CMS Toppers: News From the Middle!
Caroff's Corner
Here's the even better news - because students took their time, showed patience and concentration, we will be able to use the results of this assessment to inform our instructional planning. We're thrilled to do so.
I also want to congratulate the following students who were a part of our Sources of Strength Student Leader training on Thursday!
Sixth Grade: Bella Landies, Zach Kelly, Gracey Tranter, Trevor Mandula, Abby Stone, Amylia Sneek, Jilian Cutler, Adelynne Baird, SJ Moore, William Bosiacki, Noella Dowd, Gabby Hren, Marijke Buholzer, Violet Shubert, and William Rein
Seventh Grade: Erin Brown, Katie Brinkley, Liam Wludyga, Tyler Titschinger, Wyatte Desantis, Eden Hegfield, Brooklyn Ray, Elliot Love, Tre Bell, Aiden Jacobs, Allie Stumph, Grayden Hazen, Reese O'Reilly, Ella Landon, Austin Rusher, Mia Wagner, and LIlly Jefferson
Keep smiling!
Craig Caroff
Annual OLR Update
Have you done your annual OLR update yet for your student/s?
Not yet? Visit this link for instructions: https://www.chardon.k12.oh.us/InfiniteCampus.aspx
Scroll down the page and look for the first red link that says INSTRUCTIONS.
THANK YOU for updating this information for us!
CMS PTO Mum Sale is Live!
CMS Toppers - join your classmates in doing one of the best things you can do each day! Say hello in a different way!
Monday, September 16: Wear something to rep your favorite thing (sport, hobby, movie, artist, etc.)
Tuesday, September 17: Weather bright colors to show everyone is seen and included
Wednesday, September 18: Wear GREEN to show we can all stay connected as a group (and start by saying hello!)
Thursday, September 19: Wear a hat to show we think with our head before speaking
Friday, September 20: Wear RED and BLACK to show, in Chardon, we are all one TEAM!
Attention 4th and 5th Graders! LOVE Math? Can't Stand it? Join Math Club!
Have you joined our CMS PBIS rewards yet?
During the first week of school, all families received personalized QR codes to join PBIS rewards to see your student's information as it relates to positive behavior choices in the building. If you have not joined yet, please consider doing so by scanning the code you received and signing up to receive notifications.
If you need another QR code, please reach out to your child's homeroom teacher or Ms. Paroubek to access another copy.
Thanks for partnering with us on this new system!
Calling All Parents of Athletes!
Did you capture a great action photo of your child participating in CMS Football, Volleyball, Cheer or Cross Country this fall? Would you like that photograph in the yearbook? If yes, submit that photo to the yearbook staff for review. You might see it in the yearbook this spring!
Use this link with the password: CMS24pics!
Chardon Science Olympiad Open House
Join fellow Science enthusiasts at an Open House!
Wednesday, September 11
6-8 p.m.
Middle School LGIR and Cafeteria
If you're unable to make it, but are interested, please contact Michelle Monkiewicz at:
Chardon Middle School Student Council
Interested in joining Student Council? Have a voice as a leader in our school!
Elections are September 27;
Information from Ms. O'Brien will be shared with students on September 16;
AND...any student in grades 4-7 is eligible to participate!
CMS Lunch Menu
Wondering what is for breakfast or lunch? Use this link to access the menu each day!
Chardon Middle School PTO Website
Chardon Middle School PTO Facebook Page
Chardon Middle School Volunteer Interest Form
PTO Meeting Dates 2024-25
*All meetings are at 4:30 p.m. in the CMS Library/Media Center on the first Wednesday of each month.
September 4
October 2
November 6
December 4
January 8
February 5
March 5
April 2
May 7
Clinic Reminders from Ms. Jenn
Below are a few important items to review:
1.) Immunizations are required in the school setting. Immunization information from your healthcare provider needs to be sent to us and available before 8/28/24. Please call with questions regarding this. Thank you to all who have already sent them in. If you need an exemption form please call me.
2). Vision and hearing screenings will be conducted shortly. If your child saw an eye doctor over the summer, he/she does not need to be screened again. Please let me know. These checks get done on all 5th, 7th, and new-to-district students. Call me if you do not want your child screened.
3.) If your child has a medical plan or needs medication at school, a new plan and new medication order is needed each school year. A doctor or nurse practitioner has to fill out this information. Again, please call the clinic with questions regarding this. I can send appropriate forms home with the child.
4.) Please be mindful of not sending your child to school if the child is exhibiting signs of illness (high temperature, productive cough, vomiting, etc). We want to avoid clusters of illnesses.
5.) If your child gets injured at home or school and ends up in a cast, splint, or crutches, please get a doctor's note about any activity restrictions and treatments that may be needed for me to carry out.
My hours are 7:15 a.m. to 2:50 p.m.
Thank you
Jennifer Trittschuh RN BSN LSN
Need to find a teacher website? Use this link:
CMS Contact Info
Chardon Middle School
Principal: Mr. Craig Caroff: craig.caroff@chardonschools.orgAsst. Principal: Ms. Tracy Paroubek: tracy.paroubek@chardonschools.org
Website: www.chardonschools.org
Address: 424 North Street Chardon, OH 44024
Phone: (440) 286-0461