VA Thespian Update
VA Thespians Early Bird Special!
AUGUST: Reserve your early bird spot for VTF!
See our early bird form below to let us know you plan to attend VTF, pay a deposit for your teacher/ troupe director registration, and get early access/ perks! It is due 9/13 with the deposit due via Quickbooks by 9/16! Happy Fall to all and we look forward to our 55th season with you!
How to Find out More...?
Email: executivedirector@vathespian.org
Website: https://www.vathespian.org/mission.html
Location: Winchester, VA, USA
Phone: 703-554-3416
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VirginiaThespians
Twitter: @thespians1
Rebranding your ITS Troupe?
Use the most up-to-date logos , colors, fonts, etc. for a refresh and to get your branding up to speed with our new logos. Break a leg on fall auditions, productions, one act competitions, ITS inductions, first quarters, and more. Let us know how we can help support you this year!
Virginia Thespians Alumni FB Group!
Did you hear we have a Virginia Thespians Alumni Facebook group? Consider passing this along to your graduating seniors. So far, it is an inspiring network of over 300 professionals, who can be valuable resources for your students beyond high school. These are previous Thespians who remember what it is like to be in their shoes and many of which are happy to serve as mentors. We are creating an alumni board to also fundraise resources for students going to festival, bring in more alumni guest artists, and more! If you are an alumni, consider joining it yourself! We have many more plans in store for the alumni to partner with us to support the current as well as future generations of Virginia Thespians! Join us today!
Fall/Spring ITS Inductions Checklist:
Here is an easy step-by-step checklist for spring inductions. Use these materials as you see fit!
1. Hold an interest meeting. Ask- Who is interested in becoming inducted into ITS?
2. Share out the point application (your own copy) for students to complete with their past and current theatrical experiences for certain point values.
3. Have students fill out the Member Google form, (your own copy) for the exact information you need to collect to put them into the official ITS/ EdTA system, and pay $35 for the one-time membership fee, which lasts them a lifetime. (More materials at the bottom of the newsletter to promote and explain ITS.)
4. Hold inductions. Here is a sample outline to use. You can create your own rituals, traditions, or if you are in a pinch, it can be less than 30 minutes before school starts or before a rehearsal for example.
5. Log into your myedta account to input all of your new inductees.
6. Pay the lump sum as the director, if your students didn't pay EdTA directly. Our suggestion is to collect the money as you typically do for school events, work with your bookkeeper or boosters to cut one check to EdTA to keep it simple.
7. Hold an end of year or semester celebration to hand out the new goodies when they are delivered to the school! Here is the Thespian store for graduation regalia. If you are trying to save money, cords can be found on Amazon too.
Don't have a troupe yet? Read more about the benefits and process here! You do not need a minimum number of students now to activate/ reactivate your troupe. Get started today! Other resources on inductions from EdTA. Want a 2nd troupe director or someone to go in your place to Thespian events? Consider an Associate Troupe Director!
*Hold fall inductions, so your students get inducted, so they get the discounts for all events and, so they can qualify to move onto nationals with their Thespys. Deadline to be inducted is around 4/15 to qualify for ITF.
Main Auditorium
The beautiful 1,600 seat professional touring house auditorium. We will have full-building access to all dressing rooms, classrooms, and more for all program happenings, including a teacher/ vendor hors d'oeuvres with mocktails!
The Vault Blackbox Space
The Capital One Black Box space with about 200 seats. This will be for our One Acts competing for our Chapter Select, which would move onto the International Thespian Festival in June, in Bloomington, IN if they receive a performing one act slot.
The Hilton Tysons McLean Hotel Lobby
The beautiful hotel lobby where most Thespys, workshop spaces, room blocks, meals, and more will be next year. Most meal options will be served in and around the hotel, on site parking, shuttles, festival hotel block rooms, etc.
Need information to share about Thespians or VTF?
Here is a Festival Guide for students or new troupe directors.