NPS Gifted and Talented Council
Supporting Social & Emotional Needs of Gifted
Social & Emotional Needs of Gifted Students
As parents and teachers, we want to support the very special needs of Gifted Students as well as our children dealing with the new circumstances we find ourselves in.
Although we would love to be meeting in person to share this information, we hope that you will find parts of this presentation in the SMORE helpful in supporting your children and the many facets of being gifted.
Resources in this newsletter have been pulled together by all of the NPS Gifted Resource Coordinators. A big thank you to all of them for this and for all they do to help our Gifted students.
Also remember to please reach out to your school Gifted Resource Coordinator if you need anything to help your child be more successful, happy, and supported. We are here to help.
What do we mean when we say Social & Emotional Learning?
Social Emotional Development for Your Gifted Child
Elementary Resources
Social and Emotional children's books
Secondary Resources
Blog on Gifted Learners Social Emotional Needs
Resources for and about students.
Better Kids Blog - A collection of articles on how to support our children.
20 Best Apps to Combat Anxiety and Stress - An article that features apps that can help calm and focus.
The Best Kids Books to Teach Social Emotional Skills - Blog with many children's books to check out
48 Essential Links for the Parents Gifted Children - Clearinghouse of Links
Easy to Say, but How Do You Really Help Students Learn from Failure - Edutopia Article
Supporting Emotional Needs of Gifted Students - Clearinghouse of articles on supporting gifted students
Bright and Quirky - This group is a support site for families with children who are twice exceptional. The Blog page is especially helpful.
Links to great books on SEL and Gifted Students.
Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students: Helping Kids Cope with Explosive Feelings by Christine Fonseca -- Teaching children how to manage their intense emotions is one of the most difficult aspects of parenting or educating gifted children.
If This is a Gift, Can I Send it Back? Surviving in the Land of the Gifted and Twice Exceptional by Jen Merrill Join Jen on her journey through discovery, understanding, and acceptance, as she copes with the challenges that only the gifted and twice exceptional can create.