Washington Learning Center News
"Learning for fun, learning for growth, learning for life"
March 2024 Message from Principal Brown
It is time to start thinking about KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION for the fall of 2024! The Washington Learning Center (WLC) staff if busy working on preparing a mailing to all kindergarten eligible children and working on the plans for our registration event that will be held on the evening of April 11 and morning of Apr 12, 2024. Here is your link to register: https://forms.gle/nt7NKZypL4qE4TBa8
This year our current census tells us we have over 245 kindergarten eligible children in the district. Early registration helps us determine how many teachers we will need for the up coming year. Kindergarten is the one grade level with the most unknowns. Once we have all of our children registered the following grade levels can plan their staff and programs based on our numbers.
You can help us by encouraging anyone you know who has a kindergarten eligible child to contact us and register early. Preschool children attending our Eagles 4 and Theo Wright Center classes need to register for kindergarten as well since there are different registration materials for kindergarten that you will need to complete.
Kindergarten at WLC is filled with hands-on learning activities, spending time outdoors learning about and with our environment in all kinds of weather. The classroom teachers have a wonderful daily schedule which also includes special features such as morning meeting, S.M.A.R.T. (Stimulating Maturity through Accelerated Readiness Training), outdoor learning, daily recess, and Purposeful P.L.A.Y. The talented specialist teachers at WLC provide the children with a well rounded curriculum and experiences. They have physical education 5 days a week, music 3 days a week, art 2 days a week, a visit to the library twice a week for book check out and literacy and for technology class. At WLC learning is fun!
“Be kind, be safe, be a learner!” is our motto and school song at WLC. The children earn celebration days within their classroom, classrooms are recognized with our Eagle Award for demonstrating building expectations, and students are selected for a “Good News Call of the Day” with the principal. Staff are also recognized at WLC with our “One Team, One Dream - WLC Pride” award. Staff members select a peer to pass the award to in order to honor the great work they do at WLC. Watch our social media sites to see our latest featured students, classrooms, and staff.
WLC students & their families read over 1,000 books in February! Incredible!
Mark your calendar!
- Friday, March 1, 2024 - NO SCHOOL (Staff Inservice)
- Monday, March 4-Friday, March 8, 2024- NO SCHOOL (Spring Break)
- Wednesday, March 13 & Thursday, March 14, 2024 - Early Childhood Screening - appointment required. Your child must be 3 years of age to participate. Click here to schedule.
- Friday, March 15, 2024 - Last ECFE Gym night until next fall/winter
- Wednesday, March 20, 2024 - Early Childhood Screening - appointment required. Your child must be 3 years of age to participate. Click here to schedule.
- Friday, March 29, 2024 - NO SCHOOL - Good Friday holiday observation
- Monday, April 1, 2024 - NO SCHOOL - Easter Monday holiday observation
- Monday, April 8, 2024 - Yearbook ordering deadline (No late orders will be accepted).
- Thursday, April 11th & Friday, April 12th - WLC Kindergarten Registration
- Friday, April 19, 2024 - Eagles Extravaganza
Don't forget to order your WLC Yearbook! Ordering deadline April 8th!
WLC Yearbooks are 24 full colored pages and include WLC staff, Eagles preschool classes, Ms. Niki Greenwood's class, kindergarten classes and lots and lots of candid photos. (The Headstart class is NOT included). Please scan the QR code to order or click here & use ordering ID Code: 14815724.
Registration Dates
Don't miss WLC's Kindergarten Registration!
Eagles Preschool Registration is OPEN! Click the picture to register NOW:
Conferences Coming Right Up!
Don't forget to schedule your child's conference.
Click here to sign up for an Eagles Preschool Conference
Click here to sign up for a Kindergarten Conference
Click here to sign up for a conference with Ms. Niki Greenwood
March Menus
Breakfast is FREE for all students from 7:30am-8:00am. Please remember if your child is needing to eat breakfast at school they need to be here early enough to make it up to their classroom by 8:00 A.M. Kindergarten does officially start at 8:00 A.M. and students will begin to be marked tardy if they are coming up late from breakfast. Thank you for your assistance and effort in helping the students be up to their classrooms to get their days started on time.
Lunch is FREE for all students. If your student brings a lunch from home but purchases milk there will be a charge of $0.55 to their lunch account.
Food Services Director - Teri Jespersen
ECFE - Betty Uehling
It has been so heartwarming to see so many families in our ECFE classes this session. There is still room in Monday and Tuesday evening classes if your family wants to join in on the fun.
We have some classes that will be starting after spring break:
Starting the week of March 11:
12-24 months: Wednesday 5:15-6:15
0-12 months: Thursday 5:15-6:15
ECFE Free Family Gym Night: Friday, March 15 6:00-7:00
Rescheduled ECFE at the Lyric3 Theater: March 16
Cookie Making Class: Friday, March 22
Frida Doula @ ECFE Childbirth Express: Saturday, March 23 9:00-1:00
Starting in April:
Living Life to the Full: 6 week class beginning April 3, 6:00-7:30. FREE class includes dinner! Open to parents with children of ANY age
Mindful Mamas @ECFE Life Skills and Wellness Group: The 1st Year begins April 18 9:00-10:00
Register for classes at: <https://newulm.ce.eleyo.com/>
Upcoming ECFE Events:
Mark your calendar:
Community Baby Shower: Saturday, April 6
Daddy Daughter Dance: April 14
ECFE/Eagles Preschool Parent Advisory Board: Friday, April 26
Family Fair: April 27
Mom and Son Superhero Dance: April 28
Vehicle Fair: May 15
ECFE Family Gym Nights
Peaceful Parenting Classes
Daddy Daughter Dance
Mom & Son Superhero Dance
Eagles Preschool - Ms. Sara
February has went by so fast. We had a great time learning about Dental Health and taking care of our teeth. In our classroom we had a Dental Clinic set up in our dramatic play area and we were also so excited to get a visit from the Tooth Fairy. Here is hoping for a FANTASTIC March...
Ms. Sara
Don't forget about the Eagles Preschool Fundraiser:
Mark your calendars for Eagles Preschool Special Person Days!
Kindergarten - Ms Paige Vancura
Happy March!
It’s crazy how fast February flew by! The kindergarteners have been loving this early spring weather and have been enjoying getting outside to look and listen for signs of spring.
During the month of February, we celebrated “I Love to Read” month. The kindergarteners got to participate in the fun dress up days the week of February 5th-9th, Wacky Wednesday was a hit! On February 8th, we celebrated our 100th day of school! We did lots of activities using the number 100, like making necklaces using 100 fruit loops and creating silly 100th day hats! On Valentine’s/Kindness Day, we practiced showing kindness to one another! We read stories about kindness and did some fun kindness themed activities.
Throughout February we learned the letters Uu, Bb, and we finished up the month by learning the letter Rr. The kindergarteners are continuing to work on blending sounds together to make words. During math, we compared numbers by using the words “more” and “less,” and continued to work with those “tricky teen” numbers. In science, we finished up our unit about force, using pinball machines to better understand how forces push and pull. We ended this unit by creating and trying out our own pinball machines. It was lots of fun!
We are looking forward to spring break the week of March 4th-8th! Be sure to sign up for conferences on either March 14th or March 21st. We look forward to seeing you then!
Art - Mrs. Hanson
In the Art Room, Kindergarteners have learned all about the color wheel! They learned to mix two primary colors to get a secondary color by squishing and creating with playdough. Then they used their drawing and painting skills, and their knowledge of cool and warm colors, to paint "Cool Cats" and "Hot Dogs" to hang in the hallway. Students also learned about blocking pieces of color together to make a shape or design by cutting and gluing pieces of colored paper into a mosaic. Recently, to celebrate Black History Month, the students looked at the colorful works of Alma Thomas. They studied how her unique style combined short lines and brush strokes. Then they created their own Alma inspired art! The art room is always busy and colorful!
Library, Technology & STEM - Mrs. Angela Hoek
You’re invited to shop at our Scholastic Book Fair during Parent-Teacher Conferences on March 14 & 21. The Book Fair will be held in the WLC library from 3:30-7:30. This year’s book fair includes 3 carts and 5 tables of board books, picture books, holiday books, easy readers, and early chapter books.
Happy Reading! Ms. Angela Hoek - WLC Media Specialist
If you cannot attend in person, you can shop our Scholastic Book Fair Online from March 14-27. You’ll love the NEW option to shop for Scholastic Book Fair exclusives directly from the interactive booklist and enjoy these special online shopping features:
Over 6,000 items, including new releases, best sellers, and value packs
All orders ship directly to home. FREE shipping on book-only orders over $25.
Twenty-five percent of all purchases support our school library.
Scan the QR code to get started:
Or visit our Book Fair Homepage and click “Shop Now” to get started:
Special Education - Mrs. Sarah Steinbach
Executive functioning skills help us manage tasks by remembering, organizing, and getting ready to act. In school, these skills help us pay attention, take notes, do our homework, and remember to turn it in. At work and in adulthood, these skills help us make and keep appointments, be thoughtful and trustworthy, and take action to solve problems.
The bad news is that there are many ways our executive functioning skills can fail us. The good news is that we can build these skills at every stage of our lives.
Most pertinent to our students at WLC are the following activities for building executive functioning skills:
Hiding games like hiding objects to find or playing hide and seek
Imitation games and memory games (“I’m going on a trip, and I’m bringing…”)
Role play and imagination play with others (veterinarian, fire fighter, chef, etc.)
Songs with finger movements (“Itsy Bitsy Spider”)
Conversations about interesting objects or events
One of the most important skills to build is impulse inhibition. A couple of ideas are freeze tag and obstacle courses with challenging rules. To learn more (a lot more), check out this great handout from Harvard University’s Center for the Developing Child.
Licensed School Nurse - Tara Fausch
- School Exclusion: until 24 hours after fever is gone without the use of fever reducing medications and your child is feeling well enough to complete in all school day activities or as directed by your medical provider.
- What is it? Influenza is a virus that causes respiratory illness that affects the nose, throat, and lungs.
- What does it look like (symptoms)? Fever or feeling feverish/chills, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headache, fatigue. Symptoms experienced vary from person to person-all or only some symptoms may be present.
- How does it spread? By tiny droplets that an infected person expels when they cough, sneeze, or talk. These droplets can then enter the mouths or noses of others who are close by.
- How long is it contagious? from one day prior to having symptoms up to 5-7 days after developing symptoms. A person with influenza is MOST contagious 3-4 days after illness begins.
- How to prevent it? Get a flu shot. Good hand washing habits. Good respiratory etiquette (cover coughs & sneezes, use a tissue or into your elbow, place used tissues in the trash). Stay home when ill.
- Where can I learn more about influenza? https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/keyfacts.htm
March is National Nutrition Month, so what better time to check in on how our kids’ typical plates, as well as our own, compare to My Plate, which represents the most current recommendations for optimal nutrition from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Take a few minutes to review the recommendations below to see how you stack up and what tweaks you may need to make to move toward better nutrition for your family. Helping our children to establish healthy habits now makes it more likely that they will carry those habits with them as they grow.
To get your child involved in thinking about nutrition as well, visit the USDA My Plate website’s kids page at https://www.myplate.gov/life-stages/kids. To get them involved in the kitchen, try one of the recipes that you will find there as well or click this link to see how you can help them
eat a RAINBOW of nutrition
School Social Worker - Karla Fahey
Our Kindergarteners have been working hard learning to recognize bullying! After Spring Break, they will also learn to report and refuse bullying, while learning the difference between tattling and reporting. Another skill they will learn is how to help stop bullying if they are a bystander to bullying (people who see or know bullying is happening to others). These skills help our students maintain a safe and respectful learning environment!
Community School Director - Tammy Lorch
Community Education - Crystal Fleck
I hope you are all well! Hopefully, Spring is right around the corner and we will start to see warmer, sunnier days! The Spring/Summer Brochure will be in The Journal on Saturday, March 30, 2024, & in The Shopper on Tuesday, April 2, 2024, with registration starting on Wednesday, April 10, 2024.
Level Up Your Genealogy 1 - Intermediate Class
Instructor: Jen Shaffer is a full-time professional genealogist and owner of The Formidable Genealogist
Monday, March 25th, 2024 from 6:30-7:30 pm Fee: $25
My Heritage and Ancestry are some of the biggest research sites, but what do you do when they don't have the information that you're looking for? This course covers how to use the Family Search Catalog, working with autosomal DNA for known and unknown family lines and other repositories to use beyond the large genealogy platforms.
Into to the Power of Story Online Class
Instructor: Arthur Crowell, Storyteller
Thursdays, March 7th, 14th, & 21st from 6:00-7:30 pm Fee: $68.75
This three-session class uses storytelling to dive into the three basic D.M.C. (Diverse Multicultural Communication) skills. Feeding the Story, The Power of Stories We Tell Ourselves, and Our Modern Definition of Suffering vs. the ancient definition Each session is 1.5 hours long and each three-session course has three basic D. M. C. skills. Individual stories will be chosen before the class start date but will be from a large variety of ancient and modern cultures from across the globe and throughout history. A few examples: Mesopotamian, Japanese, Egyptian, Celtic, Norse, Chinese, Indian, and many more. This story will be on “Ash Lad who stole the Trill’s Silver Ducks, Coverlet and Golden Harp”
Yoga Class
Instructor: Rachel Sturm , NETA Certified Yoga Instructor
Washington Learning Center (door #1) Room #104
Session #2: Tuesday’s March 19th, 26th, April 2nd, 9th, 16th & 23rd.
5:15 p.m -6:15 p.m. Fee: $60.00 (Min 5 to hold class)
The Yoga class introduces the fundamental principles of alignment and breath work in a flow of postures linked together by the breath. Students will be introduced to yoga postures through step-by-step verbal descriptions and demonstrations. Please bring a Yoga mat or towel and a bottle of water.
Maximizing Your Social Security In Retirement
Navigating Social Security should not be some great mystery…but it is.
In this workshop you will learn invaluable insights for:
- Maximizing Social Security benefits
- Minimizing Social Security taxes and penalties
- Securing a 401(k) from market loss
- Understanding Medicare basics
If you have not claimed Social Security yet this will help you unravel the complexities. Register and receive at the class a $5-off (couples receive two) gift card to a surprise New Ulm business.
Instructor: Mark Santelman, Life/LTC Insurance Broker
Cost: $10 for individual/$15 couple (course materials)
6:00pm - 7:45pm | Thursday, March 21 OR
9:00am -10:45am | Saturday, January 27
Youth Classes
Babysitter Training - Boys and girls ages 10 and up
Instructor: Kiersten Dean
Saturday, March 2, 2024 from 9:30am to 1:00pm Fee: $57.25
Washington Learning Center (door #1) Room #104
Babysitting, often the first job for a young person, is a chance to earn money and develop a sense of responsibility. This course will cover appropriate games and activities, telephone common sense, basic first aid, good decision-making skills, and much more. There will be take-home materials for all in class as well as some items for their babysitter bags. **Each student will need to bring a sack lunch and a doll to class.
Home Alone
Instructor: Kiersten Dean
Saturday, March 2, 2024 from 1:30pm-3:00pm
Fee: $25 For 3rd Grade and older.
Washington Learning Center (door #1) Rm #104
This class will cover the basics of staying home alone and coming and going from home safely. Topics include appliance safety, responsibilities, house rules, first aid, and more are discussed. There will be time allowed for questions and answers from the attendees. You will feel confident and educated to stay home after attending this class. There will be take-home materials for all in class. This class is for completed 3rd graders and older.
Storybook Theatre presents:
July 8th-12th, 2024
Welcome to the Kingdom of Crescendo, a musical place to live! You’ve arrived just in time for the Mourning of the Lost Voice, King and Queen Coda’s daughter Rapunzel was stolen away by the Evil Witch long ago, and Crescendo has never been he same since. When King and Queen Coda develop a taste of a magical fruit, Bradley Baker must save the day! Alongside Bart and Bard, he travels into the woods to find the sought-after berries. Along the way they meet Unicorns but also meet some rock-obsessed Witches in Training and the awfully noisy Punk Rocks. Will our heroes be able to discover Rapunzel’s true identity and return her to Crescendo?
Children, seven years and older will have the opportunity to audition for a part in this original musical production Rapunzel! Upon registration your child is automatically accepted into the cast—no acting experience is necessary.
All rehearsals and performances will take place at the New Ulm High School Theater. Auditions for specific parts will take place Monday, July 8th from 8:00am to 10:00pm, with rehearsal following 10:00am-12:15pm. In general, rehearsal times will fall between 8:00am and 12:15pm. Monday through Thursday, Rehearsal times may vary by the part your child gets, so flexibility for pick-up/drop-off times is needed. Bring a snack and water bottle to each session! On Friday, rehearsal will begin late afternoon and will last right up to show time. Performances are Friday at 7 p.m. and Saturday at 11 a.m. You must attend ALL rehearsals and all costumes, music, and scenery are provided and are included in the $25 registration fee. Ticket for the performance can be purchased at the door right before the performance and prices are as follows:
Students K-12—$3.00
Pre-School & Under—Free
Community Education Trips:
Till Beth Do Us Part at The Plymouth Playhouse
Friday, May 17th, 2024 12:15pm- lunch & 1:15pm show
Registration deadline March 17th, 2024 (Min of 40 to hold it)
Fee: Charter bus, Ticket & Meal $85
The bus will leave at 9:30am from the Middle School Parking Lot on South Garden Street.
This side-splitting romp about marriage and careers introduces us to the Haydens. They are a married couple who both work and who decide an assistant is needed to help put the house in order. So they hire a highly motivated, gregarious Southerner named Beth. Little do they know, Beth is after Susannah’s Job! Throw in a of couple wise-cracking best friends and a British boss lady, and you discover the hazards of hiring an assistant can be hilarious! MENU- Pulled Pork with Jim Beam BBQ sauce | Potato Buns | Baked Bead with Bacon | Creamy Cole Slaw | Buttered Sweet Corn | House made Kettle Chips | Chocolate Chunk Brownies | Coffee & Iced Tea…| Vegetarian option- Fettuccini Alfredo |
Registrations can be received by:
• Online with a credit card at http://newulm.ce.eleyo.com
• Phone: 507-233-8307 (registration is complete only after payment has been received)
• Mail: Community Education, 910 14th St. North, New Ulm, MN 56073
• Stop in at our office at the Washington Learning Center, 910 14th St. North (door #1)
Crystal Fleck
Community Education Coordinator
Washington Learning Center
910 14th North Street New Ulm, MN 56073 | (-507-233-8307 | *- cfleck@newulm.k12.mn.us
Visit our website at http://www.newulm.k12.mn.us/community-ed/
Like us on Facebook communityed.newulm
Kindergarten Curbside Drop Off Times: 7:30 - 7:50 A.M.
All kindergartners should be dropped off no later than 7:50 A.M.
Please remember that the WLC school day begins at 8:00 A.M. The children may arrive at 7:30 if they are going to eat breakfast. If you have children that attend Jefferson and/or the Middle School, their school day begins later at 8:10 A.M. Please be sure to drop off your WLC student prior to Jefferson and/or the Middle School. WLC teachers take daily attendance and need to begin their instructional day at 8:00 A.M.
Children arriving late, past 7:50, will need to be brought into the office through door 1. Do not park your vehicle in the curbside lane. You will need to use the actual parking spaces.
Kindergarten Outdoor Play Time 7:30 - 7:50 A.M.
We have added an option for outdoor play time before school begins. Students will enter the building as they normally do then will have the option of eating breakfast, joining the activity room, or going outside.
If students eat breakfast at school, they will need to eat prior to going outside. During the winter months, students must have all of their winter clothing on in order to play outside.
Kindergarten School Day Begins at 8:00 A.M.
- If your child is planning on eating breakfast, please drop them off at 7:30 A.M.
We would like to see all kindergartners here no later than 7:50 so they have time to go to their lockers and be ready for the 8:00 A.M. start.
Some children arrive on the bus and we know they do not have control about the time they arrive at school. We do ensure that those children receive breakfast if they want it.
End of the day dismissal is 3:00 P.M. If you are waiting for your child at curbside, you will see them start to exit the building just after 3:00 P.M. We will dismiss students as soon as they come down according to the cars lined up at the cones.
Curbside pick up has been getting better everyday! Thank you for your assistance and support!
Drop Off / Pick Up Reminders
Preschool Pickup
Kindergarten Pickup
Parking and Entering the Building
We want to keep Franklin Street free of parked cars during drop off and pick up so parents waiting in cars can line up there and not block the street.
Thank you for your efforts in following these plan to keep everyone safe.
Please see the maps and contact the office with any questions. (507) 233-8300
Franklin Street
Preschool parent cars will be lining up along Franklin, the length of the parking lot, as they wait to turn right onto 14th N Street.
Kindergarten parents will continue to line up along the WEST side of Franklin just north of the parking lot entrance.
Thank you for your efforts in following these plan to keep everyone safe.
Please review the 2 maps below for preschool and kindergarten traffic plans.
U Turns on Franklin
We ask that all drivers enter the curbside drop off from the North (coming from 16th Street) and either get in line along Franklin Street curb and wait your turn to enter the curbside area so as not to block the driveway leading to the loading dock. We need to leave that open for delivery trucks, and our custodial and maintenance vehicles. Franklin is a very busy street in the morning and is not the place for U turns. If you haven't been following the procedures, please plan your morning routine to do so. If everyone is following the procedures, then everyone is assured to have a safe and positive experience.
The curbside drop off and pick up procedures will be shared with parents all throughout the year and will have a permanent posting on our newsletter. It is so important that ALL drivers follow the developed procedures. The procedures are in place in order to keep ALL people safe.
Washington Learning Center Quick Contacts
- Principal: Mrs. Dawn Brown, dbrown@newulm.k12.mn.us
- Office Secretaries: Nicole Hubert, nhubert@newulm.k12.mn.us & Amber Backous, abackous@newulm.k12.mn.us
- District Nurse: Tara Fausch, tfausch@newulm.k12.mn.us
- Health Assistant: Marya Helget., mhelget@newulm.k12.mn.us
- Community Education: Crystal Fleck, cfleck@newulm.k12.mn.us
- Early Childhood Family Education & Eagles Preschool: Betty Uehling, buehling@newulm.k12.mn.us
- School Social Worker: Karla Fahey, kfahey@newulm.k12.mn.us
Contact the WLC Office
Email: nhubert@newulm.k12.mn.us or abackous@newulm.k12.mn.us
Website: http://www.newulm.k12.mn.us/washington-learning-center/
Location: 910 14th North Street, New Ulm, MN, United States
Phone: (507) 233-8300
Facebook: www.facebook.com/NUPSwlc
Twitter: @NUPSwlc