The Sabin Star
September 3rd, 2024 Volume #3 Issue #3
From the Principal
As we finish the first 2 weeks of the 2024-2025 school I want to personally thank you all for working so hard to get your students here and ready for school on time. We expected that the district shift to 8am was going to be a challenge and negatively impact our attendance. Instead I am so proud to report that for the first 2 weeks of school we have maintained a 95% average attendance rate. THANK YOU SABIN!!!!
It is our goal for frequent and consistent communications between your child's teacher and you. It may be a weekly update on what they are learning or show up as personal outreach. If you are not getting those communications please check in with the teacher to ensure we have all your information correct so that you receive these communications. When you know what is happening in the classroom you are able to talk with your child about what they are learning and that opens a lot of opportunities for conversations and learning at home.
We look forward to a great year supporting your family and working together for the academic growth of your student and the well being of each member of our community.
Thank you for being a part of Sabin.
Michael Diltz
Proud Principal of Sabin
From the PTA
All are welcome to join the Sabin PTA!
We run community events and raise money to support our students and staff. If you are interested in learning more, come to our first meeting on Sept. 25, 2024 at 7 pm in the auditorium.
If you are interested in volunteering for specific events or for year long tasks, please fill out this short survey and we will be in touch.
Reminders from the Office
All students must have a completed Yearly Verification to confirm that we have correct contact information and emergency contacts for them. Current contact and emergency information is essential, don't wait to check your student's record. With ParentVue, you can verify online!
Benefits of verifying online via ParentVUE:
- Complete yearly verification of your student's information
- Update your communication and language preferences
- Ensure your school has the most up-to-date information
- Save paper and time
NEW THIS YEAR: the form now includes a Technology Agreement, which requires a yes/no response in order to update the form. The Technology Agreement is a mandatory requirement for ALL students, even if all other information on the form remains the same.
Please complete this verification in ParentVue by Tuesday, September 10th. (Verification can also be done in the ParentVue app.)
If you are unable to access ParentVue, need an activation code, or to request a paper verification form, please email hmaharry@pps.net.
Instructions for completing this process in ParentVue can be found here: ParentVue Instructions for Yearly Verification & Tech Agreement.
Signing this agreement allows parents to:
* manage attendance (full-day absences only)
* update emergency contact information
* view and print unofficial transcripts/report cards
Welcome to a new year!
Building Access and Safety
It's a new year, and security services has sent out some safety reminders for staff and families
- You must ring the bell to enter any PPS school if you do not have a badge. Be prepared to state your name and reason for visit, and to show your ID to the camera before being buzzed in.
- Everyone must sign in at the main office once they enter the building. Sign in electronically at the Raptor kiosk to receive a sticker badge if you are a visitor or volunteer. Contractors sign in on the clipboard & keep your badge visible. No one is allowed to walk on or around campus during school hours without a PPS or district badge on their person.
- Volunteers with PPS must have a background check before volunteering. The PPS volunteer site is located here. Allow 5-10 days for processing; don't wait! Make sure you have your driver's license or state ID when you come to check in at the school; it will be scanned to create your profile.
3rd through 5th grade Self-Release Permission
Any third through fifth grade student being released from Sabin after school must have a self-release permission on file. If you would like your 3rd through 5th grade student to be able to walk home without being picked up please complete THIS FORM.
Greetings from the Sabin Library!
The BIG EXCITING library news is that your child will have library on the same day each week! Watch for information in REMIND for your child’s specific class information.
Ms. Rolfe rrolfe@pps.net
I am honored to be Sabin’s Library Teacher
Feel free to email or stop by the library
Open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 7:45 - 2:45
I would love to have volunteers to help shelve books, help students find books, help check out books to students. Students really love having adults help out in the library!
This year I am using an online signup to coordinate volunteers. We would love to have you here!
And. . . .coming up. . . . OBOB!
Sabin participates in Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB), a reading competition for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders. Students read or listen to books from from this list and sign up to join a team. The competition is about teamwork, cooperation, reading a broad range of books. These can be checked out of the school library.
Students sign up in October and teams are formed at school. More information will be coming soon!
Sunday September 22nd Sabin Clean Up
Girls on the Run is Back!
Girls on the Run participant registration is now open! Girls on the Run focuses on empowering youth through research-based lessons that support social-emotional skill-building and incorporate physical activity. A nonprofit after-school program, they provide safe, empowering spaces for girls and nonbinary youth of all abilities in grades 3rd-5th or 6th-8th. The team at Sabin will be meeting T/Th 2:30-4:00pm. Register today for 8 weeks of fun, friendship, and movement! The season starts September 23rd and ends the week of November 11th. Financial aid is available for all families who need it via a sliding scale in the registration. Follow this link to learn more: https://www.gotroregon.org/programs
Dinner Table Questions
Dinner table questions are good any time of the day to elicit conversation with your child. Be sure to answer the questions aloud to your children as well. They love to hear adult responses to these questions as well.
What is one thing that made you smile today?
What is one kind thing you did or saw today?
What is something you think you are good at?
Coming up...
Sept 16: Dine Out Day at Tamale Boy on NE Dekum
Sept 18: Back to School Night, 5:30 - 7:30 Pizza and class visits (TAG info session too)
Sept 22: Sunday Sabin Garden Clean up (9am-12pm)
Sept 25: Early Release Dismissal at 11:50am IMPORTANT
Sept 27: Run for Sabin
From the Editor
Please send any content you would like included to jvillanuevavillarrea@pps.net