Houston Parent & Family Newsletter
August 2024
Back-to-School Letter
Dear Hurricane Parents, Families, and Students,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We are thrilled about the journey ahead, filled with growth and discovery. It is an honor to serve the students, staff, families, and community of Houston Public Schools. A special welcome goes out to all our incoming and new students.
This year, inspired by Cleo Wade's "What the Road Said," we embark on a path of exploration and wonder. At Houston Elementary School, we work closely with families and the community to support every HES student finding their unique way. Our commitment is to help students thrive, set high academic standards, and nurture them as future civic leaders.
To foster more engaging and hands-on learning experiences, we will continue our enrichment initiatives and expand opportunities for students based on Houston Public Schools' pillars for continuous improvement: Connections and Relationships, Growth, Student Achievement, Partnerships, & Real-World Learning.
Beyond academics, our team, guided by our School Social Worker, will continue to focus on Social Emotional Learning, utilizing the Spot Curriculum for Pre-K-3, aspects of the RULER curriculum, and the Character Strong Curriculum for all students. Our Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) F.O.R.C.E initiative will persist in promoting a school culture centered on safety, personal responsibility, respect, community excellence, and integrity.
As we begin this new school year, we embrace the idea that it’s okay to make a wrong turn. Remember the words of Cleo Wade’s "What the Road Said": “Keep going. Keep trying new things. Keep reaching for what you love.” We will strengthen the Hurricane with high expectations and support for all learners.
At Houston Public Schools, our mission is to Discover, Develop, and Achieve the potential within all learners. Thank you for everything you do to Strengthen the Hurricane.
I am looking forward to a fantastic year!
Angela McQuinn
Assistant Principal
Summer Projects
Our maintenance and contract teams have been busy making some updates and renovations over the summer. We are excited for you to see the transformation.
Here is a list of updates & renovations that have happened over the summer.
- Bathrooms off of gym renovation
- 4 bathrooms added, for a total of 5 bathrooms
- 2 of the bathrooms stalls are accessible
- Accessible entrance button on the backdoor of building
- Cafeteria & kitchen floors updated
- Walls painted
- New carpeting on floors outside of cafeteria
- By library & music room
- Ramp to cafeteria new flooring
- Playground sidewalk on Elm Street updated
- Playground perimeter updated
- Sidewalk from back door to playground added
- We will have safety signs up during playground hours for added safety
- Main office renovation
- New floors
- Walls painted
- New office layout & furniture
Important Dates
Student drop off & pick up Zones
Helpful Links & Resources
Handbook & Resources
- School Website
- District Policies
- Houston Elementary School Student, Parent, Family Handbook
- Playground Zones
- Chaperone & Volunteer Forms
- Academic Assistance Grades 4-6