Pirates Post
Week of May 20th
Message from Principal Drew...
Good luck to our track teams as they compete tomorrow in Greensboro at the 1A NCHSAA Track State Championship.
Final exams will begin on Friday of this week. The exam schedule is as follows: Friday 5/24 - 4th Period Exams, Tuesday 5/28 - 3rd Period Exams, Wednesday 5/29 - 2nd Period Exams and Thursday 5/30 - 1st Period Exams. Friday 5/31 will be a make-up exam day for any student that misses one of their exams. Exams will be given each morning starting at 8:05 AM. Students who arrive after an exam begins will not be able to take the exam on that day. No student can be dismissed from an exam site until the exam period has concluded for the entire school. Students should bring a fully charged Chromebook to their exam site each morning when they arrive at school. Any student leaving once the exam period is complete must submit a handwritten note from a parent prior to the start of the exam period each day. The final exam schedule can also be found on our school Facebook page.
Exam exemption will be confirmed for your student on May 23 during each class period. In order to be exempt from their final exams a student must have a 90 or above average and 5 or less unexcused absences or an 80 or above average and 3 or less unexcused absences. Any student that has served a full day of ISS or OSS is not able to be exempted from their exams. Questions about exemption should be directed to Mr. Drew prior to the exam in question.
All student Chromebooks, chargers and hot spots must be returned once they have completed all of their final exams. On the day of their last exam, students will be required to return their school issued equipment to their teacher. Any Chromebook not returned will incur at $250 charge. A missing hot spot will incur a $100 charge. A missing charger will incur a $30 charge. Personal stickers and all adhesive backing must be removed from the Chromebook before they are returned. Any Chromebook returned with stickers or adhesive still on the device will incur a $20 charge. Students who return their equipment at the end of this school year will receive a new device when school begins in the Fall.
Students missing more than 10 days in a class will have an opportunity to make up time. Any student that needs to make up time should see their guidance counselor for details about making up seat time.
This week at PCHS:
Sunday 5/19 - Baccalaureate Service for all 2024 graduates at 6:30 PM in the PCHS Auditorium
Monday 5/20 - NCHSAA Track State Championships, Board of Education Meeting in the PCHS gym at 6 pm.
Wednesday 5/22 - Decision Day for Seniors 9:45 AM PCHS Media Center, PCHS Athletic Awards 6:00 PM in the PCHS Auditorium
Thursday 5/23 - Chromebook collection begins for students that a exempt from all exams
Friday 5/24 - 4th Period Final Exams
Upcoming Dates of Interest at PCHS:
5/19 - Baccalaureate Service in the auditorium at PCHS at 6:30 PM
5/24-5/31 - Exam review days and final exams for all students
5/27 - Memorial Day, No School for Students
5/28 - 3rd Period Final Exams
5/29 - 2nd Period Final Exams, Mandatory Graduation practice for all Seniors 1:00 PM - meet in the gym. Seniors will receive their graduation tickets and Class of 2024 yard signs at the end of practice. Final cap approval will also be given on this day for Seniors that wish to decorate their caps. Any decorated cap that is not approved on or before this day will not be allowed to be worn at graduation.
5/30 - 1st Period Final Exams
5/31 - Graduation at 7:00 PM
PCHS Highlights...
Math: Students of the Week...
Mrs. Baker: Trent Compton (Math 2H)
Mr. Bridgers: Landon Meding (Math 1)
Mrs. Riddick: Kalib Spence (Math 3)
Mr. Spruill: Braylon Knapp (Math 3)
Athletic Awards
PCHS Teacher of the Year: Mrs. Mathis
2024 Spring Semester Exam Schedule
School Bus Transportation Intent for 2024-2025
At the end of each school year we do our best to gather Transportation Intent information from parents/guardians for the next school year so that our bus route changes at the beginning of the year will be minimal. This year's online Transportation Intent Google form is now live and ready for families to begin submitting their child's transportation needs for the 2024-2025 school year.
Direct Link to the online Transportation Intent Form:
Portrait of a Pirate
Baccalaureate 2024
Athletic Boosters Senior Banquet
Spring Band Concert
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
The Perquimans Lodge 106 of Hertford raised 10,000 for my Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) students to attend leadership camp this summer in Black Mountain!!!! We are so grateful for the wonderful community that supports our students.
Track & Field
Next NC Scholarship
Next NC Scholarship Offers Students Money for College that Doesn't Have to be Paid Back
Seniors are finalizing their plans for life after high school. For those planning on college, most NC students from households making $80,000 or less will qualify for the Next NC Scholarship, a financial aid program that combines the Federal Pell grant and state aid into one, easy to understand scholarship.
Eligible students attending a community college will receive at least $3,000 per year, which means qualifying North Carolinians can choose from any of the 58 community colleges across the state and have all of their tuition and fees 100% covered. Those attending a public university in North Carolina will get a minimum of $5,000 per year. That pays for more than half, if not all, of tuition and fees at any of the 16 public universities in the state. Students with the greatest need for financial aid could qualify for even more to help make paying for college more manageable.
Students apply for this scholarship by completing the FAFSA. Encourage students to go to nextncscholarship.org for more information. School leaders can find Next NC materials to share with students here.
Parents: Digital Learning Survey
FAA Aviation Workforce Development Program
Elizabeth City State University has a great opportunity for any of your students interested in becoming a pilot, air traffic controller, or unmanned aircraft systems (drone) operator. Your rising seniors and juniors can take up to 6 credits of college coursework paid for by a grant from the Federal Aviation Administration. The grant can also cover other costs of becoming a pilot or drone operator.
Stay Safe Online
Chromebook Collection
Attention Rising Seniors
Attention Rising Seniors: State law requires all seniors to receive a booster dose of the Meningococcal Vaccine. Documented proof of this vaccine must be provided by the first day of the 2024-2025 school year. Please contact your health care provider or the local health department to receive this vaccine. Contact Nurse Goetsch for any questions.
Chowan University Summer Academic Camp
Service Academy Application
Greetings from the Office of US Senator Ted Budd!
On behalf of Senator Budd, I am pleased to announce the Service Academy Application is open and available for rising seniors (Class of 2025) to apply. I encourage you to share this announcement with members of the Class of 2025 as well as principal(s) and counselors at high school(s) in your district.
The application is open until October 31, 2024.
The Service Academy Application can be found by visiting the student resources – academy nominations area of the Senator’s website - budd.senate.gov/constituent-services/academy-nominations/.
COA Summer Camps
The Shelton Challenge: Leadership Summer Academy
The Shelton Challenge is a six-day (July 14-19, 2024) residential leadership experience to help students expand their knowledge and skills of what it takes to be an effective leader. Offered to rising 9th-grade (transitioning from 8th to 9th grade) to graduated seniors (those heading into freshman year of college) with a 3.0+ unweighted GPA, hands-on activities focus on: personal leadership assessment and interpersonal dynamics, the role of values and ethics in leadership, leadership traits and approaches, empowering others, civic and social responsibility and goal setting. In addition to these aptitudes, students also engage in team-building activities like low- and high-ropes courses, rock climbing walls, service projects, and social activities in the evenings.
General Henry H. Shelton is originally from Speed, North Carolina, a town near Tarboro in eastern North Carolina. He graduated from North Carolina State University and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Infantry through the Reserve Officer Training Corps. He spent the next 38 years in a variety of command and staff positions in the continental United States, Hawaii, and Vietnam. General Shelton became the Academy14th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on October 1, 1997, and served two two-year terms, retiring on September 30, 2001. Throughout his tenure as chairman, U.S. forces were in heavy demand and participated in numerous joint operations around the globe. For his exemplary service to his country, the 107th Congress bestowed the Congressional Gold Medal on General Shelton on September 19, 2002. General Shelton is also the Executive Director of the General Hugh Shelton Leadership Center at North Carolina State University and serves as Director of the Hugh and Carolyn Shelton Military Neurotrauma Foundation, Washington, DC. In 2009 his book,” Secrets of Success, Values-Based Leaders”, was released and his autobiography, “Without Hesitation”, was released in October 2010.
The cost to attend the Shelton Challenge six-day residential program is $500. This cost includes all curriculum materials, lodging and food, low and high ropes training, transportation during the week, and night activities. With submitting the application, please mail a $100 deposit to hold space in the program. The deposit will go toward the final payment of $500. Please make all checks or money orders payable to the Shelton Challenge at N.C. Wesleyan University. Financial aid scholarships are available to applicants.
NC Wesleyan University will offer a scholarship in the amount of $1,000 to students who complete the Shelton Challenge and enroll as a full-time undergraduate student at North Carolina Wesleyan University. The scholarship is renewable for each academic year (fall/spring) if the student maintains an overall GPA of at least a 2.70 (and is enrolled as a full-time student) for a maximum of four academic years.
Link for more information, and to apply to the Shelton Challenge: https://ncwc.edu/community/shelton-challenge/