the PEEK
Harbins Parent Newsletter
Friday, October 18th
Harbins families,
October is such an action packed month with activities and events and opportunities for connection!
This month we are encouraging ALL families to join our Harbins PTO! The price for membership is only $5 and 100% of the membership dues stay here at Harbins and go right back to our students, staff, and community! Be on the look out for an October PTO meeting with a spooky theme!
We look forward to seeing everyone next week for Parent + Teacher Conferences! There is no one on the planet that knows your child like their teacher does right now! Find out about your child's academic progress, work habits, social behaviors, and much more! This is the time to make that strong, positive home + school connection! If you haven't signed up for a conference time, it's not too late, contact your child's teacher and let them know you want to meet!
Our Early Release Days are Wednesday, Oct. 23 and Thursday, Oct. 24, with dismissal at 12:15. Please make sure you have communicated with your child's teacher if there are any transportation changes for these two days.
The cool weather this week signaled that we are officially in the Fall season! With cold mornings and warm afternoons, we see a huge increase in our Lost and Found. If your child has lost something recently, take the opportunity to check our Lost and Found area when you come for your conference!
Your Proud Principal,
Dr. Lovett
Field Day 2024
Upcoming Week Events at Harbins
Monday, October 21st -
- 7:00am - 4th & 5th Intramurals - Gym
Tuesday, October 22nd -
- 3:00pm - After School Soccer
Wednesday, October 23rd -
- Early Release - dismissal 12:15pm
- 7:10 am - Chorus Rehearsal
Thursday, October 24th -
- Early Release - dismissal 12:15pm
- Progress Reports Go Home
- 7:00am - Jump Rope Club - Gym
- 7:10am - Orff Rehearsal
- 8:30am - New Harbins Tiger Academy
Friday, October 25th -
- 7:15am - Readers Rally
October- All Pro Dads/Adults FUN in the Gym
All Pro Dads/Adults- Next Meeting Friday, November 22nd at 7:00am in the Cafe
ParentVUE Mobile App
Parents now have the option to be notified in the ParentVUE mobile app if their student’s grade fall below a preset threshold. Within the app, a parent can choose to enable the notification and will select the grade threshold of when to be notified. Thresholds can be set on the student’s class average or on assignment grades. The notifications are processed each evening starting at 5:30pm. Specific directions on enabling Grade Notifications can be found here. Other ParentVUE resources are available on the ParentVUE site.
Harbins PTO Facebook link
Harbins PTO is officially on My Payments Plus which means our Membership Drive kicked off today!
Membership is $5! Each grade level will have one class winner based on the highest percentage of membership participation will receive a popsicle party! We've already received a generous donation of popsicles. Woohoo!
If you haven't already, become a member today and share with all the Harbins Families you know.
Here's how to join PTO:
Log into your My Payments Plus account and look under fees: "Harbins ES PTO"
Looking ahead at Events at Harbins
Monday, October 28th -
- 7:00am - 4th & 5th Intramurals - Gym
- 7:50am - PBIS Sports Party KK & 1st
- 3:00pm - Harbins Gems & Gents Club
Tuesday, October 29th -
- 7:50am - PBIS Sports Party 2nd & 3rd
- 3:15pm - After School Soccer
Wednesday, October 30th -
- 7:10 am - Chorus Rehearsal
- 7:50am - PBIS Sports Party 4th & 5th
- 2:45pm - Imagination Through the Lens Club
Thursday, October 31st -
- 7:00am - Jump Rope Club - Gym
- 7:10am - Orff Rehearsal
- 2:45 - Technic Tigers 4th & 5th
Friday, November 1st -
- 7:15am - Readers Rally
- 1:15pm - Lady Tigers meet PL room
Yearbooks are now on sale!
Quantities are limited so get yours before they are gone.
Please go to YearbookOrderCenter.com and use the school code 25622. Also, please make sure to verify that your sale actually went through your account. Last year PayPal rejected a few orders as spam and parents were not aware and were unable to get a yearbook. If you have any questions, please contact Laurie Aldridge in the media center.
For the first time, 5th grade parents have the option to purchase an ad/tribute to your student. This will be published in the back of the yearbook. Flyers are coming home with all of the information you will need, such as price, sizes available, and how to create. Please know that this is a separate purchase from the yearbook and is completely optional. The deadline for this will be February 2025.