Robert Hunter Report
Nov. 24, 2024
Robert Hunter Elementary School
Mrs. Jessica Braynor, Principal
Mrs. Lindsay Shirvanian, Vice Principal
Website: https://www.frsd.k12.nj.us/Domain/381
Location: 8 Dayton Road Flemington, NJ 08822
Phone: (908) 284-7620
Dear Robert Hunter Families,
November is flying by! We enjoyed seeing many of you at conferences this past week and we look forward to seeing more of our families at conferences this upcoming week. As a reminder, Nov. 25, 26, and 27 will be early dismissal days. Dismissal will be at 1:20.
We will be closed on Nov. 28th and 29th. After-school support clubs will not be held this week. All PTO enrichment clubs are complete for the fall session.
We will also have a whole school meeting on Nov. 27th. At this meeting, some students will get to “slime” the Principal and Vice Principal because the PTO exceeded the Walkathon fundraising goal! These students were chosen randomly (anyone who participated in the Walkathon). Classes who had highest participation per grade level will also have popsicle parties. We will also have a whole school Fort Day on Nov. 27th. Students are encouraged to wear RH spirit day for this special day. We are looking forward to a fun day of creativity, team-building, and RH pride!
As Thanksgiving approaches, we want to extend our gratitude for your partnership this year. We are so thankful for our amazing Robert Hunter community.
We hope you all enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families.
Warm regards,
Jessica Braynor and Lindsay Shirvanian
Pictures of the Week
Useful Links for Families
The Week Ahead
Monday, Nov. 25, Day 6
Early Dismissal at 1:20
Nighttime Conferences
Tuesday, Nov. 26, Day 1
Early Dismissal at 1:20
Daytime Conferences
Wednesday, Nov. 27, Day 2
Early Dismissal at 1:20
Whole School Meeting at 9:00- Families from Ms. Mecanko's and Ms. Smits’ classes are invited to attend
Fort Day! - Students are encouraged to bring materials.
Wear RH Spirit wear or school colors
Thursday, Nov. 28
School Closed
Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, Nov. 29
School Closed
Save the Date:
Dec. 7 - PTO Family Skate Night
Dec. 19 - PTO Family Paint Night
Dec. 20 - Early Dismissal
Fort Day
We are having an extra special RH Spirit Day on Wednesday, Nov. 27th. Students will be making forts in their classrooms. Students our encouraged to bring in materials to help them with their fort building - sheets, blankets, towels, etc.
Counselor Corner - From Ms. Del Duca and Ms. Coates
As we are fast approaching Thanksgiving and the holiday season, we often find ourselves too busy to truly enjoy what is happening all around us. This season, the Robert Hunter school counselors want you and your families to focus on mindfulness and gratitude! Practicing mindfulness can help you to stay present and calm. Research has shown that expressing gratitude can have a lasting impact on your mental health. How are you going to do this on top of all of your parenting responsibilities?
Here are a few tips and tricks to incorporate mindfulness and gratitude into your daily practices:
5-4-3-2-1 Ground Technique: an exercise to reduce stress and stay present.
Name 5 things you can see
Name 4 things you can touch
Name 3 things you can hear
Name 2 things you can smell
Name 1 thing you can taste
Take some time to draw
Set a timer for 5 minutes and draw/doodle
Share what you and your family are grateful for
This conversation can occur at the dinner table, in the car, on a walk…anywhere!
Governor Educator of the Year Announcement
We are proud to announce that 3rd Grade Teacher, Mrs. Hadzimichalis has been selected as Robert Hunter’s Teacher of the Year and Speech-Language Specialist, Mrs. Robertson is Robert Hunter’s Education Services Professional of the Year! Congratulations to these two dedicated professionals!
Robbie's Recognition
We encourage families to take some time to recognize our fantastic staff members throughout the school year. You can use the Google form here to submit a Robbie’s Recognition for a staff member, and we will read aloud your recognition to our staff. You can either add your name or recognize a staff member anonymously.
From the PTO:
November is National Gratitude Month and Robert Hunter PTO is so thankful for the continuous support of our school community. We wish you and your families a wonderful Thanksgiving and we look forward to seeing you at our December fun events.
Fourth Grade Activities
Fourth grade shirt sizes due December 13th
The PTO is excited to provide special t-shirts to our fourth graders for their field ttrip to Davinci science center. Please complete the survey HERE by Friday, December 13th to indicate your 4th grader's t-shirt size.
Fourth Grade Baby Pictures - Due February 12
Please submit a baby picture (0-24 months) of your fourth grader for our yearbook to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeYVa35dzPnzmkKlWGJgCJWsgDOqaYIu47K5uTS_JFYP-sVeg/viewform. Please reach out to Laura DiStaulo at ladistaulo@gmail.com with any questions.
United Way Holiday Hands - Donations Due December 4
The FRSD Joint PTO has partnered with United Way to provide holiday gifts to Flemington - Raritan township low to moderate income families, elderly residents and individuals with special needs.
There are many ways to give:
-Purchase from the Amazon Wish List at https://www.amazon.com/regist.../gl/guest-view/3BRHVGSK90SEX
-Purchase from the WalMart Wish List at https://www.walmart.com/.../193d2d83-8451-4fb6-a978...
-Drop off gifts at Robert Hunter during conferences
-Drop off gifts at United Way, 20 Fulper Street, Flemington by Wednesday, December 4th.
Harlem Wizards - Tickets on sale December 6
FRSD Joint PTO is hosting the Harlem Wizards at J.P. Case Middle School on February 7th at 6:30 pm. Come out to cheer for Robert Hunter teachers as they take on the Harlem Wizards!
RH Family Day at the Ice Skating Rink - December 7
We're gearing up early for some winter fun at Flemington Ice Arena. Buy your tickets to skate with the Grinch at https://www.gomotionapp.com/.../page/class-registration...
Family Paint Party Night - December 19
Paint Party Farm will be hosting a family fun night at Robert Hunter on December 19 from 6:30 to 8:00pm. Please register your painter at www.paintpartyfarm.com so that adequate wood signs are available.
Basket Auction Committee Volunteers Needed!
We’re gearing up for the Robert Hunter Annual Basket Auction, and we need YOU to help make it a success!
We’re forming our Basket Auction Committee and looking for volunteers to assist with:
-Securing donations from local businesses and community members
-Creating and wrapping baskets
-Event set up and helping to run the auction on event day
Whether you can spare a few hours or want to take on a bigger role, every bit of help counts and will make a huge difference. This is a great way to support our school, get involved, and meet other amazing parents!
First committee meeting is in early January! Please contact Sherri Biniaros at sbiniaros@gmail.com to sign up. Let’s work together to make this the best auction yet!
Order your yearbook and custom pages. Login at https://www.treering.com/purchase?PassCode=10160407073332
Please reach out to the yearbook committee at Roberthunteryb@gmail.com with any questions.
Spiritwear - Available Every Day!
Check out this year's new spirit wear designs HERE and order today at www.roberthunterspiritwear.com