Family News
October 7, 2004
1/2 Day on Friday - Students must be picked up at 11:30
Afterschool Programs - Only 1 week left.
Fall clubs will also be starting on Oct. 15th. Sign ups and permission slips will be due back on September 25th. Clubs will run from 3:10-4:15, all students must be picked up by 4:30.
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Join us on Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WestminsterCCS
X: https://twitter.com/WestminsterCCS
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/westminsterccs/
Scan the code to join all three.
Check out our updated website: https://www.westminsterccs.org/
With your support, we look forward to building on our school’s 30-year history
of educating our community’s children. With your help, we can grow our pride!
Tips for Parents To Build Reading Skills
The most common advice parents are giving about literacy is to read a book to their child every night. A daily reading practice has a positive impact on student language skills, vocabulary building, and much more. Fortunately, reading out loud to children isn’t the only way to support them to become skilled readers. Families can still positively impact their child’s literacy development through every day learning moments.
Over the next few weeks I will share a different family-friendly activity that help cultivate literacy skills by utilizing assets and routines already at a family’s disposal.
Week 1 - Build Vocabulary -Parents can help build their child's vocabulary by:
- Reading aloud -Reading aloud to your child exposes them to new vocabulary and models fluent reading. When you come across a new word, you can:
- Ask your child what they think the word means
- Give a quick definition
- Playing word games-Word games can help your child learn new words and search for them in different mediums.
- Talking frequently
- Talk with your child and have two-way conversations.
- Talk about real things that interest your child .
- Act out the word or find a picture that represents it.
Upcoming Events
October 8th - Lion Sees Vison Screenings K-2
October 9th - Picture Day, students wear uniforms
October 9th - Chicken BBQ Fund Raiser, 3-6 pm
October 9th - Good for the Neighborhood 4:30-6:00
October 11th - 1/2 Day for Students, pick up at 11:30 am
October 14th - Indigenous People Day, NO SCHOOL
October 15th - After school programs start
October 16th - Unity Day - Wear and share orange to show unity for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion and to send a visible message that no child should ever experience bullying.
October 17th - Parent Meeting (PAC) 5:30-6:30.
October 25th - Early Release Drill - NYS requires that schools annually test their ability for emergency evacuation. A fifteen-minute early dismissal is planned for students, please be prepared to pick up at 2:30 instead of 2:45.
October 26th - Super Saturday - Trunk or Treat 9-11:30 am
October 28th - Lockdown Drill - NYS requires that the school conducts four lockdown drill each year. We will notify you of the drills at least one week in advance, and give you feedback on how each drill goes. The purpose of lockdown drills in New York schools is to help prepare the students and school staff prepare for and respond to an emergency. Drills allow students and staff to practice how they would respond in an emergency. Drills help ensure the safety of students and staff in a real emergency.
October 31st - Character Day - Dress as your favorite book character, bring the book with you to share with your class.
November 5th - 1/2 Day for Students, pick up at 11:30 am. Parent Teacher Conference 12pm-6pm
November 7th - End of First Quarter, all report cards published to the Parent Portal
November 11th - Multicultural Night 4:30-6:00, High School Application Night 4:30-5:30 pm.
November 20th - Picture Retake Day
November 21st -Parent Meeting (PAC) 5:30-6:30
November 27th - Friendsgiving
November 28th and 29th - No School
Progress Reports this week, see them on the Parent Portal
Setting up a Parent Portal account allows parents and guardians to view their child’s assignments, report cards, attendance, and assignments. Follow the directions below to register.
**Note: You will need the 900 number (ID number) for each child you will be adding to your account. Most students in grades 3 and higher know their number, If you need the 900 number, reach out to your child’s teacher. **
Go to the Westminster website: www.westminsterccs.org. Under the “For Families” tab, click on “Parent Portal”.
If you already have a username and password, use them to log in here. If it is your first time logging in, click on “Online Registration”.
- Fill in the boxes for “Account Information”. Note: the school district is ‘WestminsterCSD’. Be sure that the email address you provide is valid, you will be receiving an automated email at the end of the registration process.
- Fill in the boxes on the ‘Personal Information’ page. This is information about the parent or guardian (the adult). Student information is in the next section.
Fill in the boxes for ‘Student Information’. You may add all students that you will need access for.
You will receive an auto-generated email sent to the email address you provided with your log-in credentials. Your account will be reviewed by the account administrator and will be available in about 2 business days.
Your registration process is complete! Once your account is activated by the account administrator, you can log in at any time to view your child’s assignments, discipline, attendance, grades, and report cards.
Uniform Policy
Tops: Navy Blue School Logo Top
WCCS Embroidered short sleeve poloWCCS Embroidered Sweatshirt
Bottoms: Khaki or Navy (color)
Uniform or Dress Pants*
Uniform or Dress Shorts*
Uniform Jumper
Uniform or Dress Skirt*
Dress Pants - do not include denim, ripped material, leggings, or jeggings. Dress pants would be made of cotton, polyester blend, or wool.
Dress Shorts - must be made of dress pant materials and have at least a 7-inch inseam; the bottom must be hemmed (no cut-offs).
Dress Skirts - must be made of dress pant materials and have at least a 9-inch inseam; the bottom must be hemmed (no cut-offs).
Short-Sleeve Polo shirts - students should not wear any visible shirt underneath their polo. If students are cold, they can wear a school sweatshirt.
Clothing that is ripped, cut, slashed, or has holes, is prohibited, even on dress-down days. Clothes with rips that are filled underneath are not allowed.
Footwear: Shoes or Sneakers
Rubber Bottom Shoes - appropriate for running and playing
Cotton, leather, or man-made leather, solid uppers
Shoes must have enclosed heels and toes.
No sandals, slides, slippers, high heels, house shoes, moccasins, boots, flip-flops, rubber body shoes, or Crocs are allowed.
These footwear requirements are due to safety issues.
Shirts can be purchased at https://www.westminsterccs.org/ under at families tab, student will bring the shirts home.
We are required to exclude students after Sept. 17th who are missing immunizations. If you need an immunization please make an appointment as soon as possible.