The Tiger Times
October 2024

🍎 From the Principal 🚌
Hello Mohawk Families!
During the second week in October, we will practice our lockdown drill. Unfortunately, our changing world requires us to prepare for emergencies differently than we have in the past. We need to prepare our students without causing fear. The ALICE training and activity book, I’m Not Scared, I’m Prepared by Julia Cook, is a way for students to learn about staying safe.
The purpose of this book is to enhance the concepts taught by the ALICE Training Institute and make them applicable to children of all ages in a non-fearful way. By using this book, children can develop a better understanding of what needs to be done if they ever encounter a “dangerous someone.” The story uses the experiences of “ant” students attending school. The students know that their teacher is always trying to keep them safe and has already taught them about fire drills and bad weather drills. The ant teacher shows the students a drill called the Sheep (the students), the Shepherd (teacher) and the Wolf (someone dangerous). The teacher shows the students how to stay safe if someone dangerous is inside the building.
Our drills are based on the concepts that the “ant” teacher shows her students. The drills will include BOTH a lesson from the book, “I’m NOT Scared, I’m Prepared!” and an opportunity to practice. Keeping your child safe is our top priority. I have included some information below for you to review.
If you have any concerns, please contact me or your child’s teacher.
Educationally Yours,
Ms. Andrea Verellen
Wednesday, October 2nd
Count Day
Thursday, October 3rd
Walk to School Day
Friday, October 4th
Wear your Mohawk Attire
Friday, October 11th
Tiger Trek
Last Day to register for Mohawk Monster Mash
Monday, October 14th
Spooky Season Story Contest Due
PTO Meeting-4:00pm
Friday, October 18th
PTO Build A Buddy $$ Due
PTO Tiger Trek Bowling Trip
PTO "Mohawk Monster Mash" 6:00-8:00pm
Monday, October 21st
Red Ribbon Week Begins
Wednesday, October 23rd
1/2 Day 11:50am Dismissal
Progress Reports Sent Home
Conferences in Evening
Thursday, October 24th
1/2 Day 11:50am Dismissal
Afternoon & Evening Conferences
Friday, October 25th
1/2 Day 11:50am Dismissal
Tuesday, October 29th
Kindergarten to the Fire Station 9:15-11:15am
Thursday, October 31st
1/2 Day 11:50am Dismissal
10:15-11:15 Halloween Parties
11:20-11:40 Halloween Parade (Weather Permitting)
Tuesday, Nov. 5th
No School-Election Day/Staff Professional Development
PTOs Buddy's Restaurant Night
Wednesday, Nov. 6th
Picture Retake Day
10 ALICE Training Concepts
ALICE Training for the elementary aged child is age and ability appropriate. ALICE Training Institute always leaves the grade level of implementation up to the local school district.
1. Children should be taught to follow direction the first time they are given in an emergency. We don’t want teachers to give directions to Evacuate or Lockdown and have students standing around asking, “But why?”
2. Students should be trained to STOP, LOOK, and LISTEN to announcements at the time they are given. If the PA system serves as the main information source in a school, students must be trained to STOP, LOOK, and LISTEN every time it comes on.
3. In a Lockdown, be quiet, listen to directions, stay out of the line of sight from the door, but DO NOT hide in a closet. Be ready to move or evacuate if the intruder comes into the room.
4. In a Counter situation when the secured location has been breached by an intruder, and evacuation is not possible, the best line of defense is to have kids up, moving, making noise, gaining distance and throwing items at the intruder.
5. Evacuation is always the best defense, if the information indicates it is safe to do so. Parents, staff and students must know where the RALLY/REUNIFICATION point is located. This location is usually away and separate from the school. Students should know how to get to the RALLY/REUNIFICATION point from every part of the school, and how to move quickly with OR without the teacher. It should be emphasized to parents that the RALLY/REUNIFICATION point is the place to go in case of an emergency.
6. Upper elementary students have more developed critical thinking and problem-solving skills and should take a much more active role in ALICE than children in the lower elementary grades.
7. We teach all aspects of ALICE EXCEPT the “swarm technique” (grabbing onto the appendages of an intruder and using your body weight to immobilize him) to elementary students.
8. Special needs students are planned for ahead of time, given their individualized situations. If a student cannot evacuate, plans must be made to fortify his/her location. When students with special needs are included in the general education class, teachers need to decide what is in the child’s best interest and plans should be made ahead of time. We cannot give a one-size-fits-all answer to the situations involving a student with special needs. The school must consider each case individually.
9. Education and empowerment are the keys to preparation and relieving fear.
10. Kids are taught in realistic terms what to do in case of danger. ALICE is much like a fire drill or a tornado drill. Its purpose is to prepare students for life inside and out of the classroom. The ALICE concepts are the same at school, home, the mall, the afterschool program, restaurants, church or any other place the child goes. We are teaching a lifelong safety skill.
Parent-Teacher Conferences 10/23 & 10/24
You are invited to attend parent/teacher conferences on Oct. 23rd or 24th. Parents will receive their child's progress report during their 15 minute conference with the teacher. Use the Sign-Up Genius link below to choose your time(s). Be sure to choose the correct grade level and teacher.
- Wednesday, October 23rd in the evening only
- Thursday, October 24th in the afternoon and evening.
Walk or Bike to School 10/3
Order Your 24-25 Yearbook Today!
Red Ribbon Week
October 21st-25th
Red Ribbon Week is celebrated every year in October from the 21st until the end of the month. It is a drug prevention awareness campaign and is considered one of the nation’s largest programs of such sort. It reaches millions of people annually, and throughout school districts. Awareness is raised during this week every year regarding the benefits of building a strong community by making good choices, i.e., living positive and drug-free.
Red Ribbon Week® (October 21st-25th), is the oldest and largest drug prevention campaign in
the nation. It is your opportunity to get the ongoing conversation started. Children of parents who talk to their teens regularly about drugs are 42% less likely to use drugs than those who don’t; yet, only a quarter of teens report having these conversations.
This year’s theme is "Be Kind To Your Mind. Live Drug Free™ Visit www.redribbon.org to learn more about Red Ribbon Week® and get tips for talking to your kids about drugs. The life you save may be that of your own child or a dear friend.
Mohawk celebrates this week each year by having fun spirit days, and announcement messages that are geared toward elementary students. Below are the spirits days for this year.
🎃 Mr. Eric Presents "The Spooky Season Story Contest"
K-2nd Grade
Grades 3rd-5th
Late Arrivals
Students arriving late to school MUST be signed in by a parent. Students need to be walked to the office and not just dropped off.
The school day officially begins at 8:55am. Students arriving after 8:55am will be marked tardy and must be signed in at the office by a parent.
Early Dismissal
If you need to pick up your child early, please come to the office to sign them out. We will call your child down once you have arrived, NOT before. Early dismissals will NOT happen after 3:30pm.
It is very important your child arrive on time every day when school is in session. Research shows when students regularly attend school they perform better academically and experience more success.
Students who arrive late but before 9:55am are marked tardy. Arrivals after 9:55am but before the PM session, 12:32pm, will be marked absent for the AM only.
A student will be marked absent in the PM only if they leave before 2:45pm. Dismissals after 2:45pm are recorded as a tardy/leave early.
Attendance Letters
Attendance Reports are run every 2 weeks. Below are the guidelines we follow for referring families to truancy.
Nudge Letters
A nudge letter will be sent to families if their child has 5 or more absences by parent-teacher conferences.
Attendance Letters
Attendance letters are sent to students according to the number of days they are absence:
10+ absences=Letter #1
15+ absences=Letter #2
20+ absences=Letter #3
Having a documented medical excuse will determine whether the absence is excused or not excused.
School administration will decide when it is an appropriate time to file for truancy. This is traditional done after there have been at least two parent contacts made by the building.
Drop-Off Lane
Parents can use the drop off lane in the morning at arrival or for pick-up in the afternoon. It is meant for you to drop off and go or pick-up and go. It is not to be used as a parking spot. Please see the map below. Parents can also drop off near the dumpsters and have their child enter using Door #6 in the mornings only.
Parent Portal
Keeping Your Child at Home
Contact Our Health Aide
Debbie Wasilewski (586)723-6220
Dear Parents and Guardians:
Please take a moment to login to the Family Portal and complete the Education Benefits Form (EBF) at @chippewavalley.familyportal.cloud under “Apply for Benefits”. The Education Benefits Form collects information needed to ensure the school receives state and federal funding for education programs. Without this information, Chippewa Valley Schools could lose important funding for education programs that our students need. These supplemental grants and programs have the potential to offer special supports and services for our students. Please login to the Family Portal and apply for benefits on the Family Portal @ chippewavalley.familyportal.cloud.
If you have any questions, please contact Food & Nutrition Services at 586-723-2110.
Chippewa Valley Food & Nutrition Services
Lunch Doubles
Celebrating Birthdays 🎂
Electronic Devices 📱
SACC is available before school at 6:45am-8:55am and after school (3:39pm) until 6:00pm. Please contact our SACC office for any questions you might have 586-723-6233 You must be signed up for SACC to use the service. Register online at https://www.chippewavalleyschools.org/for-parents/sacc/
Executive Board Members 2024-25
President: Ashleigh Balsamo
Vice President: Jill Talant
Treasurer: Mariel Allor
Secretary: Stephanie Burkart
Room Parent Coordinator K-2: Nicole Rowley
Room Parent Coordinator 3-5: Amber Clark
Social Committee Chairs: Traci Bowan & Ashley Fruciano
Historian: Julie Hasse
PTO Website
PTO Facebook Page
PTO Meetings
Meetings will take place in the media center. Childcare will be provided. ALL parents are welcome!
Monday, October 14th-4:00pm
Tuesday, November 12th-7:00pm
Monday, January 13th-4:00pm
Tuesday, February 11th-7:00pm
Monday, March 17th-4:00pm
Tuesday, April 15th-7:00pm
Monday, May 12th-4:00pm
Cutting Edge 10/5 🤸
Tiger Trek 10/11 👟
Donate by October 9th!
Mohawk Monster Mash 10/18
Register by October 11th
Trick or Treat 10/18
Trick or Treat will happen during the Mohawk Monster Mash.
Build A Buddy Due 10/18
The Build A Buddy event is November 18th, but the deadline for payment is October 18th.