CB South High School
Updates from CB South
CB South's Mock Trial Team
January is always a full month for mock trial and CB South’s two teams have been very busy.
After hosting our 3rd Annual Scrimmage Weekend, both the varsity and JV Teams attended La Salle’s Blue and Gold Invitational the weekend of 1/11. There, CB South’s varsity earned a 2nd place finish (7 wins, 1 loss) among a field of 32 teams including many state finalists from last year. The JV Team had a winning 5-3 record for the weekend as well. Individual honors for top performances went to Ellie McGinniss (best attorney) and Ayo Popoola (best witness).
The following weekend, CB South Mock Trial was at it again—this time competing at the University of Pennsylvania’s Ben Franklin Invitational. There, both Varsity and JV earned individual awards for student performances. Madelyn Engstrom, Ebi Velaj, and Araiza Del Toro Amaya all brought home awards for best attorney. Best witness honors went to Ayo Popoola, Mitchell Rabinovich, and Ella Barton. As a team, the varsity squad earned 1st place for their work. They were the only team to finish the weekend with a perfect record (8 wins) among a combined field of almost 60 teams that included last year’s national mock trial champions. For the JV squad, Penn was a great learning weekend. The team faced off against tough competition and earned a 2-6-1 record.
Turning to official district competition for the Pennsylvania Bar Association, the varsity team won both opening rounds and will advance to district playoffs against Pennridge next week. In the first two trials, awards for top individual performances went to Ebi Velaj and Ellie McGinniss (attorney) as well as Ayo Popoola and Julia Levy (witness). While JV won their first trial in a forfeit, the second trial was a hard-fought loss. Honors for top attorney and witness in the trial went to Aarushi Mishra and Josephine Yoon.
The JV mock trial coaches would like to congratulate the team following the end of their competition season on Wednesday. With months of hard work and preparation, the team demonstrated confidence and poise in every trial, earning praise from judges and competitors alike. We are incredibly proud of their dedication and growth, and we look forward to seeing their continued success in future seasons. A special thank you to our two captains – Madelyn Engstrom and Karan Patel – for their strong leadership, commitment, and passion throughout the season!
2nd Semester Back-To-School Night
You are invited to the Central Bucks Sough High School Back-to-School Night on Thursday, February 6, 2025 at 6:30 PM. The majority of students will begin entirely new 9 week or 18 week classes on Wednesday, January 29, 2025. The second Back-to-School Night provides an opportunity to meet these new teachers and hear a brief presentation about their classes.
Your student's schedule can be found on Parent Portal. Please print that schedule at home as we will not have paper copies at South on that evening. Classes will meet on a "B" day schedule. Student guides will be available to help you navigate the school. The bell schedule for the evening is listed below.
Welcome and Block 1
6:30 - 6:45 PM
Block 2
6:50 - 7:00 PM
Block 3
7:05 - 7:15 PM
Block 4
7:20 - 7:30 PM
We look forward to seeing you soon!
1st Semester Final Exam Schedule
1st Semester Final Exams continue next week.
Monday, January 27th - Science and Social Studies Exams at the following times:
-Science Exam -7:30 AM - 9:00 AM
-Social Studies Exam - 9:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Additional Information for 1/27:
-Students report IF they have an exam scheduled for that day.
-Students who are part of the PASA program report for a 1/2 day of school.
-Transportation is only provided in the morning and midday (10:45 AM) for high school students (either to go home from final exams, or from AM MBIT - or to go to PM MBIT).
-Transportation will be provided to all MBIT students as normal.
Community Town Halls on Future of Doyle, Kutz and Linden
All CBSD community members are invited to town hall meetings where members of district administration will share information and gather feedback regarding the future of Doyle, Kutz and Linden Elementary schools, with the goal of the School Board deciding on a plan to address the capital needs at these schools in May 2025. The town halls will take place on Jan. 30 at CB West; Feb. 27 at CB East; and March 27 at CB South, all beginning at 7 p.m. Learn more and submit comments or questions.
CB South's Yearbook
The 2025 CB South yearbook is currently on sale! You can purchase the yearbook online by using this link: https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A01083234 . You may also choose to personalize your student's yearbook if would like, which will be available with online purchases until 1/31. If you do not want the personalization, you can just unclick the check box when purchasing through the link.
Do you have photos from a CB South event that you would like to share with yearbook staff?! Please feel free to use the QR code below to share photos that could be used in the yearbook.
CB South's January Parent Council Meeting
CB South's January Parent Council Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 29, 2025. The meeting begins at 9 AM in CB South's Forum Room. Additionally, due to the popularity of the virtual option, we will continue to offer it throughout this school year. So, please join us in-person or virtually.
If joining the meeting virtually, please use the link below.
Internship Classes + Programs Available for Next Year's Juniors and Seniors!
During CB South's program planning window, this year's sophomores and juniors have the exciting opportunity to register for one of two new classes: Principles of Teaching and Community Internship.
Principles of Teaching is a course for future teachers or for students who are actively considering becoming a teacher. Students would learn the principles of teaching and leave South to work alongside a mentor teacher in CBSD, providing help and instruction in the classroom. Community Internship is a course for students who want to "try on" another career. Students would learn the fundamentals of professionalism, leadership, and communication and leave South to work alongside an internship mentor in the career of their choosing.
These two courses and programs are brand new to CB South and are both incredible opportunities for your sons and daughters.
Here are some ways to learn more:
- Check out the attached flyers below.
- Visit this informative webpage: Internship Programs / Teacher Academy Overview
- Contact Will Melvin (wmelvin@cbsd.org) with any questions.
- Encourage your child to come to the Student Interest meetings during Learn 1 (10:30) on Wednesday, 1/15 in the Forum Room.
AP Exam Payment Updates
AP exam payment for courses starting 2nd semester and also for AP Calc AB/BC opens in mypaymentsplus accounts on Friday, January 31,, 2025, and runs through Sunday, March 2, 2025, 11:59pm.
Payment at this time is ONLY for students who wish to take the AP exam and who started the AP class 3rd marking period and/or AP Calc AB/BC which started 2nd marking period.
Besides making payment for the exam, students must join their AP class in their AP Collegeboard account. Teachers will be giving students their AP class join code.
AP exams will not be ordered for students if payment is not made by the deadline in mypaymentsplus.
Cost is $104 per exam. Per Collegeboard, late orders and/or cancellations will incur a $40 fee, however cancellations will allow for a refund of $64. Cancellations must occur 48 hours prior to the exam.
Any questions regarding payment can be addressed with Mr. Tom Hill - CB South AP Coordinator – thill@cbsd.org
Program Planning information for the 2025-2026 school year
We encourage the students and families to refer to the information in the Program Planning Presentation shared with all students during Titan Forum. The presentation highlights information about Course Registration Instructions, Graduation Requirements, CB Cyber, Early Graduation, Early Release/Late Arrival (for seniors), Schedule Change information, and more!
Please refer to this timeline for course registration for the 2025-2026 school year for our CURRENT sophomores and juniors.
- January 2- Program of Studies is available on the District Website. Students are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to review the department videos to familiarize themselves with the courses offered at CB South. Interested in Middle Bucks Institute of Technology? Please check out their Programs and their Application webpage for more information!
- January 8 - Current Sophomores and Juniors will receive information on course selection and information about program planning in their Titan Forums. Instructions, course selection sheets, block scheduling worksheets will be emailed to students/families.
- January 9 - Curriculum Fair for Rising Sophomores @ CB South 6:30PM
- January 3 - February 2 - Students will enter course selections online in Student Portal. While the portal is open, students are encouraged to see their counselors with questions about courses, levels, sequencing, and how their programming can relate to future pursuits.
- February 3- March 4 - Counselors will review requests, prerequisites, graduation credits, and will address all questions and concerns with students. Any changes must be communicated by students to their counselors as they will no longer have access to make changes themselves.
- March 14 - Verification of course requests will be available on the student portal. Students and parents should review for accuracy at this time and see their counselor with any final changes.
- March 20 - All changes to requests must be submitted to a counselor by this date. No changes will be allowed for the 2025-26 school year after this time unless it is due to a level change supported by the recommending teacher or a failure to meet a prerequisite.
Pennsylvania Free Enterprise Week (PFEW)
Interested in pursuing a career/major in business? Want to explore the various career paths within the field? PFEW is a LOW COST summer enrichment program on a college campus that dozens of CBSD students have attended and enjoyed! It’s definitely worth checking out!
Financial Aid for College (Seniors)
Seniors should check the Scholarship List in Naviance on a regular basis to find scholarships they may be eligible for. This list will continue to grown throughout the winter and spring months!
The 2025–26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now available to all students and families at StudentAid.gov/FAFSA. FAFSA submission is REQUIRED to be considered for financial aid. Some schools also require the CSS Profile (see individual college’s financial aid websites to determine what is required).
College Admissions Exams (SAT/ACT) Registration
Many colleges use the SAT or ACT as part of their admissions process. Students should consider taking either the SAT or ACT after they have completed Algebra 2. This will ensure they have covered the Math content that is on these exams. Typically, juniors test in the spring of junior year but every student must determine when they feel most ready.
Registration for the SAT/ACT is directly through the organization’s website (NOT through CBSD/MyPaymentsPlus). Do not wait until the week of the registration deadline (typically the month prior to the test date) to register as the site often crashes or is slow in the days prior to the deadline. To register for these exams, please use these links:
Juniors and Seniors!
Unsure of your future plans or want to learn how you can apply your skills or a degree to different career paths? Come join us for a day at the Upper Bucks Campus of Bucks County Community College to attend various sessions learning about careers and soft skills that will help prepare you for your future in this ever-changing environment.
Interested students will be transported to the facility, from school, and will return to school before the school day is over. Please fill out your permission slip here, print a copy, and drop it off at the Student Services Office (at South the first floor Student Services Office is recommended), or scan and send directly to lbagnick@cbsd.org .
Students will have the opportunity to gain information about certificate programs, short term training programs, programs requiring an associate’s degree, professional skills, and more. Please make your program choices here by signing in with your CBSD email address and selecting the four sessions you would like to attend. You will need to make one entry for each of the four sessions by clicking on each of the four tabs at the top of the form.
Please have all selections made and permission slips to Student Services no later than Wednesday, February 26th.
Please see attached flyer for additional details about the program. For questions, please contact Lori Bagnick at lbagnick@cbsd.org .
Volunteer Opportunities
Students who are looking to volunteer in our community should check out our Volunteer Opportunities bulletin board in the first-floor student services office (C119). Community service events will be updated throughout the year.
Join the CBSD Team: Bus Aides and Other Fulfilling Positions Available
CBSD welcomes qualified candidates to apply for a range of full-time career opportunities, many with benefits. School bus aides might be the perfect fit for parents and others looking to make a difference while working the same hours as a school day. View all available positions and apply now!
New District Resources on "Making Practices Public" Webpage
A comprehensive directory of local supports for families; a guide for special education services in the district; and information about Title IX are three of several new resources that have been recently added to the district's "Making Practices Public" webpage. We invite families and community members to visit the page often for regularly added resources in our efforts to keep everyone informed!
Check CBSD "e-Flyer Folder" Regularly for Info on Community Events
Did you know there's a webpage on CBSD.org where you can get information on various community events and activities happening around Central Bucks? Flyers that used to go in backpacks or were sent home with students are being collected on the district's "e-Flyer Folder" webpage. Check it out now! Recent additions include information on a CB West baseball clinic; the Young Rembrandts after-school art club; the Shining Knights after-school chess club; and Bricks4kidz at many CBSD elementary schools.
New to CBSD in 2025-26 School Year? Register Now!
About Us
Email: jbucher@cbsd.org
Website: http://cbsd.org/Domain/29
Location: 1100 Folly Road, Warrington, PA, United States
Phone: 267.893.3000
Twitter: @CBSouthHS