-for-profit website created by a fellow Liberty parent to help make the process easier.
District News
All Day Kindergarten - Free for All next school year
Worthington schools will be shifting to a free All-Day Kindergarten model for the start of the 2025-26 school year. You can get more information in this blog post from Superintendent Trent Bowers. Kindergarten registration begins on January 6th.
Fall DEI Newsletter
Our goal is to create a school environment where every student feels seen, heard, and valued. We’re happy to share our Fall 2024 DEI Newsletter.
Infinite Campus Email Delivery Change
Starting Dec 2, 2024, the email address you receive email communications from Infinite Campus will change. Emails will be delivered from wrthschl@worthingtonoh.mg.infinitecampus.org. For more information on how to ensure safe delivery, please see our Parent Guide: Email Safe Sender information.
Update on Technology Practices
As technology continues to become more present in our student’s lives, Worthington Schools has been seeking to better understand the impacts of technology in our classrooms. All schools in Ohio are required to adopt a policy regarding cell phone use by July 2025. Superintendent Dr. Bowers recently presented student, community, and staff feedback regarding cell phone use in our schools and Worthington’s progress toward defining a cell phone policy which you can view here.
Based on this feedback, we are adjusting our technology practices at the elementary level. Students at our elementary schools have always been asked to silence cell phones and are required to keep them in their bookbags during the school day. Now, this practice will also apply to smartwatches and other wearable technology.
This change supports a more focused and distraction-free classroom environment while still allowing students to access technology for communication to and from school. We understand that many families find value in features like location tracking, and this adjustment allows for these needs to be met without interrupting the school day. Thank you for your continued support as we work together to create the best learning experience for all our students! If you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Connect to the Worthington School District
Stay connected to the latest news in the District:
Worthington YouTube page
Superintendent's Blog posts
Facebook page
WCS Homepage
Worthington School district news web page
Liberty Elementary School
Email: cbelair@wscloud.org
Website: https://liberty.worthington.k12.oh.us
Location: 8081 Saddle Run, Powell, OH, USA
Phone: (614)450-5200
Facebook: facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057616923023
Twitter: @LibertyLeopards