West Ridge Elementary Newsletter
June Newsletter 2024
First Bell 8:50...School Starts at 8:55...Dismissal is 3:40
PRIDE: Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Dependable, Empathy
Principal's Post
Hello West Ridge Families!!!!
Happy June!!!! We are in the final countdown! 6 days of this school year left...the year went by so quickly!!! I hope you all have a wonderful summer. Thank you for all you do!! We truly could not do this with out our amazing families!!!
Thank you to all of our families that made Teacher Appreciation Week so special!!!
Next year we will have a full time Principal Assistant. Our current principal assistant, Sarah Duvall, will be moving to Post Falls Middle School as their full time Principal Assistant. We will be welcoming Tim Rice to our West Ridge Family. Please take a moment to read the letter from Mr. Rice.
Upcoming events:
- June 2nd-6th is 3rd grade swim lessons at the Kroc Center
- June 6th is field day for all grade levels
- June 10th report cards will be sent home
- June 11th Family Picnic 11:00-12:30 (see below for more information)
- June 11th is the last day of school
- June 22nd Spokane Indians Night
- New student and Kindergarten registration is August 14th
- Medications need to be picked up by Tuesday, June 11th.
- CLICK HERE for a letter from nursing regarding the pick-up of student's medications stored in the office.
Office hours are 8:00-4:30
Lisa Hoffeld
Family Picnic Information
Family Picnic Information:
We will be holding our annual family picnic on the last day of school, June 11th.
Here are the exciting details:
Picnic 11:00-12:30
Entering the Picnic:
- All families will enter through the south gate in the front of the school.
- Please have your picture ID out and ready to show when you enter the south gate in the front of the school
- Parents will only be allowed in the building in the case of an emergency.
- Once your ID has been checked please find a picnic spot on the field where your students can meet up with you
- All classes will be coming outside at 11:00
Lunch Options:
- Families may bring their own lunch
- Students can order lunch from the lunchroom as well (A hotdog sack lunch)
- Students can also pack their own lunch
After the Picnic:
- If you would like to take your child(ren) home after the picnic, please sign them out with their classroom teacher
- Teachers will be out on the field for the picnic
***In the case of inclement weather the picnic will be moved into the classrooms.
West Ridge Elementary Group Night at the Spokane Indians
Join West Ridge Elementary for an exciting evening at the ballpark on Saturday, June 22nd for Star Wars and Fireworks Night! Click Here to purchase tickets!!
Join Your Group
- CLICK HERE to view Know Before You Go information including Clear Bag Policy
- To view the Spokane Indians promotional schedule and additional game details, please CLICK HERE for the digital pocket schedule
- Gates to Avista Stadium open one hour prior to First Pitch
- Inlander Happy Hour runs through the 1st Pitch ($1 off beer, wine, seltzers, and Pepsi products)
- Parking is FREE at Avista Stadium
- Visit the FREE Kids Zone presented by Silverwood Theme Park in right field
Purchase your tickets in advance! Tickets purchased within 48 hours of the game will still be available at the group rate but may be seated separately from the rest of the group.
Welcome Tim Rice!
I am incredibly excited to become part of the West Ridge family. Next year will mark my nineteenth year in education, and my first in an administrative role. I was hired in Post Falls after earning my Bachelors of Education from the University of Idaho in 2006. That was followed by my Masters in Educational Leadership in 2013. My professional experience includes eleven and one half years of 4th and 5th grade, ten years of 6th and 7th grade summer school, and six and one half years as a K-5 Physical Education teacher. In addition to my teaching career, I have been active as a youth sports coach and a certified Idaho Hunter Safety Instructor.
Throughout my career, I have been fortunate to learn from many phenomenal teachers and administrators. This includes the teaching and life partnership I share with my wife, Becky Rice. She is currently a ⅘ combo teacher at Greensferry Elementary while also taking the lead role in running our photo booth business.
Becky and I have two children. Kaylyn, 20, is currently working as a barista at Monday Mornings. She recently completed her coursework for real estate and hopes to begin work soon. Kyle, 16, is a sophomore at Post Falls High School. He enjoys snowboarding, wakeboarding, and golf. After high school, he plans to join the military.
Living in Post Falls provides us with countless opportunities to stay busy, and we take advantage of every one of them. Besides our photo booth, you can find us at high school sporting events cheering on former students, on a pickleball court, standing knee deep in a stream, in the woods, on a golf course, or on the lake in Montana.
Over the years, I have gained a deep appreciation for the community and families of Post Falls. I feel blessed to raise my children here and watch as former students move on to lead amazing lives. Life is a wonderful adventure full of stages. I can't wait for the next stage to begin at West Ridge Elementary.
Tim Rice
Kindergarten Pre-Registration
Pre-register now for Kindergarten!
Kindergarten in Post Falls School District is a full day program.
It is time to plan for kindergarten! We are excited to welcome incoming kindergarten students and their families for the 2024-2025 school year. We are proud to offer full-day kindergarten to all students.
Pre-register now! Until June 12, parents have two options to pre-register their incoming kindergarten student.
Option 1: Online pre-registration form. (LINK)
Option 2: Phone pre-registration (Beginning April 8, parents may call the child’s school to pre-register. If you reach the answering machine, please leave a message including your phone number for office staff to return your call.)
It is important to pre-register your kindergarten student, so they are included in our preliminary enrollment numbers.
When can my child enroll in Kindergarten?
Children who will be 5-years old on or before September 1st of any new school year are eligible to enter Kindergarten in the Post Falls School District. Idaho Code 33-201 defines, "school age"; as including all students that reside in the state of Idaho, between the ages of five (5) and twenty-one (21) years. The age of five (5) years shall be attained when the fifth anniversary of birth occurs on or before the first day of September of the school year in which the child is to enroll in kindergarten. For a child enrolling in the first grade, the age of six (6) years must be reached on or before the first day of September of the school year in which the child is to enroll.
August 14th - Mark your calendars!
On August 14th, incoming kindergarten families will visit their home schools to finalize the registration process. At that time, schools will also conduct a kindergarten screening. More information about this event will be emailed to parents and posted to the district website in June.
For the August registration and screening, families will need to provide copies of the following information:
1. Certified birth certificate (ordering link)
2. Proof of residency (examples include a rental agreement or utility bill)
3. Current immunization records
Questions about kindergarten? Call the District Office at 208-773-1658 or email info@sd273.com.
Registration for Returning Students
Skyward Information Verification for returning PFSD students
On or around July 9, current PFSD parents/guardians will receive an email regarding Skyward Information Verification for students RETURNING for the 2024-2025 school year. Avoid the long registration lines and verify Skyward information online using your parent Skyward Family Access login (Family Access link). NOTE: This must be a parent user name and password, not a student’s account.
Parents / Guardians are able to update student contact information and complete all annual paperwork.
The Skyward information verification option is available Tuesday, July 9 through Friday, August 9.
If you have not already accessed your Family Access Account, click on the “Forgot your Login/Password?” link and then reset your password to get to the Skyward information verification.