Cottonwood News
September 2024
A Note from our Principal
We’ve had a great start to the school year! With nearly 400 students and 60+ staff members, that’s no easy feat, but we’re getting there. Arrival and dismissal are going smoothly, we’re getting students through breakfast and to class on time, lunch is clicking along, and dismissal - even with our kindergartners - is better every single day. Thank you for working with us and your child to make this process a good one for all of us! A reminder that if you need to help your child get in and/or out of the car, to consider front drop-off/pick-up or to pull around to the right in the back to the small parking lot so you can take the time you need to help your child.
This month we’ll continue to focus on really understanding and using the 4Rs. We want our CES students to have the right attitude, and be ready, respectful, and responsible no matter where they are or what they’re doing at school. Adler All-Stars will start this Friday, where we begin recognizing students who exemplify these ideals. This month was all about having the Right Attitude; I can’t wait to see who the teachers chose to celebrate and award! In September we’ll look for students who are ready - ready to participate, ready to learn, ready to lend a hand, ready to go.
We’re looking forward to a fun fall here at CES! Please keep an eye on the calendar because we get busier and busier as the season moves forward! Thanks again for working with us to make CES a great place to learn and grow. I’m grateful for our community and know our amazing start is because of our partnership.
With education at heart,
Kindergarten Fun!
Working together
Enjoying the playground
Play time with blocks
As a reminder, students may not enter the building until 8:35 unless they are registered for the YMCA Latchkey program or eating a school breakfast. If you need childcare before school, please contact the YMCA to sign up.
Dismissal is at 3:45. Car riders and bus riders are dismissed first. Once buses leave the south parking lot, walkers will be dismissed to meet parents in the south parking lot. If using the south parking lot, parents must park and meet walkers on the sidewalk/front of building.
Thank you for following the procedures. We work hard to make sure our families are safe.
Parents in the car line can help us by:
- Always keeping a name/number sign in the passenger side window.
- Pulling forward into the staff parking lot if you need to buckle your child. This will keep the line moving.
- Being patient and courteous to other drivers.
Bring your best Smile!
From the Library
The Birthday Book Club is back!
If you would like to donate a book to our library in honor of your student, please see the flier below, or click here to go directly to the SUPPORT OUR LIBRARY page.
Welcome to all of our new students and families! We are so glad you are here!! Also, a big welcome to all of our new staff. We have many great new people here at Cottonwood. We are thankful for all of our new additions!
Counselor Time: I see each class every other week to address a character trait. This month, we are working on Friendship and Inclusion. We are working on ways to make and keep friends and the important qualities that we look for. We are addressing the fact that we include everyone no matter what. We all have something unique and special to contribute. We are practicing connections and seeking new people to play and communicate with.
We will also be doing the Safer, Smarter Kids Curriculum again. The permission letter will be coming home shortly. This year we have condensed the lessons down from 8, to either 4 or 5, depending on the grade level. We will need those permission slips completed by September 27th. We are starting the curriculum in November. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to come and preview the curriculum.
I will be starting some friendship/social groups at lunchtime. If this is a difficult skill for your child and you feel they would benefit, please let me know.
I am working on getting to know all of the new children here at Cottonwood. We will also be finishing our new student groups in the beginning of October. If your child needs any additional support with their transition to Cottonwood, please reach out to me. I will help them in any way possible.
Banana Splits: I will be sending home permission slips for banana splits in the upcoming weeks. This is a divorce support group that I do here at school. Children from 2nd-5th grade can participate. I do one group for each of those grade levels. If I miss your child's name, please let me know and I will get them a permission slip.
Other small groups that I have are for anxiety/worry, grief, and anger. If there is another group that would benefit your child, please let me know.
I allow time each day to see individual students. The child just needs to ask their teacher for permission to come and see me, and they'll find a time during the day to make that happen. If you are requesting it, please call or email me so I can make sure that I see your child during the day.
I also head up the SBST committee. This is our Student Based Support Team. We meet every Thursday here at Cottonwood to discuss how students are doing. If your child has a gifted referral, is struggling academically, or having behavior issues, they may be suggested for these team meetings. If you feel that your child would benefit from this process, please reach out to me.
Happy Fall!
Kind Regards-
Marcie Faust-LCPC/NBCC
Cottonwood Counselor
316-218-4620 ext. 2
The health office staff has been reviewing all health files. We will be sending out notes and letters informing parents of any missing documents. If you have any questions, please call the health office or email the nurse at
All incoming Kindergarten students must have the following documents turned in:
1. A well child physical exam completed by a physician within the last 12 months
2. A student health history completed by parent
3. A complete immunization record
All new students to Andover School District:
1. A well child physical exam completed by a physician within the last 12 months
2. A student health history completed by parent
3. A complete immunization record
The school district does have an exclusion policy for all students that are not up to date on state required immunizations by October 21, 2024.
Denis Rebel, school nurse
Emily Graber, health clerk
Dates to Remember
September 10 - Fall pictures
September 12 - PTO Family Night: Popsicles on the playground, 6:30-7:45 pm
September 23 - NO SCHOOL
October 10 - 4/5 grade Music Program @ AHS
October 14-17 - Scholastic Book Fair
October 15-16 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 18 - NO SCHOOL
October 22 - Picture Retakes
Need more current information? The Cottonwood website is updated weekly.
The Butler County Interlocal is in need of Paraprofessionals
Communication is Key
School website:
Facebook page:
PTO Facebook page:
Andover Twitter:
Peachjar-- Peachjar is an “electronic backpack” system where schools post calendars, activity information from enrichment providers, and school letters. This system is used exclusively for distribution of school-approved fliers. Your email address will not be shared or used for any other purpose.
Cottonwood Elementary
Location: 1747 N Andover Rd, Andover, KS, United States
Phone: 316-218-4620