Golden Family Newsletter
January 17, 2025
Sources of Strength Seasonal Giving Campaign
Sources of Strength is getting ready to start their seasonal depression/giving campaign. Over the course of 5 weeks they are going to be choosing one day a week to hand out free treats and goodies to help spread positivity during the winter months. Their goal is help spread kindness and help put people in a happier mood.
Stopfinder App Now Available
Attention Bus Rider Families: Our school is now using Stopfinder to share transportation schedules!
What is Stopfinder?
Stopfinder is the all-in-one parent app that allows Jeffco Public Schools to share your student’s transportation schedule, announcements and more with designated parents and guardians. Stopfinder works with Jeffco’s transportation software to provide the most accurate schedule information quickly.
With the Stopfinder app, you can view your student’s schedule from your mobile device, share student schedules with caregivers and family members and view announcements and notifications in the Stopfinder Message Center.
Stopfinder is secure and only for registered users. Designated contacts of bus rider families will receive an email invitation providing access to log in to the Stopfinder app.
Bus rider families will receive an email invitation with more information on how to install the app!
Demon News 01/15
Parent Academy
Save the Date!
Calling all parents and caregivers of Golden area schools! You're invited to the January Parent Academy on January 23, 2025 at 6 p.m. (room TBD) at Golden High School.
Colorado State University sleep expert Natalie Rolle, who specializes in behavioral sleep treatments, will discuss how sleep is critical to your child's success and wellbeing.
Help your kids get better rest and learn how sleep deprivation affects them. Pizza and water will be provided. See you there, don't miss it!
Enrollment Timeline
January 17, 2025: Round 1 enrollment window for the 2025-26 school year closes
January 23, 2025: Round 2 enrollment for the 2025-26 school year opens
January 28, 2025: Lottery results sent to families
Counselors' Corner
Junior College Planning Night - January 23, 2025
Attention Juniors and Parent/Guardian: Planning for University? Join us on January 23 for a college planning night at GHS. If you need an interpreter, please RSVP.
Unlock Filmmaking Secrets with Our Special Guest at Demon Academy on January 23
We’re excited to announce that on January 23 during Demon Academy, we’ll be joined by a special guest—a talented filmmaker! This career speaker will share insights from their journey in the world of filmmaking and offer valuable advice for anyone interested in pursuing a career in the industry. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to learn from an expert in the field! The Demon Academy is listed under Career Speaker - Filmmaker.
Inspire the Next Generation: Become a Career Speaker
We are looking for a variety of career speakers to come speak with GHS students on Thursdays during Demon Academy (10:45 - 11:40 a.m.). Please consider filling out the following form if you would be willing to speak to students about your career. Thank you for taking the time to tell us about your career and supporting the counseling team! If you have any questions, please contact marya.wilson@jeffcoschools.us. We appreciate your time and we'll reach out if we are able to schedule a presentation.
Don't Miss Screenagers Screening & Discussion at GHS
Join us on January 29, 6 p.m., at GHS auditorium for a special screening of Screenagers. After the movie, there will be a group discussion. This event is free, but we're asking parents to register.
PTA (Parent Teacher Association)
Give Back Night at Atomic Cowboy
Plan ahead for the Atomic Cowboy (Fat Sully's and Denver Biscuit on Washington Street) Give Back Night on January 30 from 4 - 9 p.m. Take out OR Dine in.
Performing Arts
Upcoming Restaurant Fundraiser Nights
Please consider supporting the Performing Arts by attending the following Restaurant Fundraising Nights.
January 21 - Qdoba, 4 - 8 p.m., 25% donated back | Fundraising Page
January 28 - Freddy's, 4 - 8 p.m., 15% donated back | Fundraising Page
See you in... LONDON!
Join us for the ultimate theatre lovers trip to London, England for Spring Break 2026. Informational Meeting 1/22 at 6 p.m. in the Choir Room.
RSVP Here: rsvp.eftours.com/epvyrrg
Upcoming Events
January 20 - Martin Luther King Holiday - No School
January 23 - Junior College Night (6 p.m.)
January 23 - Parent Academy (6 p.m.)
February 3 - 7 - Wish Week
February 14 - End of 1st 6 weeks
February 14 - No School for Students (Teacher Work Day)
February 17 - Presidents' Day - No School
February 26 - Choir Concert (7 p.m.)