East Elementary Parent Connection
Upcoming Events
February 12th - East Mother/Son Event
February 13th - Kinder Valentine's Parties at 1:00
February 13th - End of 4th six weeks
February 17th - 20th - Random Acts of Kindness Week
February 17th - 27th - Class Coin War Fundraiser for PTO
February 19th - 100th day of school
February 25th - PTO at East
Valentine's Parties
February 12th - Haigwood 10:30
February 12th - Rodriguez 11:00
February 13th:
Hawkins - 11:00
McCullough - 11:00
Vestal - 11:00
Gonzales - 1:00
All Kindergarten - 1:00
Wiimberley - 1:20
Davis - 1:30
Arellano - 1:40
Vega - 1:50
Bobo - 2:00
At lunch time
Mother Son Event
Coin War to Raise Money for PTO
Kindness Week
Excuse Notes
Excuse notes must be turned in within 3 days of the absence. If the note is late, then it is unexcused.
Transportation Changes
Phone and Address Changes
These changes need to be done in skyward, not parent square. If you need assistance, please call the office and we will be happy to help you.
Thank you,
Shannon Deen
Grade Level News
Here are some things that our kids learned this week:
Head Start/PreK - numbers 11 - 19
Kinder - fact and opinion
1st - skip counting
2nd - fractions
Picture of the Week
Community Resources
Notes from the Nurse
Please send extra clothing in your child's backpack.
Important School Nurse Information
Keep contact information up to date!
It is very important that we can reach you in case of an emergency.
If your child is sick, keep them at home.
Temperature - 100 degrees or higher - Your student may return to school AFTER 24 hours fever free with NO fever reducing medication.
Vomiting - Your student may return AFTER 24 hours vomiting free without the use of medication.
Diarrhea - Your student may return AFTER 24 hours diarrhea free without the use of medication.
Conjunctivitis - (Pink eye) red eye usually with some discharge or crusting around the eye. This requires seeing your doctor, and don’t forget to bring your return to school note.
Rash WITH fever - we recommend seeing your doctor.
Lice - Your child may be sent home for active lice infestations.
Prescription medicine will be given with a signed parent consent form and the medicine must be in the original RX labeled bottle. We must also have a doctor’s order for the medication. You can have the doctor’s office fax the order to the school.
Over the counter Medications - Tylenol and Ibuprofen are the only oral medications we will give. You must have completed the District Health Form on skyward to give us permission. If it is early in the morning we might call you to verify that you did not give medicine before school.
Immunizations must be up to date. If you are notified that your child needs immunizations you are required by TEXAS STATE LAW to satisfy these requirements. If you need assistance please contact your school nurse.
Clothing, some of our students need an extra set of clothing kept in their backpacks. Please help us, so we can help your child!
Communication is so important, do not hesitate to call!
Thank you,
Brittani Puebla, LVN East 254-212-4627 ext 5006 Fax: 254-212-4627
Robin Heidelberg, RN South 254-212-4691 ext 3005
Tonya McKenzie, RN Jr. High/High School 254-246-0798 or 254-212-4730 ext.1007
Counselor Corner
Parent Visitor Schedule
We will have a schedule for our parent visitors at lunch this year at East.
If you would like to eat on campus with your child for lunch, please follow the schedule below.
Prek/HS/K Parents- Mondays
1st Grade- Wednesdays
2nd Grade- Thursday
Notes for Absences
24-25 Student Handbook
2024-2025 Lunch Times
Head Start - 11:30
PreK - 10:45
Kinder - (Palacios, Mendoza) - 11:05
Kinder - (Doggett, Hearne, Flores) - 11:25
1st - (Gonzales, Vestal, Brown) - 11:50
1st - (McCullough, Rodriguez) - 12:10
2nd - (Arellano, Wimberley, Vega) - 12:35
2nd - (Bobo, Davis) - 12:55
Texas Attendance Laws
Dear Parents
In an effort to keep you informed, I want to ensure that you understand the laws governing attendance in Texas. I know getting students up and ready for school is a challenge. If you are struggling and need some ideas for help in the morning, please contact the office and we will be happy to provide support, strategies and incentives for your child. Attendance is of utmost importance and I want you to be informed of the laws.
A Texas Education Law mandate requires that children attend 90% of a school year. Regardless of whether the absences are excused or unexcused, children who do not meet the required state attendance mandates are in jeopardy of having to attend summer school or possible grade retention to ensure that gaps are not left in their education. Please understand that we know that students will get sick. We do not want students at school with fever or vomiting, but I do want you to be informed of the laws that schools must follow. Good attendance is so important to student success in school. I want to help ensure that we will be able to work to create great attendance habits for your child for the school year.
Under Texas state law (TEC §25.095), school districts are required to give notice that parents are subject to prosecution if a student has 3 or more unexcused absences in a four week period or 10 or more unexcused absences in a six month period. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian of the student to make sure that the student is in class and accounted for.
Failure to do so constitutes a Class C misdemeanor with a maximum fine of $500 and the possibility of the student being unenrolled due to lack of attendance. It is important to note that each absence over the minimum may be considered a separate offense. For example, 6 unexcused absences in a 4 week stretch may result in students and/or parents being filed on a total of three times.