November 9, 2023
Nederland Middle-Senior HS Community,
I am at High Trails near Cripple Creek with the sixth graders. We were able to engage in a great deal of engaging activities. As a school we are committed to this kind of learning for our middle school students. As they move up to high school we are committed to Outdoor Leadership and related CTE programming. Given our location and teacher expertise the outdoor course work is our signature CTE. While we do offer some technology courses and woodworking classes, our main focus is the outdoors.
The Outdoor Leadership CTE programming presently includes the following courses:
- Colorado Fourteeners
- Wilderness First Aid
- Backpacking
- Orienteering and Route Finding
- Leave No Trace Certification
- Introduction to Snow Sports
- Snow Science
- AP Environmental
- Fish and Wildlife Management
- Forest Management Weather
- Weather for Outdoor Professionals
- Anatomy and Physiology
While we do not offer each of these Outdoor Leadership courses each year we do try to rotate them over a three year span. Nederland is very committed to this course work and looking for partnerships with local community colleges to find pathways toward college credit and certificates.
PTA Annual Fall Fundraiser - Final Call
The Nederland MS/HS Panther Parents (our school PTA) is finishing up its fall fundraising drive. Rather than hold multiple fundraisers during the school year, they are asking for a one time donation. The funds are used to support the many school recognition ceremonies, guest speakers, Ski-Day, graduation activities and teacher and student grants and appreciation. See the link to the PTA webpage: https://neh.bvsd.org/school-life/panther-parents-pta. Every donation counts and supports our students and teachers. Help support the Panther Parents support the school.
Remember, No School on Friday, November 10
Have a great weekend!
Upcoming Events
- November 10 - No School - Veterans Day
- November 14 - High School Choirs field trip to Rocky Mtn. Choral Festival
- November 16 - 8th Grade Field Trip to Boulder TEC
- November 16 - SAC Meeting, 6pm
- November 17 - Harvest Feast
- November 20-24 - No School - Thanksgiving Break
Middle School Boys’ Basketball has their first home game on Monday starting around 5 pm or shortly after. Good luck, Panthers! Remember that Alpine Skiing registration closes this weekend for both Middle School and High School, and that late registrations will not be accepted. See below for more detailed announcements
High School Alpine Skiers - Online registration opened Monday 10/23 and closes on Sunday 11/12. Late registrations will not be accepted! Please register as soon as possible to start getting emails from your coaches. Email Coach Krista Crabtree with any skiing specific questions.
Middle School Alpine Skiers - Online registration is open. At our online meeting, we reviewed this agenda and this FAQ. Online registration closes on Sunday 11/12. We expect the team to fill up quickly, and we do not anticipate being able to accept any late sign-ups. Email Coaches Cheree Stover and Dora Ryan with any additional questions.
High School Nordic Skiers - Online registration opened Monday 10/23. Coach Dan Vardamis had an informational meeting with athletes and families on Wednesday, November 1 @ 6:00 pm in the Cafeteria. He started practice on Wednesday, 11/8.
High School Boys’ Basketball - Online registration opened Monday 10/23. Official practices start at 4:00 pm on Monday 11/13. Email Head Coach John Leventhal with any questions.
Here’s what’s happening from Nederland MSHS School Counseling:
High schoolers
Would you like to earn transferable college credits during the spring semester? BVSD’s College Before Graduation program allows students to earn college and high school credits simultaneously, and your college tuition expense is covered by BVSD! This can help you get ahead on earning a college degree. Deadline to apply is December 12th. See Ms. Jill for information. The upcoming summer semester includes:
English 1021 Composition 1 and ENG 1022 English Composition II
Business 1016 Personal Finance which meets your money management graduation requirements. Our three college partners are: Front Range Community College (FRCC), Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU), and CU Boulder.
8th graders have the chance to tour Tech with Ms. Jill during the morning of November 16. Bring your field trip form to Ms. Jill to join us in an exciting visit to Tech. Forms will be available on Monday November 06.
High School Students & Parents: Wednesday Night Meetings Online Google Meets with Ms. Jill. Ms. Jill holds Wednesday night online meetings @ 7:00pm for high school students and their parents.
11/29 - Google online meet @ 7:00 - Financial aid - FAFSA workshop - The Federal Student Financial Aid Application launches in December. Be ready with a review of what we have learned about this re-launch. Audience: Senior families. Junior families are also invited.
Accountability Meeting 11/16 at 6:00pm
Please join Principal Goodrich at our next Accountability meeting on Thursday, November 16 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m in the NMSHS Library. At our meeting we will be discussing the mission and vision work we have been working on this fall, and addressing any questions or concerns parents and guardians may have about how we do things here at the school. We will be taking on issues such as:
The development of a safe and belonging environment at Ned MS/HS,
Student behavior
Career and Technical Education focus (CTE at Ned)
The school’s academic focus, and
Any other related topics/questions
It will be an action packed event and we hope you will attend to hear more about your school.
It’s Time to Give Thanks!
Friday November 17th is our beloved annual Harvest Feast - a time for our school community to come together to promote connectivity and share in celebration and thanks…oh and to eat lots of yummy food! Panther Parents will provide turkeys (Busey Brews is smoking them!), stuffing, and rolls, and the school will provide mashed potatoes and gravy. We encourage school wide participation by asking students to bring a dish to share:
• 6th grade - appetizers/finger food
• 7th grade - hot dishes/casseroles
• 8th grade - dessert
• 9th grade - fruits/veggies
• 10th grade - salads
• 11th grade - hot dishes/casseroles
• 12th grade - desserts
We need MANY parent volunteers to ensure that this wonderful event runs smoothly. Please sign up through HelpAtSchools to help us continue this favorite tradition at NMSHS. And of course, if you volunteer you will get to eat too! Additional information can be found here. We’re excited to continue this wonderful tradition!
Open Enrollment Events
Senior Portraits
Deadline extended!
Thank you to the seniors who have submitted their Senior pictures! There are several students who have not turned anything in yet. We need this information ASAP. The deadline for turning in senior portraits, baby photo, and senior quote has been extended to Friday, November 17, 2023. Please email to aimee.tomlinson@bvsd.org
Senior Parents and Guardians - Please submit a senior letter by Monday, November 27.
Fall Plays and Talent Show
6th Grade at High Trails
7th Grade Social Studies
7th Graders debating the most significant achievements of the Ancient Mesopotamians
Panther Parents PTA
A big THANK YOU to those who have generously donated to the Panther Parents (PTA) Fall Fundraiser in the past few weeks! We have decided to extend our fundraising campaign for another week. The Hoyl Family Fund has generously offered to donate $1,000 in matching funds for any donations that we bring in by Friday November 17!
As we know, school budgets continue to be routinely cut, and there is no extra state or district funding. The Panther Parents was created to help enhance the school environment for the students and teachers by supporting things like:
- Teacher Grants for classroom supplies and new state-of-the-art equipment
- AP Teacher Certification (the district does not pay for this!)
- Homecoming
- Harvest Feast
- Ski Day
- Teacher Appreciation
- Academic Award Ceremonies
- 8th Grade Continuation
- Senior Banquet
- Art Show Awards
- After Prom
- Student Grants (this year we’re helping send our top choir to Carnegie Hall in the spring!)
- Assistance with the NMSHS Principal/Operating Budget
Please consider donating today! (No amount is too small!) Monthly recurring donations are an option if you prefer that. Many employers offer matching donations, so please ask your employer and make your donation go even further. All gifts are tax-deductible and every dollar makes a difference! Thank you for helping us continue to make NMSHS an enriching, innovative and welcoming space for our students and teachers.
Ways you can donate:
Checks made out to NMSHS PTA and mailed to 597 County Rd 130, Nederland, CO 80466
Visit Panther Parents (PTA) - Nederland Middle-Senior High School and click the Paypal/Donate Now button.
Nederland Community Library
Nutcracker at Macky Auditorium
BIFF 2024 Teen Short Film Competition - Submissions OPEN!
Calling all teen filmmakers!
After another banner year for the sold-out Teen Short Film Competition, Boulder International Film Festival is thrilled to officially open our 2024 call for submissions.
It's time to get storyboarding, writing and filming!
We’re looking for short films (8 min max) made by teens (12-18) in all genres. Students must be currently enrolled in middle or high school. Films can be funny. Sad. Scary. A mix of everything. Attached please find a flyer for distribution and promotion.
And please note … shorter is sweeter! We’ve upped the challenge this year. The max run time for submitted films is 8 minutes.
We enthusiastically celebrate inspiring storytelling from ALL perspectives, and we can’t wait to screen your entries.
So get started! Submit Now until January 31, 2024.
Title IX Student Council Accepting Applications for the 2023-2024 School Year
The BVSD Student Title IX Council is accepting applications for the 2023-2024 school year! The Council is comprised of students who are interested in collaborating with the District regarding issues of sexual violence, harassment and gender discrimination. Students participating in the council complete Title IX related projects and play an advisory role to the District with a shared goal of elevating student voices and leadership. High school students that are interested in working on the prevention of sex-based harassment and violence at school, who are looking to utilize their leadership skills, and who are passionately committed to this long-term process of change in culture and breaking stigmas around reporting are encouraged to apply here! The Council welcomes all students, regardless of their level of knowledge on Title IX.
Meals are still free, but meal account payment system is changing
Free meals are still free, but the payment system is changing! Please be advised that on November 13th, the Food Services Department will be switching software systems from MyPaymentsPlus to School Cafe. If you have a balance on your account it will automatically transfer into School Cafe on the 13th. Meal account funds are not necessary for your student to receive a free breakfast and lunch every day, but are necessary to purchase items like second entrees, a la carte items, and side salads. Starting on November 13th, if you would like to add money to your student’s meal account, you will have to create a School Cafe account and do it there. Beginning on November 11th, MyPaymentsPlus will turn off and it will not be possible to add funds to your student’s account.
Please see the resources below to help with the transition.
Connect for Health Colorado Health Insurance Open Enrollment
- November 1 through January 15, 2023 -
Connect for Health Colorado Open Enrollment - November 1 through January 15, 2023
From preventative services to the security it provides during a medical emergency, health insurance affords stability to families as they build and plan for the future. Free, in-person help is available from certified Connect for Health Colorado enrollment experts located throughout Colorado to help you get the right health insurance coverage.
Find an Enrollment Assister - Assistance Network Scheduler
Certified Enrollment Assisters can help you apply for financial help and are very experienced with complicated situations, such as when one family member receives Health First Colorado (Medicaid) or other public assistance while the others do not. They can also provide education about affordable health insurance and help you enroll in a Marketplace plan.
Nederland Middle Senior High School
Bell Times: 8:30 am-3:45 pm; 9:30 am-3:45 pm Wednesdays
Front Office: 720-561-4900
Attendance line: 720-561-4902
Transportation: 720-561-6241
Email: nmshs.contact@bvsd.org
Website: neh.bvsd.org
Location: 597 County Rd. 130, Nederland, CO 80466
Phone: 720-561-4900